800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essence of Political Thought in The Enlightenment

Enlightenment period took place between 17th and 19th centuries and it witnessed significant developments in political thought that became the building blocks of Modern Western system of state and liberal democracy. The English, French and American Revolutions were inspired from reformist political ideologies of the time such as social contract, rights, liberty, separation of power, general will and free market economy (Bristow, 2017). This paper will examine the main political thinkers of Enlightenment. Those are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Montesquieu,...
2 Pages 817 Words

Reflection on Right to a Natural Death Act: Opinion Essay

We all know death is an inevitable part of life. In the olden time, most people died at home but currently the majority of deaths are happening either in a hospital or a nursing home. With recent changes in technology, we can either delay or bring the person back to life. Dr. Schimke indicated, “for almost any life-threatening condition, some form of intervention can now delay the moment of death” (Schimke, 1986). The right to natural death is basically any...
2 Pages 803 Words

Violence Against Women In Gaana Rewrite Film: Analytical Essay

I am going to study ‘Gaana Rewrite’ film as my primary source to show how the song’s lyrics affect our thoughts. ‘Gaana Rewrite’ is a short audio-visual film, posted on YouTube and presented by Akshara Centre, Mumbai. It is a four-minutes and twelve seconds film created by Nandita Shah. It posted on YouTube on 21st March 2017 by Zico Maitra. This short film shot in local places like a park, buses, trains, subway, and an office. In this short film...
2 Pages 786 Words

Vagabonds by Langston Hughes and The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five: Comparative Essay

Literature is the art or work of expressing thoughts or feelings in language. Examples of literature include poetry, drama, non-fiction, fiction, etc. Do you ever notice that a myriad of literary works conveys ideas that are universal, though the works set in particular place and time? Two literary works to compare are ‘Vagabonds’ by Langston Hughes and ‘The Message’ by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. On account of both works describe the problem of society, the main ideas are...
2 Pages 798 Words

Yank Folklore and Positive Message in Rip Van Winkle

Diedrich Knickerbocker was a more seasoned man of honor who lived in New York City, New York. He was recognized for being eminently worried inside the cause and culture of the Dutch colonizers in this state. The state, where the account of Rip Van Winkle started. He lived horribly in a little antiquated town that may have the first Dutch pioneers set up well before the American Revolution began, while America was as yet made out of the Thirteen Colonies...
2 Pages 825 Words

Theme Of Nature In The Road Not Taken And Frankenstein

The gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley and Robert Frosts poetry, each examine the theme of nature. Both these texts do so in order to explore and convey the feeling of the reader and main character as well as portraying the effects of neglecting nature. Frankenstein relates human connection with nature with his idealistic representation of nature in contrast to the disgrace that is The Monster. Shelley displays her characters in specific natural settings to show the contrast between nature...
2 Pages 778 Words

Trying To Escape Your Conscience After Committing Evil Acts In The Tell Tale Heart

Macbeth, a Scottish general driven by ambition and greed commits unspeakable acts and is then haunted by his guilt and paranoia. The play’s main characters are driven by the same theme which is the power of unchecked ambitions. Tell Tale Heart follows an insane narrator who tries to prove his sanity to the audience after murdering an old man with a “strange eye”. The main theme of Tell-Tale Heart is trying to escape your conscience after committing evil acts. The...
2 Pages 820 Words

Mission Statement As the Company's Heart: Opinion Essay

Introduction You want it to stand out against your rivals when it comes to creating your business goal, vision and quality statements. The statements must have an effect that reflects the company's ethos and culture and captivates the customer. How are we strategically running an organization if we don't have a goal to fulfill our business vision? The mission is known as the company's heart. In a Forbes article titled: 'Corporate Mission Statements Don't Really Matter Unless You Want to...
2 Pages 780 Words

Power Of Education: The Struggle Of Frederick Douglass

In the excerpt of learning to read and write, Frederick Douglass describes the struggles he faced to read and write and the power of knowledge, which he used to escape from slavery. He describes the situations he had gone through for being an African American slave. His writings show is the cruelty of the slaveholders towards their slaves and the inhuman conditions they have faced. Douglass describes that the slaveholders were cold-hearted towards the slaves. All at once, Douglass needed...
2 Pages 820 Words

Controversy Around Raising The Criminal Age Of Responsibility In Queensland

As there is a lot of controversy around raising the criminal age of responsibility from 10 to 14, I recommend that the best course of action would be to raise the minimum age level to 12, while retaining and raising the higher flexible age level to 15 years. This would be a welcome development for children and the justice system in Australia. Former Police Commissioner, Bob Atkinson in a 2018 report commented on the rise of juvenile offenders saying, “If...
2 Pages 776 Words

The Essence Of Diabetes Management

Diabetes Mellitus can be a tricky disease. I use the word “tricky” because of all the complications that can be associated with Diabetes to include Hyper/Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic State (HHNS) to mention a few. Not including how blood sugar is directly affected by overall patient status and wound healing or surgery, which is a common patient profile in the hospital setting. With these complications it is important to consider how we manage this disease and...
2 Pages 782 Words

Application of Resilience and Vulnerability in Terms of Public Participation

As with concepts such as resilience and vulnerability, the notion of “public participation” is often employed in flexible and ultimately meaningless ways in order to paint policies as equitable, when in fact they do not truly account for the perspectives of marginalized peoples. In other instances, policymakers engage with the public in good faith, but only in inconsequential ways, such as by presenting completed initiatives to the impacted communities without having consulted with them during earlier stages of planning. Two...
2 Pages 796 Words

Influence of Media Violence on Children: The American Academy of Pediatrics' Recommendations

XXI century is a century when technology is developing rapidly. From the second half of 20 the century all types of media like movies and video games are spread in the world. Most of this media are have violent scenes. And today, with developing technologies these scenes can be seen clearly. Almost all children and adolescents are grown by seeing bloody scenes and they are used to these scenes. However, does this situation have consequences to the children’s psychology and...
2 Pages 780 Words

Portray Of A Flirtatious Woman In Wife Of Bath

Based upon England's medieval era, the Canterbury Tales, one of Geoffrey Chaucer's most popular works contains 24 stories or as people like to call them satires, based upon corruption, problems and stereotypes that occured back in the late 14th century. One of the most acclaimed stories within the Canterbury Tales is the tale of the Wife of Bath, one of the most memorable characters within Chaucer's stories due to her detailed description and scandalous personality which can almost be compared...
2 Pages 805 Words

Enron Scandal: Inauthentic Leadership

One of the biggest American companies, Enron, fell bankrupt due to a major accounting scheme resulting in the loss of revenue, employee 401(k) plans, and loss of funds from the shareholders (Semple, 2002). Enron was a popular energy company that did business with many other companies needing their expertise and information. At the peak of Enron’s success, their shares were worth $90.75 before the fall of the company in December of 2001. Enron was considered one of the most popular,...
2 Pages 802 Words

Importance of Emancipation Proclamation for African Americans

In the two plays named Fences by August Wilson and Hamlet by William Shakespeare. They are plays that had so many meanings behind it, but the one that got a lot of my attention was the two main characters Hamlet and Troy Maxson, for some people they might be considered heroes but to me they are not close to be. The meaning of heroes has so many different definitions. The first definition that we think right away is the one...
2 Pages 795 Words

Halloween As My Favorite Holiday

It was the month of my favorite holiday, Halloween, the only time of the year where accepting candy from strangers is ok. This story was back when I was a child, around 8 or 9, and was about to go outside to play with my friends. As I headed out, I was amazed with joy, of all the fall scenery. Seeing the neighborhood houses decorated, the clouds turn gray, and the weather turning colder, really put me in the spooky...
2 Pages 823 Words

Immigrants: Theoretical Analysis Of The Concept

Emile Durkheim said that everything is society is functional where even immigrants bring in new skills to our society be it with their building skills or food where their culture can be shown and create an opening to our country contributing to social cohesion. Functionalists say that every job needs to be filled and sometimes labour power means that immigrants can be seen to be scapegoats and blame is placed on them for taking our jobs and houses. To avoid...
2 Pages 805 Words

Autobiography Of The Great Scientist Galileo Galilei

I am Galileo Galilei, and I am an Italian. I am born in the year 1564, 15th of February in Pisa, Duchy of Florence, Italy. My mother is Giulia and my father is Vincenzo Galilei who he is a famous lutenist, composer and a music theorist. I am the first of six children in my family, where only three of my siblings survived infancy. In the year 1572, which I was 8 years old, my family moved to Florence, where...
2 Pages 779 Words

Non-human Primates

Lemurs are an example of a type of non-human primate. They are relatively small in size, and many of them have a snout. All of them have a hairless, wet nose with curved nostrils. This unique nose makes them special and great sniffers. They have 5 digits on their hind and front limbs. The tail of lemurs is not prehensile and, depending on the species, varies in its length. Also depending on the species, lemurs have soft fur that ranges...
2 Pages 792 Words

Killer Whales Treated Unfairly By Seaworld

Imagine getting kidnapped from your home, away from your family, put into captivity and used for entertainment. Being solely dependent on humans for survival, and mistreated for use of entertainment. That is how killer whales have been treated at SeaWorld and it is inhumane, but as long as it makes good money for the industry it’s ok right? Sea World has been one of the most visited theme parks, what attracts people the most is the majestic sea creature, the...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Re-introduced Population Of Gray Wolves In Yellowstone Ecosystem

Yellowstone National Park was the first national park to open it doors in 1872 and began paving the way for other parks yet to come. However, with the park opening the gray wolf (Canis lupus) population was already in decline. Yellowstone National Park did not provide protection originally for the gray wolf (Canis lupus) population, and the last of the gray wolves (Canis lupus) were killed by 1926. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 helped clear the way for re-introduction...
2 Pages 782 Words

Difference Between Hypothesis And Prediction

When you are studying a variable that you know little or nothing about, you are expected to ask questions and try to answer the questions in the course of your study. By the end of the process, you are expected to arrive at a conclusion based on your findings. To be honest, this conclusion of yours is more like guesswork because you are not quite sure you know all there is to know about the subject matter. In this post,...
2 Pages 798 Words

Importance Of Darwin’s Evolution Theory

One of Darwin’s Evolution Theories Finally Proved By Cambridge Researchers. Before we going to talk about why Cambridge researchers demonstrated the Darwin’s theory we need to know about Darwin that who he is? And what is Darwin’s theory of evolution? About Darwin: His full name was Charles Robert Darwin and his Birthplace in England. He was born on on12th February 1809. He was a great person and the best English naturalist. His work mainly focused on understanding the life on...
2 Pages 779 Words

Great Scientist Archimedes And His Main Discoveries

Archimedes, the famous scientist was a man who was born in 288 BC and lived until 212 BC. He was born and raised in Syracuse, Italy. He was assumed to grow up studying astronomy and mathematics (primarily geometry) in the learning capital of Alexandria, Egypt. Afterwards, he readapted to Syracuse to engage in a life of using his pure knowledge and his ground-breaking capabilities, which had led him to become an astronomer, engineer inventor, a physicist and a famous mathematician....
2 Pages 792 Words

Stephen Hawking's Biography And Discoveries

Stephen hawking was born on the 9th of January 1942 in Oxford, United Kingdom and lived with his Mum, Dad, brother and two sisters. He started his career at Cambridge university where he was a Lucosian professor of mathematics. His life was a fairly normal life until 1963 when he was diagnosed with a type of motor neuron disease which is where your muscles stop working properly overtime. The only way he was able to speak was through a sensor...
2 Pages 799 Words

Features And Habitat Of Koalas

Koalas, the Aussie-favourite. Only about one-hundred thousand Koalas live in Australia. They may be cute and soft. But their fur is as coarse as the sheep wool that hasn't been knitted and softened, it protects them from both heat & cold as it also helps to repel water like a raincoat. In fact, their fur is the thickest of all marsupials. What are koalas? Koalas are tree-dwelling marsupials, and the leaves are poisonous for humans, and when they sleep, they...
2 Pages 807 Words

Ant Castes

Among social Hymenoptera, the development of the laborer position has arrived at its peak in the ants, wherein some taxa have advanced complex physical laborer position frameworks. Various specialist rank frameworks can be created through guideline of three parts of larval development: basic size, development parameters, and reinventing of these elements. Indeed, even the most unpredictable position frameworks could have developed basically by the expansion of amended projects as far as possible of a hereditary formative pathway for laborers. Laborer...
2 Pages 782 Words

Culture In Primates

In the past, culture use to be a trait only explained in humans, but over the years studies have shown culture-like phenomena in animals such as primates. Primatologists can define culture as behaviours that are transmitted socially from one group of species to another leading to group-specific traditions (Van Schaik et al 2003). Social learning consists of learning due to a trigger of stimuli, learning by directly imitating goals or actions (Krützen, Willems and van Schaik, 2011) . This provides...
2 Pages 825 Words

Winston Churchill: Leader Who Led Britain To Victory In The Second World War

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer- Churchill (30 November 1874- 24 January 1965), graduated from St. George school, Ascot. He had one brother and his name was Jack Churchill, and his dad was Lord Randolph, and his mother Lady Randolph. Winston’s first job was as a military writer, afterwards, he become a prime minister in 1940-1945, and again between 1951-1955. In world war 2 Churchill lead the British army through the whole war, and in the end, Britain accomplished to win this...
2 Pages 811 Words
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