550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

My Plans to Save Humanity: 'Path of Sustainability'

“To deny people their rights is to challenge their very humanity” claimed Nelson Mandela, perhaps, as a sigh of caution to all humankind, waking their senses against discrimination. The human race is so special a creation, that, it possesses unique powers to both create and destroy things, like nothing else can do. And so do we share a larger chunk of responsibility in saving this world from tearing apart. Scorching Earth, hungry stomachs, begging hands and craving souls- better define...
1 Page 533 Words

Adding Value to House Aesthetics with Hurricane Glass Candle Holders

Hurricane glass candle holders are some of the ancient tools that are still valued highly today. You may have come across them during the festive season shopping sprees. These beautiful antiques at the store are quite catchy to the eye. Nonetheless, how to intermarry them with house aesthetics remains a mystery to most. The adorable hurricane glass candle holders come in different designs suited for different functions and events. Getting the trick right is key. Furthermore, they still come in...
1 Page 548 Words

Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Control

During normal rain pollutants are cleane . If rain fall continues rainwater clean the air from pollutants. Sulphat , ammonium and nitrate can be reduced by normal rain up to 30 to 73%. While the gases i.e. sulphur dioxide, Ammonia, Chlorine and NO2 can be decreased by 24 to 63%. The amount of NO2 in 72% areas of Lahore city is higher than standard values set by Pakistan and US EPA. These results are the indication of bad air quality...
1 Page 550 Words

Death and The King's Horseman': Analysis of Life-based Play

The Death and the King’s Horseman play is based on a real incident that took place in Nigeria when it was under the British colonial rule, where a Horseman of a Yoruba King was prevented from committing ritual suicide by the colonial authorities. In growth to the British interference, Soyinka calls the Horseman’s own fervour toward suicide into enquiry, posing a trouble that throws off the community’s balance. Through the play of Soyinka I would try to analyse the Rasa...
1 Page 560 Words

Ideas Portrayed in a Small Boy Dreaming and The Egg

Being able to imagine allows us to escape reality and find relief and freedom in different situations. We search for new ideas and thoughts that can influence reality. Through different concepts of imagine, Fletcher Kinnear with his artwork, Albert Herzing through “A Small Boy, Dreaming” and Andy Weir in “The Egg”, we are able to get different representations of many aspects of life. Though we have multiple obstacles in life, we can find ways to overcome them in our imagination....
1 Page 536 Words

Desert Biome Essay

When most people picture a desert, they imagine a blisteringly hot sea of sand, devoid of any living thing. While it is true that a great many deserts are hot and, at first glance, they appear to be sparsely populated, they are much more interesting than a quick look may reveal. Deserts are found all over the globe, mostly “around a belt of 30° north and south latitude” (Nelson). What makes the desert biome truly interesting to learn about is...
1 Page 535 Words

How to Get an Internship: a Guide for College Students

A meaningful internship is the boarding pass to every student’s dream career. The right internship can lift your career graph and help you take the big leap. Summer is the most popular season to apply for internships in India. Between sending in applications to companies and giving the semester exams, it becomes a bit of difficult to find the right internship. A silent revolution of internships is happening in India with a growing awareness among students and the organisations. Armed...
1 Page 555 Words

A Review of 'The Fountainhead'

Yikes. Wow. Set aside the philosophical arguments. Please. The Fountainhead is a masterpiece, integrating theme and plot; characterization; and writing craftsmenship together in one tightly wrapped story that will remain in the hearts and minds of the American culture as the Mt. Rushmore of a New Age. An individual fighting for survival in a society that refuses to accept him. Feel his struggle. A successful young architect at the top of his field. Know his pain. A most desired women...
1 Page 549 Words

Drug Testing to Break The Cycle of Drug-Use

Raise your hand if you currently have a job? Well, all of you who have raised your hand will eventually pay tax at some point in your lives, some of you may already pay it. The tax you pay may go to new roads, it may go to Medicare or it may even pay for Australia’s welfare system. According to the Australian Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare, $157 billion of tax payer’s money was used to fund welfare payments...
1 Page 531 Words

Hurricane Katrina’s Mental Health Impact on Populations

The occurrence of Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami disasters called for the development of specialized techniques that would respond to a crisis. The disasters challenged the governments of the two nations to be more awake on issues to do with disaster preparedness and response. During the rescue missions mounted by various crisis workers and other support organizations, the personnel experienced various resistances owing to cultural factors that are upheld in high esteem by the locals. First, crisis workers have faced language...
1 Page 567 Words

How to Help Flood Victims? Essay

The impact of natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires can be felt for weeks, months, and even years after disaster strikes. Rebuilding and recovery take a lot of time and effort and resources often run short, leading to greater complications for evacuees and others who have been affected. Here are 5 of the most effective ways to help disaster victims: 1. Donate to accredited disaster relief organizations If you have the ability to donate cash to an accredited disaster relief...
1 Page 531 Words

Mental and Psychological Benefits of Skydiving

When squaring up to the idea of going skydiving for the first time, people have many questions. What is it about leaping from an airplane that makes this an item on so many bucket lists? Is skydiving good for your health? Can it really change your life? Why go skydiving? There are some very compelling reasons to experience freefall, whether by doing a tandem skydive or signing up for a License course to become a skydiver yourself. Some of the...
1 Page 541 Words

Discussion on Whether The United States Should Have Annexed The Philippines

Political power is the ability to control or influence the behavior of people, and the bigger your sphere of influence, the more political power you attain. In the Spring and Summer of 1898, the United States went to war with Spain. The Americans were victorious, which meant that they held major world and political power. Because America had won the war with Spain, they acquired new lands; Cuba and the Philippines. Cuba was granted a sort of semi-independence. However, The...
1 Page 534 Words

Similarities Between Tornadoes and Hurricanes

Though both a tornado and a hurricane are fraught with terrible consequences, both in terms of material damage and the possible injuries, when choosing between the two, I would rather face a hurricane than a tornado. There are several reasons for the choice that I have made, yet a comparative predictability of a hurricane is the feature that was defining in the comparison between the two (Lutgens and Tarbuck “The Atmosphere in Motion” 447). Indeed, a closer look at a...
1 Page 572 Words

Natural Sources: Green Energy

Green energy is a natural sources of energy such as sunlight, wind, water, biogas and more. These sources of energy resources are renewable, meaning they are naturally replenished. They are a safe way to produce energy that will not harm the world and the atmosphere. One of the technology trends making a difference around the world is the more use of solar energy to generate clean energy, and is not polluting the air electricity. Different kinds of global warming concerns...
1 Page 570 Words

The Secrets of Happy Families': Review of a Book

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2004 Household Economic Studies, only 61 percent of children are raised from birth to age eighteen in a home with both of their birth parents. What this statistic told us was that if we as society don’t open our eyes to new ways of defining family, we’ll miss a real opportunity to make our families and our communities stronger. What this statistic tells us is that if we as a society don’t open our...
1 Page 543 Words

Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 10 - One of The Most Influential Papers

On May 25, 1787, delegates representing every state except Rhode Island gathered together at Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania State House for the Constitutional Convention. The assembly immediately discarded the idea of amending the Articles of Confederation and set about drawing up a brand new plan for the government. During an intense debate, the delegates forged a federal system characterized by a complicated system of checks and balances. The convention was divided over numerous issues, the biggest one being state representation in Congress....
1 Page 567 Words

The Use of Metaphysical Elements in Andrew Marvell’s Poetry

Andrew Marvell (1621–1678) was an English poet, satirist, and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1659 and 1678. During the Commonwealth period, he was a colleague and friend of John Milton (1608-1674). His poetry shows many of the qualities that are associated with what has come to be known as metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry deals with abstract ideas such as religion, faith, love, etc. His poems are highly philosophical and reflective. Much of his...
1 Page 575 Words

William Golding's Thoughts in 'The Lord of the Flies'

The allegory in The Lord of The Flies, suggests that through the eyes of William Golding the world is a power chain; naturally savage people are attempting to gain control and power by preying upon the weak until they too become corrupt. The personalities of the world can be divided into 3 different personalities called the id, the ego, and the superego: “Freud's personality theory (1923) saw the psyche structured into three parts (i.e., tripartite), the id, ego, and superego.”...
1 Page 574 Words

The Combustion Or The Burning of Fuels, as an Example of Oxidation and Reduction

The combustion or the burning of fuels, is perhaps the most common and obvious example of oxidation and reduction. Combustion is also that process which converts the potential energy of fuels into kinetic energy (heat and light). Most fuels (gasoline, diesel oil, propane, etc.) are compounds comprised primarily of carbon and hydrogen. These hydrocarbons represent an excellent source of potential energy which is released as heat during the combustion process. A common example is the oxidation of propane, the fuel...
1 Page 565 Words

The Hiding Place': Literary Analysis of The Autobiography

The Hiding Place is an autobiography of Corrie ten Boom’s experience as a major kingpin in the Jewish Underground Railroad. The story starts off about the hundredth anniversary of the ten Boom watch shop. The family lives in Haarlem, Holland. The father, Casper, it’s very religious and generous. The family and their employees gather every morning to read from the Bible. The year in the beginning of the book was 1937, when Nazism was becoming a major problem. The Dutch...
1 Page 537 Words

Theme of The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Introduction Kingsolver addresses various issues in this best-selling novel. Using a young Kentucky woman as the main character, the writer explores several concerns facing middle-class Americans in their daily survivals. A brief overview of the writing points out Taylor Greer as a woman with strong intentions. She had made up her mind in life not to be impregnated during her teenage and also not end up as a tobacco farmer’s wife like her mother. Her ambitions make her leave Kentucky...
1 Page 563 Words

Narratives on the Evolution of Democracy

Democracy in the United States has been in a constant state of change. To this day, Democracy is still evolving to fit the times. New laws passed, old laws challenged or abolished, and ideas constantly being shared. Currently we get most of our current information about these changes from news media, but in the 19th century there were many writers who used their skills to talk about changes that were happening and to bring light to changes that needed to...
1 Page 573 Words

Vasco Da Gama’s Memoir

Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal in 1469. Da Gama also served as a navel officer, and in 1492 he commanded a defence of Portuguese colonies from the French on the coast of Guinea. Da Gama was then given the mission to the take command of the first Portuguese expedition around Africa to India. When Vasco da Gama set out on July 8, 1497 he and his crew planned and equipped four ships. Paulo, da Gama’s brother, commanded...
1 Page 535 Words

Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution

Water quality influences community health outcomes. People need water to survive and undertake basic human activities, such as cooking and washing clothes (World Health Organization, 2013). However, beyond these purposes, water has a broader impact on public health because it affects people’s well-being (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 1). Water quality and water quantity have the strongest effects in this regard. For example, in many societies (particularly in developing countries), waterborne diseases have led to poor health outcomes. Traditional public...
1 Page 544 Words

Use of Antibiotics in Agriculture: An Economic Perspective

Overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics in agriculture has been implicated in the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which is a significant and growing public health threat. Antibiotics are used in the agricultural as growth promoters as well as treatment and prevention of infections. Some of the popular antibiotics used as growth promoters are those related to Vancomycin such as Avopricin. These antibiotics are administered to animals orally, through injection or mixed into animal food. Spraying of antibiotics on plants...
1 Page 530 Words

Pop Culture: Developments, Recycling and Revitalizing

Pop can be defined as the usual way of life of Americans. It refers to the popular culture that at least all Americans agree to. It is concerned with what people eat, drink, listen to , watch on TV and even what they read. Pop culture became popular to American because of the effect of immigrants who came in form Europe, Africa and other continents. The different media through which pop culture is manifested for instance Television, movie and music...
1 Page 558 Words

Fate and The Idea of Pre-planned Life Events

In today’s world, many strive for success and prosperity. People search for love, wealth, fame, and independence their entire lives; however, one may question why this occurs when the topic of fate is considered. Many believe that fate is predetermined and that peoples’ lives are already set in stone. This belief raises the question of why people try to succeed in gaining love, wealth, fame, or independence. Hope, a search for purpose, and pride are three reasons why people fight...
1 Page 547 Words

A Vindication of the Rights of Women': The Main Goal of a Book

In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft manufactured A Vindication of the Rights of Woman to enforce the idea of equal education for women within the minds of males and other intellectuals of her time period. She stresses the variances between men and women are solely caused by the drastic differences in education. During the eighteenth century, women are ineffectively taught because their education is only sought out to create ideal wives and mothers. Anything beyond that is seen as unnecessary since they...
1 Page 575 Words

My Interest in MBA in Management Information Systems Program

The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change ― Heraclitus. As old and cliché as this may sound, our world continues to validate this as we see the dynamics in people, organizations and technology. As a child, my dream was to become a banker. Studying Computer Science and working at a software company were not part of my plans. However as my environment changed, so did I. Determined to enhance my understanding of the interrelationship between IT and business and...
1 Page 559 Words
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