750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Factors Affecting Swift Population On The Mainland, Tasmania

The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) native to Tasmania Australia, is the quickest parrot on the planet, however, now being critically endangered is on a fast decline to extinction. According to a ‘Conservation Volunteers Australia’ webpage, there are just approximately 2000 Swift Parrots left in the wild. The Swift Parrot travels across over Bass Strait to the Australian Mainland to collect food and nutrients in open eucalypt and box-ironbark backwoods every, prior year coming back to Tasmania to breed in the...
2 Pages 728 Words

Dark Matter And Dark Energy

As scientists, mathematicians and other incredibly smart people started looking up at the night sky, they wondered - why is the universe of the shape that it is? What gives solar systems and galaxies their form, why don’t they just scatter and fly away? These questions came up as soon as the scientists at NASA started measuring the gravitational impact of all of the objects in our galaxy, and something didn’t quite add up: the total amount of mass and...
2 Pages 765 Words

NASA's Attempts To Manipulate Gravity And People Who Studied Gravity

Introduction Do you ever wonder in one thousand years what will be happening? Like would we be living on the moon. Imagine you floating jumping and having fun. You would be thrown around with no gravity because you would weigh nothing. That may not happen, but did you know without gravity none of that would happen. This essay will show you how Nasa is trying to manipulate gravity, what gravity does to space and the most important people who studied...
2 Pages 766 Words

The Importance Of Mechanical Engineering And My Successes In This Field

It might sound weird, but I don’t mind having my hands full of grease and lube. To some people, even the idea of it might be reluctant, but I believe it’s essential to make gears spin and engage within each other. Similarly, I believe Mechanical Engineering is the base of the community where we live as it helps us engage with our surroundings more smoothly. My passion for the subject was born thanks to the TV show “MythBusters”, a program...
2 Pages 744 Words

How The Church Responded To The Holocaust

“We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God.” – (Pope Benedict XVI April 2005) this quote expresses the Catholic church's beliefs of people’s lives and clearly shows an example of where the Catholic Church stood during the Holocaust. Hitler's way of “purifying Germany” was seen as a horrific and tragic period of time in this worlds history it was also referred to as an “Hour of darkness”,...
2 Pages 755 Words

Christopher Columbus: The Age Of Exploration

During the Age of Exploration, many explorers set out on expeditions to search for land for each of their investors. One explorer that is commonly known as the famous Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus wrote “The Journal of the First Voyage to America” to attempt to convince the Spanish Monarchy to subsidize his voyages to scour for the new world. On Columbus’ first journey he comes across a small island, which he named San Salvador. In his journal,...
2 Pages 767 Words

Comparison Of Leaders: Winston Churchill And Adolf Hitler

Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler were two of the biggest leaders during the Second World War. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill is best known for undertaking the role of Prime minister in the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955. Born on November 30, 1874, in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, England to parents Lord Randolph Churchill and Jeanette Jerome. Churchill was a somewhat rebellious child who as a result performed poorly at his first two schools. He then...
2 Pages 742 Words

Democracy: Mixed Form Of Government In Sparta

Spartan’s government has been labeled as having a “mixed constitution.” This is because its government is a combination of elements of monarchy, democracy, and oligarchy. An element of monarchy that is evident in Sparta's government is having two hereditary kings. The kings had religious roles such as being recognized as priests of Zeus, military roles including having one of the kings leading the army in battle whilst the other remained in Sparta, and limited judicial roles such as being held...
2 Pages 759 Words

The Daily Life Of Roman Soldiers In Ancient Rome

Introduction Courageous soldiers were essential in Ancient Roman times as everyone felt the desire to rule over other countries. This led to war, destruction, death, and sorrow. This report will tell you what the Roman soldiers: wore, what they did in their spare time, where they lived, what they ate, the things they did to defend Rome and its people. Clothing Roman soldiers wore unique outfits to protect them from being killed or wounded. These outfits were only worn when...
2 Pages 727 Words

Why The Population Of England Double During The Victorian Era

The Victorian era witnessed a snowballing rise in population. This unpredictable phenomenon was unique down the corridors of British history. Britain was sailing through a new technological revolution with novel scientific discoveries. They proved a good omen for the society and it became more civic and learned. Disraeli popularized the phrase 'the workshop of the world' to denote Great Britain at that juncture of history. There were myriad reasons that added to Britain’s flourishing population in the 19th century. One...
2 Pages 745 Words

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad: Symbol Of Outflow Rates For The Slaves

Tubman's and Josiah's story in the underground Railroad provides a contradictory perception that tends to depict a little coincidence with a more significant potential of emerging differences. In the beginning, it is mandatory to acknowledge that the term underground Railroad was symbolically used to indicate the overall network of outflow rates for the slaves, who extended their stay beyond their southern territories to the northern borders. The study aims at evaluating how the slave laws were fugitively enacted and how...
2 Pages 740 Words

Genetic Explanation Of Diabetes

A genetic disease is typically an illness that rises due to the deformity of the genetic makeup of a person. Genetic disorders may occur in a single-gene, chromosomal or complex disorders. Obesity is one of these diseases that is caused by genetic disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 8.5 percent of individuals who were above 18 years had diabetes in 2014. Additionally, in 2016, diabetes caused more than 1.6 million deaths and further triggered other diseases such as...
2 Pages 740 Words

The Role Of Genetics In Evolution

INTRODUCTION The study and research of biomedical science involves uncovering the secrets of the human body whilst developing an understanding of disease, diagnosis, and treatment (Heitman, E. 2000). This means biomedical scientists must not only understand how to treat a disease, but must understand what caused that disease, how that disease can be identified and differentiated from other diseases, how that disease interacts with the body, and how we can use this information to make useful predictions to prevent the...
2 Pages 764 Words

How Biology Can Save The World

Biology, derived from the Greek words, ‘bios’ translating to ‘life’, and ‘logos’ denoting a subject of study, is defined as the study of living organisms, for example humans. The rapidly expanding human population is faced with multiple complex and severe problems, such as diseases, which could be argued to be the biggest risk to the integrity of civilisation. Diseases can affect one’s life directly, for instance Tuberculosis, and indirectly, such as Stem Rust, which affects staple food. This essay will...
2 Pages 734 Words

The Effects Of Astronomy In South Africa

The History of Astronomy and how it affects the society we live in Before we can start talking about how particularly Astronomy affects South Africa I would like to talk about the effects Astronomy has had on our society and its development of human civilization.Firstly if we you look at the tech- nology we use like cellphones have CCD’s in their camera and companies such as AT & T uses computer software called IRAF[International Astronomical Union 2012].The advancement of satellites...
2 Pages 747 Words

Religion And World Politics

This fact happens over a long period of time when religions seemed to have no relevance in international relations. It is not, however, a return of the spiritual phenomenon but of religion as a political instrument. The mosaic of religions is very wide, especially if we add the huge number of movements and confessions, frequently divided and subdivided. The curious thing is that the three great monotheistic religions share common elements that instead of uniting them confronts them due to...
2 Pages 754 Words

The Peculiarities Of Buddhism As A Religion

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” An overview of Buddhism With approximately 376 million follower’s worldwide Buddhism is the fourth largest religion on earth and is over 2 500 years old. The religion, often referred to as a philosophy of life, surrounds the idea of personal spiritual development. Buddhists seek to reach a state of nirvana which is the ultimate goal in their path to enlightenment...
2 Pages 763 Words

The Topic Of Homosexuality In Islam

The topic of homosexuality always causes a lot of controversy in Islam and people are very emotionally involved with it. There are usually alternatives in Islamic law from things that are prohibited, e.g interest is prohibited, trade is permissible, there are haram foods but there are also halal foods, but in the case of a person with homosexual orientation there is no good alternative. You can not prescribe for the person to get married to a person of the opposite...
2 Pages 752 Words

Ethical Structure In Islam And West Ethics In Religion And Western Ethical Structure

Introduction We need to follow ethics because it defines who we are as individual and as a society. All religions in the world discuss ethics as an essential part of life. Ethics are the bases of an individual, a society and the religion. Both in Islamic perspective and Western perspective Ethics are defined as moral principles that govern a person’s behavior. All religions emphasize of the rights of individual on each other and of society. In all religions of the...
2 Pages 771 Words

The Status Of Women In Islam

Women are always defined as creatures with unique traits, soft and full of emotions. Strong but might still need help at one time; a woman. The culture of respecting women has been introduced a long time ago and still be practiced until today shows how humans acknowledge each other without validating one through their characteristics and features. It is also being taught in the religion including Islam to be thoughtful to others. In fact, Islam prioritises women and their special...
2 Pages 745 Words

Spread Of Islam: Factors And Aspects

Muslim victories following Muhammad's demise light-producing diode to the production of the caliphates, involving an enormous land region; transformation to Islam was boosted by missionary activities, notably those of Imams, World Health Organization blended with native populations to propagate the non secular teachings. These early caliphates, including Muslim political economy and commercialism and Moslem Golden Age and therefore the later enlargement of the explosive Realms, brought about Islam's unfurl outward from Mecca towards the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans and...
2 Pages 770 Words

The Evolution Of Islamic Civilization

The starting point to one of the most successful religions took place in an arid desert with scorching hot temperatures. This peninsula, in the Middle East, known as Arabia was located between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. This desert is where a prophet would emerge and create an everlasting impact on a civilization known as Islam. Through multiple conquests Islam spread like wildfire throughout parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, changing their government, religion, culture, economics, and military...
2 Pages 763 Words

Mental And Physical Suffering In Catholics

Suffering in the catholic church is meant to give us an opportunity to love God, to give God glory, to merit glory, and to participate in his work of redemption. The catholic church is helping people ask for God's guidance when we are suffering. “When things go well with good people here, and ill with bad people, a great uncertainty arises whether good people receive good so that they might be stimulated to grow into something even better or whether...
2 Pages 747 Words

The Image Of Devil In Christianity And Islam

Due to Christianity having multiple denominations their beliefs tend to vary. The most popular belief is that your afterlife depends on how you live your life now, much like with Islam. God will decide if your place is in heaven with him or in hell with the fallen angel Satan. In Christianity however your sins can easily be forgiven by confessing to them with a priest and being a generally good person and learning from your mistakes. Hell is a...
2 Pages 751 Words

The Significance Of The Conversion Of Constantine In Christianity

Did you know Christianity went through several phases to overcome obstacles as they were treated unfairly for a long time and made some very poor choices which almost led to their demise.The Conversion of Constantine and The Crusades were certainly a significant event that occured in the middle ages, which taught the Church today various important lessons. Constantine made Christianity the main religion of Rome as he saw a vision of God advising him in his battles. The Crusades were...
2 Pages 759 Words

Sports As A Part Of The Curriculum

Imagine walking into a room full of kids who can play baseball, basketball, softball, and some may even be track stars. This may even be a class, or a gym class. Everybody is told to learn how to do basketball to get a grade. Several kids get upset, some do not mind, and a few are excited. Due to lack of exercise and poor diet in students, obesity has become an issue in almost every state. If at a young...
2 Pages 744 Words

Sports Impact On The World

Thousands of years ago when the world was introduced to sports people were gathering for the exact same reason why everyone from different countries and ages gather together for today. Sports affected the world in positive and negative ways It contributed in many peoples life and changed it to a point where they never thought of it before .In this essay I will be talking about the positive impact of sports on the world from the social and emotional side...
2 Pages 738 Words

Why Are Sports Activities Neglected In Pakistan?

My topic for Individual report is Sports and Recreation, focusing on ignorance of sports in Pakistan and how the other countries treat it. By defination sports and recreation means the activities that people pursue in their leasure time which can include football, volleyball, horse riding etc. Different people have different views on sports for example some people take it as their profession, some only counts it as their hobby meanwhile on the other hand there are some people who totally...
2 Pages 768 Words

Role And Impacts Of It In Sports

Technology is not only limited on the field of engineering, medical, management. I think technology is equally important as technical field. IT plays very important role in sports. Role of information technology plays very important role in enhancing sports performance of players, coaches, and all mentors. IT helps to avoid mistake in organization and administration of various sports and games at world level. If we see in cricket, football, volleyball, lawn tennis and all indoor and outdoor games, there is...
2 Pages 775 Words

Concussion In Sports

Attention Getter: Dribbling down the line she went, she makes a cross into the opponent's 18-yard box. Her teammate going for a header, she heads it into the goal SCORE!! She falls instantly and isn’t moving. The coaches call the trainers, the trainers call the ambulance. Slowly she opens her eyes being blinded by the stadium lights, then stands up walking to the sideline, not remembering a thing. Audience Link: According to Julie Underwood in the Phi Delta Kappan magazine...
2 Pages 758 Words
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