Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands

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Is it a wise idea to remove all illegal immigrants from our country? How would you feel if you were a child who is sent to a new country that you barely know of? When we, as the United States, think about illegal Immigrants, we think about the words undocumented, unauthorized, And foreigners. According to Google, an estimated half a million Illegal immigrants enter the United States annually. The way these individuals are treated is a major issue of social inequality. As a country, we need to prevent the cruelty of such innocents.

Up to 30 million illegal immigrants have so far been prohibited from staying in the United States. Such immigrants are treated unfairly in which are not allowed to seek work, college, or even health plans. Studies show that sixty-five legal workers are being displaced due to every hundred illegal immigrants who immigrate to the United States for their jobs. As more people continue to be displaced, more Undocumented immigrants are coming to the United States. This results in illegal employment due to joblessness.

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Governments are behaving strictly through immigration laws, which ensures that those who are illegal in the country are often punished harshly more than they deserve. Because more people are not allowed to immigrate through the country, it leads to an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. For instance, Jose Vargas, a kid who was compelled to immigrate illegally by his family, failed to obtain a driver's license at the age of 16 and figured that his green card is fake. His parent’s actions, unfortunately, encourages Vargas to do illegal activities, such as making photocopied health cards.

Action must be taken to prevent such unfair treatment from happening, and treating undocumented individuals as they deserve. In order to achieve this goal, we must donate to the charity “National Immigration Law Center” which treats individuals fairly and humanely regardless of their race, gender, or economic status. Words must be spread to friends and families in order to solve this unfairness. Children are being treated severely due to their parent's actions, such as making fake passports. It is unfair to the children compared to adults as they both became illegal immigrants. I believe it is better for children to give up on the Dream Act, which is federal legislation that legalized the status of undocumented youth in order to spare them. This will provide rights for children to work and live in their new home country. Yet, adults would be treated as usual and will Receive the donated money from the charity we provided. This is a major issue that is involved in every country, especially in multicultural countries.

In conclusion, illegal immigration is severely handled in America, and it is a serious social injustice concern that is our responsibility to stop. Immigrants are banned from America and treated unfairly, which is very necessary to contribute to charity in order to help those individuals. As a country develops an immigrant community, allowing several countries around the world to increase immigration and impact the world's population, environment, politics, and more. Although the number of immigrant families will not alter. However, Migrant families need to benefit from our help in order to save their lives from having hardships in their home country.

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Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands. (2021, October 03). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands.” Edubirdie, 03 Oct. 2021,
Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Oct 03 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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