750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Severity of Problems with Drunk Driving and Ways to Solve Them: Analytical Essay

Every year loads of teens across America receive their license to drive and join the thousands of other people already traveling the roads. For teens, it is necessary that they understand the importance of driving safely as it is a huge responsibility that they are being trusted with. In order to ensure that teens are properly trained on how to handle themselves on the road, all teens have to go through some type of program, be it online classes, or...
2 Pages 757 Words

Effectiveness of Teaching American History Through Film: Critical Analysis of Films about John Adams

Introduction Some of the many benefits that historical films offer is that they allow for better memorization through visual associations and are able to grasp attention spans longer than pieces of text. Unfortunately, historical films are often partially fictional and sometimes are missing key historical figures and events in reenactments, but they can still be effective in teaching history when viewers do their own research in order to contrast the accuracies and inaccuracies depicted and analyze the choices directors, writers,...
2 Pages 751 Words

The Late Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt: Descriptive Essay

Vanderbilt is seen as one of the most successful men in American history, he was in fact an evil and heartless businessman. This is evidenced by him shutting down the biggest railroad port. He shouldn't be seen as a good person because he shut down one of the biggest railroads which caused a lot of commotion. Vanderbuilt was known to be the most successful man but what people don't know is that he started by taking 100 dollars from his...
2 Pages 774 Words

Symbolism in All the Pretty Horses: Critical Analysis

In a story stuffed with gunshots and thrusts of a cut, it is a small shock that we hear so a lot about blood inside the book. Human blood is, of course, tied to the trouble of viciousness, in addition to the concept that for many Mexicans, nothing can be hooked up in case it is no longer made to bleed, as Alfonsa says round her character citizens. But blood too symbolizes the recreation to divulge oneself, to draw close...
2 Pages 759 Words

Cherish Family As a Main Theme of the Novel In the Time of the Butterflies: Critical Analysis

In one's life, one may take the things they have for granted. In many scenarios one person may not cherish the things they have and when those things eventually disappear they realize they should have cherished them more. The book, In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez tells the story of 4 sisters and their struggle against the Trujillo regime. In the book one clearly evident theme that Alvarez writes about is to cherish ones loved ones, cherish...
2 Pages 774 Words

Critical Analysis of a Poem by William Wordsworth 'The World Is Too Much with Us'

The material world is just too overwhelming for people; Our jobs and financial obligations make us earn money to spend it later; In return, we lose ourselves, the most vital part that makes us human. We have become so invested in acquiring material gains, that we have forgotten about our emotions and livelihood. The moon reflects on the surface of the sea; while the wind that blows at all hours, We do not appreciate what’s around us; Our lives are...
2 Pages 756 Words

Critical Analysis of Miller Arthur’s Play “The Crucible”: John Proctor As the Protagonist

Miller Arthur’s play “The Crucible” takes place in Salem, the vent during this play is regarding the witch trial. Theis trials will have a totally different reaction from the audience and result in this influencing individuals in numerous ways in which. The witch trial breaks the village into totally different sides of their own means of seeing the trial, individuals get the defendant of being witches or finding out witchery and their trial will keep company with totally different consequences....
2 Pages 751 Words

Possibilities of Vaccination in Preventing Yellow Fever and Malaria

The vaccine became very common and it has reduced the rate of diseases by a lot. In order to understand how vaccines defend against bacteria and viruses in human body, you need to know how immune system works. White blood cells in our immune system gives us an constant alert against pathogens and each have different functions. When an immune cell meets its target, it replicates itself and produce antibodies which are protein weapons and attack the target. Once the...
2 Pages 736 Words

Perfectionism of Model As the Essence of Modeling Business: Reflective Essay

The modeling business is a great exponentially growing industry that showcases beautiful people and the exciting new trends out in fashion. The modeling industry shows the younger generation what is considered the norm and what it takes to be ‘perfect”. The girls are shown that being skinny, having clear skin, and having a good body makes us perfect while the norm for guys is shown by having clear skin, being muscular, and tall. Within the modeling industry, the idea of...
2 Pages 730 Words

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in Jeremy Rifkin's Article “A Change of Heart about Animals”

Journalist, Jeremy Rifkin in his newspaper article “A Change of Heart about Animals,” published in Los Angeles Times (2003) addresses the topic of animal science and argues that animals are similar to humans in multiple aspects as in emotional, somewhat mental, and behavioral. Jeremy Rifkin supports his claim by presenting multiple animal studies conducted at different research institutions. Questioning old assumptions of animals mental and physical stimuli, quoting a behavioral scientist on natural selection, and concluding multiple questions towards animal...
2 Pages 757 Words

Reflective Essay on Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development

The psychosexual development theory was conceived by Sigmund Freud in which he suggested that everyone should pass through a number of stages during their childhood. Pleasure-seeking urges from children are focused on a different area of the body, which is known as the erogenous zone. Freud (1905) believed that life was built round tension and pleasure. He theorized that there are five stages of psychosexual development; the Oral stage, the Anal, the Phallic, the Latency and lastly, the Genital. (Boundless...
2 Pages 747 Words

Role of the Eighth Amendment and the Bill of Rights: Argumentative Essay

How much do you really know about the Bill of Rights? Well the Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee civil rights and liberties to every individual: the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, rule of due process of law and many more. For example, The Eighth Amendment states: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.” This Amendment stopped the government...
2 Pages 747 Words

Standardized Testing within Public School Systems: Analytical Essay

Throughout generations, public schools have faced a number of issues, ranging from structural issues in schools to mental health issues within the student body. The primary issue I have chosen to address is standardized testing within public school systems. This is a crucial issue because I believe that standardized testing is not an efficient manner of determining whether a child should proceed to the next grade level. Not only do the students face pressure to do well on standardized tests,...
2 Pages 765 Words

Critical Analysis of the Article Body Ritual among the Nacirema

I think everyone can agree that many other cultures study in America. The, “target population for the study included 1,140 international students (567 undergraduate and 573 graduate) who were pursuing degrees at a university with an enrollment of approximately 24,000, with international students accounting for about 6.4%. International students were defined as individuals born outside of the United States, who came to the United States to pursue higher education (Urban and Palmer, 2016). Some may question why students want to...
2 Pages 755 Words

Fear of Communism: Analytical Essay on The Red Scare Period

Radicalism is defined as the belief or act of change in political and social reform in the forms of anarchy, socialism, and communism. Now communism is defined as a system of government in which the state plans to control the economy and the economic system is characterized by the collective ownership of property and the organization of labor for the common advantage. In World War I, The Red Scare period, and the 1920s the US faced different effects in the...
2 Pages 744 Words

Captain John Smith and Settlers in Jamestown: Analytical Essay

During john smith's voyages, there were multiple conflicts between many people the voyagers and the Indians, and the voyagers among themselves. are the conflicts the foundation of America's colonization? what he includes as well as his diction informs us about the conflicts between the English and the natives as well as superior officers and their men establishing the foundational conflicts of our country's birth. The conflicts started with john smith and he already made decisions about the Indians the passage...
2 Pages 734 Words

Britain’s Rate for Homicide Clearance and Factors Which Affect It: Analytical Essay

Abstract; This project examines the method of policing agencies in solving homicides in England and Wales. Moreover, I will go into depth about the factors affecting the national homicide clearance rate in England and Wales. Four key points will be analyzed using both primary data collected from a survey of various agencies across England and Wales, as well as secondary data gathered from reliable online sources. These include, briefly, the management of practices, investigative procedures, analytical methods and demographics of...
2 Pages 749 Words

Critical Analysis of Arthurian Allusions: The Legends of King Arthur

12 April 2019 Most of everything in today’s society is just a twist from something else like literature, music, movies, political views, and so much more; but in other words, the twists are just allusions from other works. An “allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance” (Allusions). The legends of King Arthur are just one story that has been taken and twisted it into their very...
2 Pages 735 Words

Reflection on My Dream Career Activity

This PowerPoint I will discuss and explore the main four key points which are my skills, my current knowledge used in the online world, my goals in the learning unit and set goals at the end of the course. I am a fulltime educator, second in charge at an early learning centre and also a fulltime online student studying Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary). I have decided to do my studies through Swinburne online as it allows for...
2 Pages 748 Words

Impact of Apartheid and Importance of Anti-Apartheid Movement: Analytical Essay

From the 1950’s until the 1990s, Apartheid contained a rebirth of racist legislation in South Africa. From this time, South Africa as well as the world was historically changed and separated through one word, Apartheid. Apartheid (meaning ‘apartness’) kept the white and non-white population separated and limited from each other. The non-white population were considered second class citizens and couldn’t experience a normal and fair life, which would eventually stop within decades until a policy was determined bringing in the...
2 Pages 735 Words

The Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire: Analysis of Useful and Inspiring Aspects and Ways of Application

Introduce your argument with a brief outline of the aspects of Freire’s writing that you found most useful and inspiring. This need only be a short paragraph. (200-300 words) The pedagogy of the oppressed by Paulo freire Freire makes a variety of education, discourse, socioeconomic mindfulness, and liberation. Paulo Freire holds the concept that in order for an individual to practice complete freedom, it is required for the growth of critical awareness and rational progression in the individual. Friere proclaims...
2 Pages 759 Words

Thirst for Power Versus Mother Teresa’s Influence: Argumentative Essay

Power has always been and always will be a topic of controversy and interest. Some desire it, some despise it and some utilise their power for either good and bad. But what differentiates a person with power and a person without? Orwell poses this through his distinctive quote, ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’ allowing many to question the influence of power not only on an individual but also society as a whole. A...
2 Pages 737 Words

Hard Work and Smart Work As Interrelated Concepts: Analytical Essay

In today’s fast moving generation, output is of importance. Each human development has been made to improve our ability to deliver results in the most productive manner conceivable. We try to produce maximal output with minimal input. The saying ‘hard work gets ahead’, has become a clichĂ©, but it is true to some extent. However, simply working hard does not ensure success in the long-run. Smart work has become fundamental to guarantee achievement, no individual cares about how you get...
2 Pages 754 Words

Critical Analysis of the Harmfulness of Drunk Driving Behavior

Drunk driving has been proved to be one of the major causes of road accidents consuming thousands of lives. Driving under the influence of alcohol makes many people fail to obey the traffic rules accordingly or even fail to see the road signs at all. The large numbers of deaths resulting from drunk driving indicate the seriousness of the problem to society. However, despite the seriousness of the problem, there exists viable marketing solutions for Roads and Traffic Authority of...
2 Pages 731 Words

Analytical Essay on Black Power Movement: History of Creation, Expression and Repression

Primary Sources are sources that come straight from the person who has had direct contact with a person or a thing. When gathering facts about history and many other topics, primary sources are vital. Black Power was a movement in the nineteen-sixties and seventies that were supporting rights and political power for African American people but was presumed as violent. What if that was not the case? What if Black Power was not violent at all? Black Power: Expression and...
2 Pages 775 Words

General Overview of the Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech It helps an individual to attain self-fulfillment. It assists in the discovery of truth. It strengthens the capacity of an individual in participating in decision-making. It provides a mechanism by which it would be possible to establish a reasonable balance between stability and social change. All members of society would be able to form their own beliefs and communicate them freely to others The fundamental principle involved here is the people’s right to know. Freedom of speech...
2 Pages 774 Words

Black Press Celebrates Freedom-Fighting Journalism: Analytical Essay on Newspapers

Newspapers owned by African Americans caused conversations for the truth and equal opportunity. On Monday, March 16, 2020 the one hundred ninety-third anniversary of the Black Press of America was commemorated and still continues to be irrefutable worldwide. This was generated by The Freedom’s Journal, the first newspaper for African Americans, distributed by John B. Russwurm and Samuel E. Cornish. Russwurm and Cornish publicized the newspaper’s inaugural issue with the first page containing the words, “We wish to plead our...
2 Pages 740 Words

John Proctor in The Crucible

John Proctor is one of the most significant and vital characters of The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in 1952 and released in 1953. John Proctor is a farmer in his middle thirties, the sort of important man with a bad temper. Miller does not use the name of the character by chance: his name is a telling-name because he is a very cleanhearted, good and reliable leader. Furthermore, related to his psychology, he is a completely proud and selfish...
2 Pages 741 Words

Comparison of Unofficial Anthems: Flower of Scotland, Land of Hope and Glory, A Soldier’s Song and Land of my Fathers

In this essay, ’Flower of Scotland’, ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, ‘A Soldier’s Song’ and ‘Land of my Fathers’ anthems will be object of comparison and analysis. After a deep reflection, will be decided which anthem is more adequate to be a national anthem. ‘Flower of Scotland’ was written by Roy Williamson in honor of the Bannockburn Battle in 1314. This battle occurred in the first stage of the Wars of Scottish Independence, during the 13th and 14th centuries. Against...
2 Pages 765 Words

Essay on Indian Education System: Historical Background

Historically, the Indian education system evolved from the ‘Gurukul’ tradition. Students resided together at the home of their teacher to receive education from a guru, which was not based on wealth or personal gain. Over time, certain cities such as Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh, etc. evolved as learning hubs, with famous learning centres such as the ancient Nalanda University, Takshashila University, and so on. By the end of the British era, this...
2 Pages 735 Words
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