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Social Issues

My Life-Defining College Education: Narrative Essay

My first college course was philosophy, and it changed my life forever. Our first task was to write a short essay in response to Albert Camus’ article 'The Myth of Sisyphus'. I am very nervous about homework and university. However, despite the confusion in the philosophy class, many of my questions about life have been answered. My purpose in entering the university is to obtain an engineering degree. I have always liked the way mathematics has right and wrong answers....
1 Page 675 Words

Luxury of Having Freedom of Choice: Persuasive Essay

I pressed my face against the glass shielding the ice cream from yearning for people like me as I questioned which flavors to buy. There was vanilla, chocolate, mint, coffee, and, not to mention, all the different toppings available at the next station – which of these would I choose? I turned to my dad and asked for his opinion, to which he simply responded: “I’m treating you, so pick what you want”. Once again, I was burdened with the...
1 Page 642 Words

Synthesizing the American Dream: Argumentative Essay

Immigrants came to America with the intention to live a better life, but they did not get to pursue their dreams. The reason why most dreams were either not pursued or deferred was that they came to America less fortunate than those who were already here. Those who were already in America, aka the ‘Americans’, looked at the immigrants as peasants or just poor individuals altogether. Most people in America do not still provide access to the American Dream for...
1 Page 657 Words

Essay on Increasing Effect of Terrorism in the Modern World

In the world we live in today it is very difficult to ignore the fact that international terrorism is very present and it is present everywhere. Random acts of violence have been happening for the several last decades bringing with them death and destruction. Such acts do not only affect political stability and people’s lives, they also have an enormous effect on the economy and of course on business ventures. It is widely known that the attacks on the Twin...
1 Page 664 Words

The Glass Castle': Reflection Paper

Book: The Glass Castle Author: Jeannette Walls Date: 9/4/19 I am on page 288 of 288 I give this book 5 out of 5 stars This reading is captivating and heartfelt The question I chose is: “If this book has already been made into a movie and you have watched the movie, how are the movie and book similar? Different?” While watching the movie, I noticed many differences and similarities compared to the book. One of the first differences I...
1 Page 659 Words

Social Justice: Personal Statement

Having lived in New York City among a multitude of people, there was always a feeling of anonymity and isolation living among so many. Therefore I appreciated being born and growing up in Trinidad and Tobago as there is always the feeling of belonging to a close-knit community, the kindness of strangers, and the feeling of family. However, over the past few years, the newspaper headlines depart from these intrinsic kinship ties and it gives details of gruesome homicides and...
1 Page 631 Words

Social Justice Poverty: Analytical Essay

The United Nations describes social justice as everyone deserving equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Social justice focuses on equality for all regardless of sexuality, gender, race, religion, poverty economic status andor disability. In its most simple terms, poverty can be defined as not having the means to fund the costs of basic living rights such as housing, heating, and food amongst others. Further broken down, poverty can be put into two categories relative and absolute. Absolute poverty...
1 Page 643 Words

Stop Child Abuse: Argumentative Essay

Nowadays, we often heard news on child abuse. Newspaper, television, radios, and many other media platform remind us daily about child abuse. Even our own beloved country, Malaysia is now happened to have a lot of child abuse reports. Sometimes it happens between the victims’ families. These cases scared us the most because we trusted our own family more than any other thing. That is why we need to be more careful each day to avoid bad things happening to...
1 Page 670 Words

What Were Three Root Causes of the Great Depression: Informative Speech

In the 1920s, new manufacturing methods and industries made the American economy grow because it was able to produce more commodities and equipment. Many citizens have increased profits, especially in the stock market. However, this period lasted only 8 years and in the ninth year, the economy began to decline, and this led to panic among the citizens. Therefore, the great depression was widespread and for this reason, great prosperity was followed by the great depression. This paper sheds light...
1 Page 642 Words

Speech Against Domestic Violence

Today, at this very moment, we are living in a world plagued with domestic violence. We are living in a world in which people are scared of being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by someone they love; their partner, or any other member of their family. Our concern for gender violence has been ignited from the 1970s till now. yet even in this 21st century, we are experiencing gender discrimination, domestic violence within our society. We need to end this...
1 Page 636 Words

LGBT Argumentative Essay

Various movements toward civil rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community have begun around the world as early as 1969 during the Stonewall Riots. More and more recently, we as a global community have seen acceptance of LGBT culture with gay marriage legalized in all 50 U.S. states in 2015, which sparked other countries, such as India, to legalize that type of marriage. However, 72 countries, most of which are in Iraq and Africa, still oppose same-sex...
1 Page 668 Words

Essay on Dill in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1961), Harper Lee uses the inclusion of Scout, a young, innocent girl who lives in Maycomb Alabama. Throughout the book, Scout learns to become more mature about her actions which eventually makes her very empathetic toward others. She is more of a tomboyish girl who is very clever at times. The author uses Jean Louise Finch, an innocent and empathetic character to shape the reader's understanding of the story Throughout the book,...
1 Page 653 Words

Black Lives Matter: Persuasive Speech

Police brutality against African Americans isn't a fresh topic in America but the foremost recent one. The shootings of young black males and women by cops in cities around the United States have turned it into a hot topic. There have been numerous protests and riots because of cops not being arrested for killing unarmed young black men and with these protests, a replacement movement was formed that began as a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook hashtag that's entitled #BlackLivesMatter. Throughout...
1 Page 668 Words

Analysis of Imagery in 'Hamlet': Critical Essay

Hamlet by Shakespeare is a classic five-act Shakespearean tragedy. Hamlet’s sanity and his ability to switch from sane to insane is the sum of his claim to madness. Hamlet is sane based on his actions in the play. Sanity: the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health, from Merriam-Webster dictionary. Hamlet uses his sanity to manipulate and take advantage of those around him. This leads the people who love him, and even just...
1 Page 631 Words

Al Gore's 'Global Warming Is an Immediate Crisis' Speech Analysis

When delivering his speech in 2006, Global Warming is an Immediate Crisis, Al Gore uses relevant statistics, hypothetical examples, and relatable language that unified him with the audience in order to move them to work immediately to combat the irreversible effects of global warming. The setting of Gore’s speech highly impacts his deliverance and use of rhetorical choices throughout. One specific choice that he uses intentionally in order to reinforce his argument is the utilization of direct quotes and relevant...
1 Page 657 Words

The Savoy Essay

Introduction The Savoy, located in London's Strand district, holds a prominent place in the history of cultural institutions. From its inception in 1889, it quickly became a symbol of elegance, innovation, and artistic expression. This essay explores the significance of The Savoy as a critical institution in the world of art, literature, and entertainment. With its unique blend of luxury, creativity, and social progressiveness, The Savoy has played a pivotal role in shaping cultural movements and fostering creative collaborations. Historical...
1 Page 637 Words

‘The Monkey's Paw’ Essay on Foreshadowing

Introduction In the classic short story "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs, the element of foreshadowing plays a crucial role in building suspense and foretelling the tragic events that unfold. Through carefully crafted hints and subtle clues, the author masterfully guides the readers' expectations and sets the stage for the haunting consequences of the fateful monkey's paw. This essay will explore the various instances of foreshadowing in the story and analyze their significance in creating an atmosphere of impending doom....
1 Page 631 Words

‘Thank You Ma'am’ Essay

Introduction "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes is a powerful and thought-provoking short story that explores the themes of compassion, redemption, and the transformative power of human connection. Through the encounter between Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones and Roger, the story delves into the complexities of empathy, forgiveness, and the potential for positive change. This critical essay will analyze the key elements of the story, including character development, symbolism, and narrative structure, to examine how Hughes portrays the transformative nature...
1 Page 643 Words

Should the U.S. Have Entered WW 1: Essay

Introduction World War I was a defining moment in history, with far-reaching consequences that shaped the course of the 20th century. The decision of whether the United States should have entered the war has been a subject of debate among historians and scholars. This essay will argue that the U.S. made the right decision in entering World War I, considering factors such as national security, moral obligations, and international alliances. By actively participating in the war, the U.S. contributed to...
1 Page 641 Words

Selfless Service Essay

Introduction Selfless service is a noble virtue that encompasses acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion performed without any expectation of personal gain or recognition. It is an embodiment of putting others before oneself, prioritizing the needs and well-being of others, and making a positive impact on individuals and communities. This essay explores the concept of selfless service, its significance, and the profound effects it has on individuals and society. Definition and Essence of Selfless Service Selfless service is the act...
1 Page 640 Words

Ruby Bridges Impact Essay

Ruby Bridges, the young African-American girl who bravely integrated an all-white school in the 1960s, left an indelible impact on the civil rights movement and American society as a whole. Her courageous act of facing hatred and bigotry at such a tender age has become a symbol of resilience and a catalyst for change. This critical essay will explore the profound impact of Ruby Bridges on the civil rights movement, education, and the ongoing fight for equality. Ruby Bridges' historic...
1 Page 661 Words

Safe Driving Essay

Introduction Safe driving is a critical aspect of responsible and conscientious behavior on the roads. Every year, countless lives are lost due to preventable accidents caused by reckless driving. By adopting safe driving practices, we can significantly reduce the number of road accidents and save lives. This informative essay will highlight the importance of safe driving, discuss common causes of accidents, and provide practical tips to promote safer driving habits. The Importance of Safe Driving Safe driving is essential for...
1 Page 635 Words

Ruby Bridges Essay on Biography

Ruby Bridges, born on September 8, 1954, in Tylertown, Mississippi, is an iconic figure in the fight for civil rights and equality. As the first African-American student to integrate an all-white school in the South, Ruby's story of courage, resilience, and determination has become an inspiration for generations. This biography essay will delve into the life of Ruby Bridges, tracing her remarkable journey from a young girl facing immense adversity to becoming a symbol of hope and progress in the...
1 Page 663 Words

‘Rice for Thanksgiving’: Response Essay

Introduction "Rice For Thanksgiving" by Sandra Cisneros is a captivating short story that delves into the complexities of cultural identity, family traditions, and the resilience of individuals navigating multicultural environments. In this response essay, we will explore the personal and emotional impact of the story, analyzing its themes, character development, and use of literary techniques. Through a critical examination of the narrative, we will discuss the importance of embracing cultural heritage, the power of food as a symbol, and the...
1 Page 658 Words

Pros and Cons of Bullying Laws Essay

Introduction Bullying is a serious issue that has significant negative impacts on individuals and communities. In an effort to address this problem, many jurisdictions have implemented bullying laws. These laws aim to prevent and address bullying incidents, protect victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. However, it is essential to critically evaluate the pros and cons of bullying laws to determine their effectiveness and limitations. This essay will explore both sides of the argument and provide a comprehensive analysis of the benefits...
1 Page 626 Words

Pets Should Be Allowed in School: Persuasive Essay

Introduction Imagine a classroom filled with students eagerly engaged in their lessons, their eyes occasionally wandering to the friendly presence of a furry companion nestled beside them. Pets have long been cherished members of our families, bringing joy, companionship, and emotional support. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of allowing pets in schools and argue that schools should embrace the idea of incorporating animals into the educational environment. By doing so, we can enhance students' learning experiences, promote...
1 Page 635 Words

Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation: Summary Essay

Introduction The Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation, delivered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 8, 1941, remains one of the most significant speeches in American history. In the wake of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, President Roosevelt addressed the nation to inform them of the devastating events and to rally the American people in response. This summary essay provides an overview of the key points and themes discussed in the speech, highlighting its historical...
1 Page 633 Words

Newton on the Injustice of Affirmative Action: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Affirmative action has long been a topic of debate, with proponents arguing that it is a necessary tool for addressing historical inequalities and promoting diversity, while critics claim that it perpetuates reverse discrimination and undermines the principles of meritocracy. In this essay, we will examine the arguments put forth by Newton in his critique of affirmative action, focusing on the perceived injustices that arise from its implementation. While acknowledging the importance of addressing historical disparities, we will critically analyze...
1 Page 637 Words

Lyddie's Argumentative Essay

Introduction In Katherine Paterson's novel 'Lyddie,' the eponymous protagonist embarks on a remarkable journey of personal growth and empowerment. Through her unwavering determination, resilience, and defiance of societal expectations, Lyddie challenges the status quo and fights for her independence. This argumentative essay will delve into Lyddie's transformation and argue that her journey serves as a powerful testament to the importance of individual agency and the pursuit of one's dreams. Thesis Statement Lyddie's journey in 'Lyddie' showcases the transformative power of...
1 Page 643 Words

JROTC Responsibilities of America Essay

Introduction The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) program is dedicated to fostering leadership skills and instilling a sense of responsibility in young individuals. JROTC cadets are taught the importance of fulfilling their responsibilities as future leaders and citizens of America. This informative essay explores the core responsibilities of JROTC cadets towards their country and communities, highlighting how these responsibilities contribute to their personal growth and the betterment of society. Responsibilities of JROTC Cadets Leadership One of the primary responsibilities...
1 Page 639 Words
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