550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Importance Of Athletic Training And Sports Medicine

In sports medicine, the most widely accepted method for treating lateral ankle sprains is the PRICE method. In an article by Lucas Bianco, Smokey Fermin, Robert Oates, James May, Scott Cheatham, and Alan Nasypany they assessed the relationship between the Mulligan concept and the Protect Rest Ice Compress Elevate method (PRICE), to determine whether the mulligan method is more useful. For this study, they searched for people in their community who lead an active healthy lifestyle, sustained a lateral ankle...
1 Page 566 Words

Language And Perception

Have you ever wondered what languages in our world today use gender pronouns? Well, in this essay you will get a glimpse of some languages that use gender pronouns and some that do not use gender pronouns from interviews that were conducted along with tables that were created from those interviews and other sources. Also, I will be talking about the history of where these languages came from and how they became to be. Some questions will be answered here...
1 Page 551 Words

Is Gene-editing Beneficial Or Harmful?

Recently, a scientist in China named He Jiankui, posted his results of gene-edited twins using CRISPR to prevent the embryos from contacting HIV, whose father was a HIV-positive. This incident raised heated and controversial debate about the premature gene-editing technology and whether its use is ethical on humans. Some support it, while most are concerned about the potentially harmful effects. In this article, benefits and risks of such technology and implications will be discussed. Firstly, the benefits of gene editing...
1 Page 549 Words

Comparison Between Metaverse Dual-Chain And Other Chains: DNA-token

INTRODUCTION METAVERSE Dual-Chain is a block-chain system that satisfactorily implements the Dual-Chain Network Setup or Architecture (DNA) in providing optimum and satisfaction-level scalability, security, inter-operabililty and de-centralization. Metaverse, is not just different from other chains, but comparatively more beneficial and it offers optimized features. Unlike in other chains where one functionality or feature's quality is compromised for the other, Metaverse, by the utilization of DNA (Dual-Chain-Network-Architecture), offers all the features needed without any of them habing to affect the level...
1 Page 567 Words

What Is Personal Responsibility?

Personal responsibility is the idea that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions. A corollary idea is that because we cause our actions, we can be held morally accountable or legally liable. The definition of education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. In the world of education, we can approach this from two different angles. The first angle we will discuss will be that of the student. Students...
1 Page 558 Words

Themes And Ideas In Letter From Birmingham Jail

In “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he writes to the clergymen of Birmingham. Dr. King urged the clergymen that by being quiet and doing nothing is worse than outright opposal. He wrote mainly on the thoughts of how the people of color are affected by the treatment of the white people in the city, how pushing a submissive-pointed rhetoric is harmful and can lead to further violence, and how he was disappointed that his fellow...
1 Page 546 Words

The Role Of The Eucharist In Christianity

This remains an issue in which ecumenical theologians are yet to unravel. The argument is that if other sacraments establish some form of connection among Christians traditions, why has the Eucharistic Communion remained exclusive? If so, it appears the Eucharist is a huddle yet to be crossed in other to reach full communion of Christians. The question then is, is there any other connective point on which the unity of Christians can be built upon? Or, if the Eucharist is...
1 Page 526 Words

African Business Philanthropy

The world is at a pivotal moment for global development cooperation. While many stakeholders are brought increasingly into international development processes, philanthropy stands apart, despite the scale, ambition and potential of philanthropy’s contributions to international development. Its resources are growing as a proportion of total Official Development Assistance (ODA), and in 2011 philanthropic North-South flows from OECD DAC donors alone was at least US$59 billion. But philanthropy should not be viewed principally as “gap filler” for ODA. Instead, and crucially,...
1 Page 532 Words

Best Buy Innovativeness

Best Buy has undergone several years of experience solving challenging problems and has learned to master their own craft. That is why their innovativeness is not about what they know but about exploration, pushing boundaries, and ventures into uncharted areas where there are no dedicated experts. Best Buy embraces technology in everything they do. They have developed all their expertise in full support of tech to deliver a richer customer experience. Since its inception, they think like agile innovators and...
1 Page 570 Words

The Benefits Of Space Exploration

As we all know the technology has placed so many newest steps to introduce new methodologies for society. Actually, it spread in many areas. The newest innovation is to planning to explore space in order to find out certain facts. And also it is good to search for future possibilities to utilize it for our betterment. However, only a small proportion of humans paying their attention to engaging in this field. That is why we thought of offering details on...
1 Page 546 Words

The Difference Between Good And Evil In Dracula And Frankenstein

The difference between “good” and “evil” is shown with the difference between the women in the novel as they all have different roles. In Dracula it is shown clearly with the two characters of Mina and Lucy. The former fit the ideals of the Victorian woman while Lucy represents the New Woman. Mina is idealized throughout the novel, as she is an educated woman, whose intelligence is very helpful during the fight against Dracula. She is also loyal to Jonathan...
1 Page 528 Words

The Truth About Inter Racial Adoption

It seems to be that in so many other ways we say colour doesn't matter anymore, so why should it matter in bringing up a child? It's not as though white parents can't tell children about their background and culture, and make them aware of that. There are two ways of looking at the debate triggered by the children's minister Tim Loughton, after he said there should be no barrier to minority children being adopted by white parents. If there...
1 Page 569 Words

The Cloning Of Bacteria

Enterococci are facultative anaerobic and Gram-positive bacteria often forming normal fecal flora of humans. However, these bacteria are increasingly appearing as primary pathogens among patients with compromised immune systems (Hemalatha, Bhaskaran, Sowmiya, & Anusheela Howlader, 2017). This manifestation is believed to be due to its resistance to various antibiotics along with its ability to form biofilms and acquiring some virulence factors (Santajit & Indrawattana, 2016). Enterococci in hospitals lead to the urinary tract, soft tissue, and bacteremia infection in patients...
1 Page 527 Words

Psychometric Test And My Personal Experience

I took numerical psychometric test on 29th November 2019. The test as such was focused on basic mathematical principles such as percentages and ratios, applied into real-world situations. Therefore, it required integrating a level of transferable skills. Taking the test made me feel anxious due to the amount of data that I had to process for each question. I came to the realisation that my weakness is breaking complex information from graphs into component parts. Analysis Having attempted the test...
1 Page 535 Words

The Downfall Of Human Intelligence With The Advent Of Technology

Throughout the years of evolution, humankind has evolved in many ways, especially in brain power and cognitive abilities. I believe, however, that humans are starting to become less intelligent and that this trend will only continue in the future, due to many reasons. First off, human intelligence is declining due to our growing reliance on technology. Due to reliance on technology, many people believe that we do not need to use our brains as much as before, leading to its...
1 Page 575 Words

Impact of Social Media on Teenagers Essay

The rising acceptance of social media devices has contributed to a rapid rise in screen time exposure for children. The total daily screen time of smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions, and video game consoles for adolescents 8- to 18-years-old, has risen from 5 to 7.5 hours since 1999, this exceeds the recommendation of 2 hours or less by the American Academy of Pediatrics (Sanders). A teenager may not think they are spending that much of their time on social media or...
1 Page 566 Words

Homeostasis: Stability Despite Disturbance

Living in this ever-evolving world of ours was never an easy task for any of us. Things gradually change over time and even consistency of routines and activities we perform every day doesn’t give us assurance that things will do stay as they are. Thinking we do not hold or even have a grasp of what is about to happen, it sure it a scary thing; but despite being clueless of tomorrow, we can live in the very moment of...
1 Page 564 Words

Gender Bias And Stereotypes In The Novel And Then There Were None

In the novel, And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie touches on several social issues that include, race, gender, class, and age. In this post I want to discuss how Christie uses her novel to discuss the theme of gender bias and how this impacted the women on the island. Reading this novel, there are two ways that genders were perceived. At first, we see how the men treat women and place them inside this box of the 1930s gender...
1 Page 545 Words

What is the Theme of Annabel Lee

The poem' argues that love as the greatest force presents in the universe and no power can destroy it, not even in death. The poet stands against all of the opponents of the an eternal and undying love Poe uses the theme of love to illustrate on the undying strong bond of love that remains even after Annabelle's Lee death. The speaker represents their love as an intense and eternal love , the speaker represents the first stanza as a...
1 Page 558 Words

Mothers Roles In Fish Cheeks And My Mother's Garden

Some mothers are role models. Both of the mothers in Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan and My Mothers Garden by Katlin Greenridge were role models because they both wanted what is best for their daughters and both of them are different from everyone else but they still make the best of things. In Fish Cheeks, the mom doesn't want her daughter to be something she isn't. She doesn't want her daughter to try to change just to impress the opposite...
1 Page 571 Words

The Problem Of People Relationship In The Novel A Separate Peace By John Knowles

Realizing betrayal can be one of the hardest things for a person to do. People are sensitive and often attempt to hide things from themselves and avoid uncovering the truth about those situations in order to evade the pain that comes with that recognition. In John Knowles’ novel A Separate Peace an inherent flaw of human nature causes Gene to subconsciously jounce the limb of a tree on which Finny stands. This event spirals into a never-ending trauma for Finny,...
1 Page 527 Words

Bill Gates: Factors Of Success

Bill Gates Early Childhood Bill Gates parents met in college while attending class for their future careers. His father was William H. and his mother Mary Maxwell. She was a student at the University of Washington along with her future husband. William was a law student and went on to earn a bachelors and the master's degree. She was involved in a group that would better the climate and community of their school. Bill was raised in a competitive family...
1 Page 558 Words

No Homework Policy

Introduction All of us is a dreamer, we want everything to be perfect. When we were a kid we just wanted a big toy but when we start to attend at school our principle and perception in life has changed. Yes, were still a dreamer, and our first dream is to finished our study so that those elegant dream like car, 3 storey house, cafe business and 6 digit salary a month will become achieved. They said that youth is...
1 Page 549 Words

The School System's Role Of Moral Development

In American school systems, the biggest issue is should religion be allowed in the schools. In this debacle schools essential put a magnifying glass on educators. Today, schools are more worried about test scores than the student. Jacomijn C a professor at the VU University of Amsterdam, in The Netherlands said, “Schools should contribute to the identity development of their students by paying attention to the personal views and beliefs” (347). Michael Ferrari said that the “Root of our moral...
1 Page 551 Words

Second Semester College Goals

Over break, I spent most of my time skating, and some time working. I also spent time with my family- both of my uncles from Quebec came here. I ate a lot of good food over break. On christmas, my grandpa came over and we ate a lot of food: lasagna, ham, corn, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, crackers and cheese, shrimp, rolls. Later I celebrated Christmas with my cousins- we ate a pancake brunch then exchanged gifts. On the last...
1 Page 543 Words

Oppression And Intersectionality

Intersectionality, which is how social, economic, and other categories overlap and intersect in a greater framework of oppression. In the United States sexism, racism, ageism, classism, anti-Semitism, and other isms have deeply affected every fabric of human connection and it has become systemic. In this environment, it is one thing to be a white male, and it is another thing to be a gay black man; it is one thing to be a black woman and it is still different...
1 Page 543 Words

Differences And Similarities Of Techniques In The Book In Cold Blood And Film Capote (2005)

Film and writing techniques play a significant role in how to scene or event is being perceived by the audience. Likewise, in the film, Capote (2005) by Bennett Miller, and the book In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, literary and directory techniques used are vital to the composition and understanding of the story’s tone and flow. Both depict the same story of the gruesome murders of the Clutter family and its criminals. Although the movie and the book are by...
1 Page 547 Words

Multiculturalism Vs Assimilation In The USA

From the beginning of America’s, freedom of expressing one’s lifestyle choices without prosecution has been the driving factor for colonization. These lifestyle choices include one’s expression and appreciation of their own culture. However, assimilation challenges these freedoms, preservation of family history, and goes againsts the very principles of what America is today. We can look back at history as see the damage that assimilation and lack of acceptance has caused in comparison to the great advances and civil advancement multiculturalism...
1 Page 573 Words

Linguistic And Literary Analysis Of The Poem Blackberry Picking

Blackberry Picking forms part of Seamus Heaney’s first published collection and it is dedicated to Philip Hobsbaum (Heaney, 1999). He was one of Heaney's tutors at Queen's University Belfast. The main theme of many of Heaney’s poems was growing up and he took inspiration from his childhood and nature. (Seamus Heaney, 2020). Blackberry Picking appears to explore the optimism of life, having hope and anticipation as children, followed by disappointment as you get older. Religious connotations appear in the poem,...
1 Page 562 Words

Does Science Fiction Influence Society?

Science Fiction has influenced many of the modern technologies we use today, from cell phones to space craft. Science Fiction helps to stimulate people’s imagination about the future. It engages them and encourages them to think about future technology that would benefit our society. Areas like communication, entertainment and transport have been distributed by science fiction, such as cell phones, video calling, and electric cars. Who here does not have a phone? I bet majority of you have one on...
1 Page 534 Words
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