Corporal Punishment Essay

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Throughout history, it has been standard practice to discipline kids at home and school using corporal punishment, defined as the application of physical force to inflict pain for disciplinary purposes. While detractors contend it harms people physically and psychologically. Supporters argue that it instills discipline. This essay explores the adverse...

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2 Pages 741 Words
There has been a lot of talks about if Corporal Punishment is getting out of hand and if it’s wrong or not 70% of Americans believe this is right and the other 30% think it’s wrong. But in reality, it’s causing kids many emotional, social and academic problems and it shouldn’t be legal. Using physical discipline is wrong and parents...
1 Page 540 Words
“The right of corporal punishment is one that plagues this society” -Fyodor Dostoevsky. Corporal punishment is a method to inflict physical pain on a child in order to attempt to discipline them. The most common methods include spanking and paddling. Corporal punishment is a cruel and unjust way to teach kids a lesson, and should without a doubt, be prohibited,...
1 Page 608 Words
It is not an exaggeration to state that any form of corporal punishment is evil, degrading, unjustifiable and a gross violation of the rights of children. Corporal punishment, also interchangeably known as physical punishment has been defined by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as “any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some...
5 Pages 2419 Words
Introduction The evolution of corporal punishment within a school setting dates back to before 500 BC. Corporal punishment in its entirety cannot be traced back to its origin, but examples of corporal punishment in a school setting started to be documented in early Greece, which spans from 800 BC to 500 BC ( Editors, 2010). Ever since Greek and Roman...
5 Pages 2522 Words
The famous American pediatrician, Benjamin Spock, once said, 'A child supplies the power, but the parents have to do the steering.' Amy Chua is an eastern parent who wrote about her parenting style, in the article 'Tough Love: Parents and Children,' she explains her rationale for the use of corporal punishment on her child. Chua believes strong discipline is necessary...
4 Pages 1660 Words
Introduction Violence in schools whether towards educators or students is an ever-growing problem present in the country and ineffective disciplinary measures are to blame. When the consequence does not weigh up to the severity of the action, the student will not see the reality of said action and will be at risk of committing the same deviant behaviour in the...
3 Pages 1171 Words
Throughout today’s society, many people grew up with the occasional ‘spank’ as a way to show disapproval from their parents and for the child to ‘get the message’ and supposedly discontinue this behavior. This may be the way that children have been brought up for many generations but is now starting to show effects towards their adulthood. Although some may...

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