Introduction: The Disney animated film "Mulan" tells the empowering story of a young Chinese woman who defies societal expectations and embarks on a courageous journey to protect her family and honor. Mulan's hero's journey, as depicted in the film, showcases her transformation from a young woman burdened by societal norms to a fearless warrior who discovers her true identity and...
This story is about the adventure of a heroic young lady in the Ancient China period, who efficaciously defended her country against the opposition of the Hun Invasion, her name is Mulan. Mulan lived in a village with her family in Northern China. Her household determined to get Mulan a partner but eventually, it didn't work. Due to Hun's taking...
In this investigation, I plan to study gender and identity through the language used in childrenâs books. These are Disney books such as âCinderellaâ, Beauty and the Beast, âSnow White and the seven dwarvesâ, âMulanâ and âBraveâ written by Walt Disney Records, and âWhat I Like About Meâ by Allia Zobel-Nola. I will explore the gender representations portrayed in these...
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Media portrayals and representations are the methods by which the media depicts specific groups, networks, encounters, thoughts, or subjects from a specific ideological perspective. The portrayal is the means by which media texts manage and present sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, national and regional characters, social issues, and occasions to a crowd of people. Media texts have the ability to shape...
Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan and was Disney's 36th animated feature and the ninth animated film produced and released during the Disney Renaissance. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook. Mulan is the only...
This movie is about a Chinese maidens country that is in danger and her frail father is chosen to serve in the army to fight, to save their country. So after she failed the test with the matchmaker and disappointed her family, she asks herself âWhy is my reflection someone I don't knowâ. Knowing that her father wonât survive, sheâs...
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Gender is constituted in time - an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts. Further, gender is instituted through the stylization of the body and, hence, must be understood as the mundane way in which bodily gestures, movements, and enactments of various kinds constitute the illusion of an abiding gendered self.â (Butler 1988: 519). In other words, gender is...
Mulan is a amazing and very entertaining Disney movie. This amazing Fantasy Disney movie came out in 1998 the movie was made Walt Disney feature animation which was for Walt Disney pictures. Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook were the directors and with having a storyline written by Robert D. and San Souci and which was played by Rita Hsiao, Phillip...
Movies are one of the many forms of popular culture. Even though popular culture comes with various definitions, it is a culture that is favored by the mass media. Moreover, psychology can be a component of popular culture. A psychological concept that can be in movies is intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The textbook, Human Development for Nursing, by Reilly (2020),...
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In your daily life, you come across a new person every day. Each person, for instance, has a different background, a different race, and a lot of various stories waiting to be told by each person across the nation. We live in a world of a diverse group of people and some would think that living in a diverse world...