550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Basketball Is My Favourite Sport

It started off when I first went to high school. It was gym class and we were about to play basketball. With me being shy I really didn't want to participate but of course everyone had to. We were put on teams, split equally into two teams. We were told the rules and off we went. At first, I stood to the side not wanting to be included then slowly starting involving myself. Throughout the game, I was doing pretty...
1 Page 565 Words

Can Salt Water Conduct Electricity?

Do you ever get tired of getting your water bottle mixed up with everyone else’s in the kitchen? I do too. In order to prevent this from happening most people like to spend money/ pay somebody else to personalize their water bottle. Well, instead I decided to try to personalizing my own by etching to see if it will come out the same way a professional etcher would do it. Etching is a print produced by the process of etching....
1 Page 574 Words

My Thoughts On The Origin Of The Universe

The three things that resonated with me in Professor Hawking’s lecture involved the word “why”. Sometimes when I’m deep in thought and start thinking about future, I think about life. I think about why things are specifically the way they are, why specific events of varying effects on people or places happen and how sometimes, reality seems too good to be true. So then, I ask myself the same questions Professor Hawking asked in his lecture. He would ask “Why...
1 Page 565 Words

Who Is A Software Architect And Why He Cannot Make Project For Your Barn?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”- is the question most of us have encountered at some point in your lives. It is one of those things that trickle down from one generation to another. Some who were once kids now question their offspring of the same. It is a never-ending cycle that will probably last forever. However, did you really ponder on the subject of your careers then or were you one of those people whose...
1 Page 536 Words

The Diversity Of Religious Beliefs Around The World

With different countries and places comes with different religion. It is very diverse, according to some estimates, there are around 4000 religions all around the world, with the five majors being Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. While the majority of people follow these five systems of belief, there are many other strange and unusual religions that exist without much exposure. Below are 6 of them that fits that description. Have you ever thought about how human existence could come...
1 Page 568 Words

Art Of Creating My Future

Each morning my father would express that it was a new day. To my father, this was a means to slight the conversation of “how are you?”. To many, this was a mundane answer. Call it what they may, but to me, it was thought-provoking. I gained comfort in the fact that each day was a new chance for me to grow as an individual and shape my future. There would always be time to discover new commitments; nothing in...
1 Page 541 Words

The Formation And Use Of The Language

What is language? It is a system. System which is made of interdependent linguistic units, such as morphology or phonology which were the object of linguistic study since the early years. Yet, what had often been neglected in the past was the crucial fact that language is a system for communicating meanings, and therefore to really understand the nature of language we need to study how participants in communication actually use language to achieve meaning. Linguistics needs to take into...
1 Page 572 Words

The Meaning Of Pride In Beowulf

For several stories, the protagonists' pride is usually shown and explained by the narrator or secondary characters. Yet in Anglo-Saxons’ Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney,, his pride is boosted by himself; he takes satisfaction in knowing he is letting everyone know of his value and importance to the world. Before each battle, he showed up with such a pretentious manner of fighting and boasting. In the beginning of Beowulf's journey through life, he is considered a great warrior. While he...
1 Page 539 Words

The Peculiarities Of Habits Of The Human

Most of the things you do on a daily basis lead from habits. Every morning, you reach out for your toothbrush, knowing just where it is because you have become used to it or it's your habit! We must understand what we are dealing with to alter habits effectively! What is a habit? Habits are regularly performed routine behaviors. The behaviors are repeated and often unconscious and are frequently repeated. Several habits are oblivious as we don't realize that we're...
1 Page 541 Words

The History Of Tennis

Tennis has been a popular sport for many years. It was created many centuries ago, but has since developed greatly, and gained popularity worldwide. The origin of the sport dates back to the twelfth century. It is thought that the game was developed from a French handball game known as “Paume”. In this game, the ball was struck with your hand, later, as the game evolved, it was called “Jeu de Paume” and racquets began to be used. Along with...
1 Page 541 Words

The Existence Of Gay Gene

Throughout human history, science has uncovered the origin of a lot of things. One thing that to this day still gets debated about by scientists is the origins of homosexuality. This debate has been going on for decades and many people have tried to explain it before in the past. Many of the explanations weren’t scientifically backed because of the time they were introduced. The current climate and atmosphere of our society has caused uplifting the LGBTQ+ community to become...
1 Page 571 Words

Effects Of Plant Nutrients In Disease Development

INTRODUCTION Plant disease is a dynamic process which affects the normal physiology and vital functions of plants. There are many factors which influence the disease development. Effect of host plant nutrition is one of the major factors among them. Host plant nutrition means the nutrition state of an organism .nutrition plays an inevitable role in the growth and development of plants. Adequate amount of nutrition availability under favourable condition helps plants to prosper. The quantity and quality of nutrients not...
1 Page 555 Words

What Happens To The Soul At The Time Of Death?

There are different theories about life after death. Subconsciously everyone feels connected to a close relative even after their death, as it becomes difficult to imagine life without them. Religion provides vivid explanations of how we remain connected even after death with our close relatives. The New Testament talks of Hades – the word for spirit state after death. Depending on the type of karma conducted by the living person, they move to hell or heaven. According to scholar Charles...
1 Page 542 Words

Futility Of Choices And Characterization Of Romeo

Why does everything Romeo do make you want to smash your head into a table? It’s because of his fatal flaw, his impulsiveness. His flaw makes him solve relatively simple situations in altogether questionable ways. Although his flaw was first revealed when he fought Tybalt, now impulsiveness is quite literally the death of him as he kills himself before the unbeknownst to him alive Juliet. His character sets itself up for dramatic irony and sarcasm. In a word, Romeo is...
1 Page 544 Words

Reasons Why Athletes Are Using CBD

Introduction During a body workout, the body is under stress and to top it all, athletes experience chronic pain. With an aim to achieve top prize, they end up paying the full cost of torn muscles, arthritis, or strained ligaments. Others seek to find quick supplements to ease pain but end up getting banned. Various research is being conducted on CBD and it continues to be popular among athletes and here’s why 1. Lower stress levels and anxiety Before any...
1 Page 540 Words

Traditional Gender Roles In Snow White

In the fairy tale Snow White by Jacob Grimm, In order for Snow white to obtain protection and shelter, the Dwarfs forced her to perform the traditional roles of a woman inside their house, such as cooking and cleaning. Why is every little girl’s dream to be a housewife like Snow White? Snow White is portrayed as someone who has no ambition, whilst reaffirming the feminist theory of acculturation. this fairy tale is one that many believe teaches children to...
1 Page 574 Words

DNA Extraction In Examining The Relationship Between Biology And Behavior

Introduction Upon watching these week's videos and reading the weeks course line, I find that the most useful method in my learning about the relationship of the brain and the behavior of people is the DNA extraction method. According to (Yoshikawa, Dogruman-AI, Balaban, & Sultan, 2017), in the recent years, Microbiology labs have been given access to facilities that can perform molecular diagnostics. Before the first publication on amplification of DNA by PCR using the in vitro method, particular DNA...
1 Page 544 Words

Snow White Through Feminist Lens

In the fairy tale Snow White by Jacob Grimm, a girl named Snow white is taken in by a group of dwarves after getting lost and to be honest they were pretty messy. I chose a feminist lens because women should be seen as people not objects and this story is a perfect example of how they do end up being portrayed as objects. in order for Snow white to obtain protection and shelter, the Dwarfs forced her to perform...
1 Page 565 Words

Comparison Of Civil Disobedience Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X

How do the ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X illustrate the similarities and differences in their perspective on social civil rights? Dr. King and Malcolm X were both civil rights leaders and they both wanted freedom for all people, but just in a different way. In “Stride Toward Freedom” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he believed that violence was not a way of achieving racial justice and that it was both impractical and immoral. On...
1 Page 534 Words

The Future Of Our Planet

The future of our planet lies within our hands. The earth is 4.5 billion years old and yet it is now in the most troubled condition it has ever been. Just a slight increase of global temperatures by 1 degree celsius could be catastrophic. Temperature increase is predicted to be at least 1 degree celsius but some scientists believe that we can stop this increase at 2 degrees celsius. Some scientists say that we can avoid a 2 degree celsius...
1 Page 529 Words

River Contamination Sources And Diffusion In Developing Countries

A waterway is a trademark gushing conduit, normally freshwater, streaming toward a sea, ocean or another stream. Now and again, a waterway streams into the ground and gets dry close to the completion of its course without landing at another waterway.[5] DIFFUSION Is the net development of anything from an area of higher fixation to a locale of lower focus. A slope in focus is driven by diffusion. RIVER CONTAMINATION Is the contamination of water bodies, as a rule in...
1 Page 571 Words

Dance: My Life Changing Experience

Life is a never-ending learning experience. Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have something for me to learn as life experience which shaped and made who I am today. If I could name one word to summarize my childhood, that word would be “dance”. I started dancing ballet at the age of 5. Before I...
1 Page 534 Words

Twin Baby Registry Must-Haves

Making a baby registry and shopping for your new bundle of joy is exciting. However, figuring out what you need can be quite overwhelming and even confusing because of all the products in the market. When expecting twins, things can get twice as hard, so you have to be prepared and stock up on two of everything from toys, bottles, burp cloths to bouncy chairs. Having a baby registry can help you get what you need. As a mother-to-be of...
1 Page 572 Words

The Dangers Of Mars Colonization

Mars, the fourth planet, smallest, from the Sun. Mars is named following after the Roman god Aris, god of war. Mars has a reddish color so it is commonly called the “ Red Planet” Mars is made out of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, oxygen, water vapor, and other gases. The travel time to Mars and Earth is about 150 days through 300 days. Well depending on the launch speed, and fuel, more fuel less travel time. I don’t we should...
1 Page 541 Words

Space Is Not Worth The Money?

1.6 billion people are homeless in the world (“As Cities Grow, So Do the Numbers of Homeless.”). Something happened the other day that I can’t ever get out of my head. There was this guy that was probably in the war, he had one arm and one leg, he was a black man and he was very hungry. We were waiting on the sidewalk to catch the bus when this homeless guy who asked for money. I thought to myself,...
1 Page 570 Words

KFC vs. Popeyes

Popeyes had around 1000 domestic restaurants at the end of 2018, says Danny Klein from QRS Magazine in March 2019. KFC had around 5500. The question now becomes: which fried chicken chain is better? Popeyes is much better because of its drumsticks, sides and value. Holis Johnson, from Business Insider, compares both these fast food chains’ food in December 2015. First is the battle of the drumsticks. KFC’s drumsticks aren’t crispy, although they do have an excellent flavor: peppery, savory,...
1 Page 538 Words

The Demanding Policies Of Working Parents

Historically, most families have always survived on a single source of income. Such was not only comfortable but also common then. However, those days are gone and parents now have to juggle their parental responsibilities and professional life. This is a result of decades of ever-increasing living costs and stagnating pay checks. Recent statistics by the United States Department of labour indicate that 47% of the workforce is women with most parents opting to work overtime (Hautzig & Doty, 2016)....
1 Page 562 Words

Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’

A novel in which every scene and detail has its meaning and a single item has symbolism is no other than To Kill A Mockingbird. To Kill A Mockingbird has many themes although one theme, in particular, develops over the course of the novel. In this novel, it focuses on two characters, that being Scout and Jem and their coming of age story. Opening their eyes and seeing the truth behind what they had previously believed, in the small town...
1 Page 563 Words

Selfishness And Inequality In The Animal Farm

The novel Animal Farm, by the political writer George Orwell, is a story parallel to the events of the Russian Revolution. It features the brutal rise to power of one history’s most notorious dictators – Josef Stalin, who is portrayed by the tyrannical pig Napoleon. After the animals of Manor Farm expel their human master, Napoleon eventually manages to seize total control over every aspect of the animals’ lives. After the revolution, the Manor Farm was renamed the Animal Farm...
1 Page 553 Words

Should We Colonize Mars?

I chose this topic because we had watched a video in class by Elon Musk on colonizing mars and I took an interest to it since.By the end of this you will have an idea if you think we should or should not colonize Mars. Colonizing Mars would make sure that our species survive,the only home we've ever had is Earth.But history shows that surviving as a species on this tiny blue planet is not guaranteed to last forever because...
1 Page 531 Words
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