850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

History of Jazz: Concert Report

Music has evolved over the past hundreds of years. Without music, we would not have concerts, musicals, and movies. Without the use of music, things would be boring and awkward. Music gives people a sense of hope and also helps people to let loose and have fun. Concerts are the biggest and the most fun way to hang with friends or just to go and get out of the house. Two well-known concerts have changed the music industry for the...
2 Pages 851 Words

Historical Examples of Trade War in the United States: The Boston Tea Party, The Smoot-Hawley Act, and The Chicken Tariff War

Definition of Trade war The term Trade War is used to describe a scenario where governments behave unilaterally, ignoring the impacts of their actions on political and economic agents in the opposite country (Grossman & Helpman, 1995). While purely non-cooperative outcomes are unlikely to emerge in a world with repeated interactions and many forums for trade discussions, the extreme case of noncooperation known as a trade war sheds light on the political forces that shape trade policies during the frequent...
2 Pages 826 Words

Evolution of the Country Music Business

The first generation emerged in the early 1920s, with Atlanta's music scene playing a major role in launching the country's earliest recording artists. New York City record label Okeh Records began issuing hillbilly music records by Fiddlin' John Carson as early as 1923, followed by Columbia Records (series 15000D 'Old Familiar Tunes') (Samantha Bumgarner) in 1924, and RCA Victor Records in 1927 with the first famous pioneers of the genre Jimmie Rodgers and the first family of country music The...
2 Pages 864 Words

Essay on the Finest Spring Poems

It is no secret that of all four seasons, spring is a favorite for most. Find it inspirational as well? There are numerous reasons for that including the regrowth and rejuvenation that it brings to life. Flourishing leaves, blossoming flowers, and the warm weather have proven to be a source of inspiration for numerous writers. That might explain why spring is a preferred subject in most poems. Lots of metaphysical sonnets and lyric poems have been composed courtesy of this...
2 Pages 860 Words

Essay on Pollution

What does society/governments say about Pollution? Our society continues to state the obvious about the opinions of pollution” which is don’t pollute because it kills millions of people and living organisms in the world. The response to society’s words has not been seen nearly as much as it should. People seem to think to themselves that someone else will deal with the pollution and put the blame on others. But what people really need to start doing is taking a...
2 Pages 828 Words

Essay on Ocean Pollution: Ethical Lens

The oceans are arguably the most important ecosystem on our planet. They clean the air, contain a majority of wildlife, and feed millions of people. We are destroying our planet by polluting the ocean, we are destroying our own livelihood. Whenever we pollute the ocean, we are killing everyone, whether they contribute to it or not. Polluting the ocean is bad because it puts can put people out of work, will eventually kill every living thing, and kills wildlife. While...
2 Pages 829 Words

Essay on Importance of Water

is a concept by James Renée Black. It refers to our daily activities that include drinking, bathing, and other uses of water. All living things need water for basic survival; we live, feed, and breed in environments with limited sources of clean water. Living things use this water for many daily functions. For example, the body cannot survive devoid of food and other resources. Without it, our vital organs could not function properly. As our health progresses, it requires more...
2 Pages 842 Words

Essay on Importance of Personal Legend

A Personal Legend, as it is stated in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, is one's destiny in life. It is identifying your purpose in life and pursuing it. It is a calling; it is something you have wanted to achieve your whole life. Coelho suggests a Personal Legend as “what you have always wanted to accomplish”. I believe that Personal Legends matter a lot to us in life without us even realizing it. They provide us with a purpose or...
2 Pages 862 Words

Essay on Frederick Douglass

Southerners during the 19th century believed slavery was a valuable commodity. According to the Historical Statistics of the United States, it was estimated that there were around three million slaves throughout that time period (“Statistics on Slavery”). Also, during this time, women were denied many governmental rights. In a time of social oppression regarding the human rights of women and African Americans, this caused sparked many activists struggling to fight for the freedom all people deserve. A variety of different...
2 Pages 845 Words

Essay on Dwight Yoakam and Country Music Pioneering-Style

One cannot talk about country music's pioneering style without remembering Dwight Yoakam who is a multi-talented personality. He is an American musician, songwriter, and actor but is also known as a frequent guest on ‘The Tonight Show’. His prowess as a country musician distinguished him as a music legend with so many compilations, numerous albums, and two Grammy Awards. Dwight Yoakam was not bound to music alone, he was also a movie and TV actor who stood out for his...
2 Pages 869 Words

Essay on Application of Radiology in Medicine

Radiology is a science term that refers to different types of tests that gives you a result in a picture for any part of the human body. Those tests provide the doctors with images that help them to see the body from the inside. Various imaging techniques are considered as a 'part of radiology including x-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound and more' (History of radiology, 2017). 'When X-rays pass through human tissue, the energy imparted can...
2 Pages 854 Words

Essay on Allegory in 'The Metamorphosis'

“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.” The preceding quote is an excerpt from Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” which is a novella about Gregor, a salesman, who unexpectedly turns into a huge, unidentified insect one morning. ‘The Metamorphosis” is an allegory for humankind and Gregor’s transformation is more of a symbolic one than a physical one. The book is sectioned into three sections and the...
2 Pages 833 Words

Essay about Oedipus Hubris

The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, defines a tragic hero as a character having valiant traits that earn the audience's sympathy but also have human flaws that ultimately lead to their own downfall. Aristotle states a tragic hero's fortune should be not from bad to good but from good to bad caused by their own doing. A tragic hero's misfortune is seen 'not through vice or depravity but by some error of judgment.' This hamartia refers to a flaw in the hero's...
2 Pages 830 Words

Do High Prices of Healthy Food Contribute to the Rate of Obesity in Our Society: Argumentative Essay

Introduction: Obesity is a global issue that many countries are having difficulty addressing. There is no simple solution and no country has yet been successful in significantly reducing obesity. The World Health Organization, also referred to as WHO, states that obesity is a chronic disease defined as a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.’ [footnoteRef:1] [1: https://www.who.int/topics/obesity/en/] In 2014 and 15, over one in four Australian adults were obese. This represents five million...
2 Pages 836 Words

Desert as the Driest Biome on the Earth

A biome mainly referred to an ecosystem where places share similar climates. It comprises all plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as the physical environment in a specific area. A biome is distinguished by its atmosphere, and area. Biome mainly consists of tundra, forest, desert, grassland, and aquatic. A desert is one of the five main biomes on Earth. The main geographic features of the deserts are only sand or rocks. deserts are very hot with less humidity. It...
2 Pages 861 Words

Deconstruction Analysis of Dawn Bellwether as Minor Character of ‘Zootopia’

Deconstruction analysis of Dawn Bellwether as a Minor character a. Unappreciated >< Powerful The personality of Dawn Bellwether as the Assistant of Mayor Zootopia can be identified in the Zootopia script as the unappreciated animal. The first time, Bellwether comes and joins the story, it is clearly visible in herself. It can be proved in table, most of the quotations will show you the character or personality of Dawn Bellwether in some different scenes. So, the first character as...
2 Pages 832 Words

Critical Analysis of 'Oedipus the King' Tragic Hero

Oedipus Tyrannus should be regarded as an ideal form of Greek drama as it contains the two most important components to be considered a quality Greek tragedy as well as Oedipus has the characteristics of an ideal tragic hero. The two most important principles of a well-written Greek tragedy are an eloquent plot and sound character traits. According to Aristotle, the plot is the “soul of a tragedy” and is by far the most important feature (Poetics VI, page 8)....
2 Pages 870 Words

Analysis of Metaphors in 'Native Son'

Native Son opens with the ringing bell of an alarm clock—a wake-up call not only for Bigger and his family but also a warning to America as a whole about the dangerous state of race relations in the country in the 1930s. Wright sees a black population that, though freed from outright slavery, still lives under terrible conditions, is unable to vote, and is terrorized by groups like the Ku Klux Klan. The North is somewhat more integrated, but many...
2 Pages 873 Words

Shakespeare's Sister' by Virginia Woolf: Book Summary

This person is a prominent, well-respected poet, writer (playwright), and actor. The use of language and words in their work is masterful and exudes brilliance. Their works are classics that are consistently studied, which also changed how elements of stories are developed and entwined together. Their name is Judith Shakespeare (sister of William Shakespeare). Regretfully, this individual only exists through the words and pages of the essay by Virginia Woolf, “A Room of One’s Own.” Woolf in the essay uses...
2 Pages 827 Words

Essay On Racial Inequality

The concept of race is a social construct that categorizes people based on physical characteristics such as skin colour, hair texture, and facial features. It has been used throughout history to justify discriminatory practices, including slavery, segregation, and genocide. These practices have impacted the opportunities, experiences, and outcomes of people of colour. The effects of racial inequality are far-reaching and can be seen in various aspects of life, including the criminal justice system, education, employment, housing, and healthcare. In my...
2 Pages 875 Words

Essay on Economics

Economics is a social science that studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies decide how to allocate resources to meet their needs and wants. It is a fundamental part of our daily lives and affects every aspect of society, from our personal finances to the policies and decisions made by governments and businesses. Basic Concepts in Economics In economics, the concept of scarcity is essential because resources are limited, and choices must be made about how to allocate them. In...
2 Pages 873 Words

Reasons Why I Want to Attend This High School Essay

Choosing the right high school is a significant decision that can impact a student's future. With numerous options available, students must carefully consider their choices and select a school that aligns with their academic goals and personal interests. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I want to attend a high school. I will argue that a school offers a unique combination of academic excellence, extracurricular opportunities, and a supportive community that will help me achieve my goals...
2 Pages 862 Words

Work Songs and Spirituals Strengthen the Weak and Weary

While exploring how people cope with intellectual and emotional stress by listening to work and spiritual songs strengthen and uplifted their psychological well-being. A study was done on some older African American living in the southeastern part of the US. The results revealed participants experiencing stressful life events and how the coping strategies expressed through listening to spiritual songs like praise and worship music uplifted and gave them strength and endurance. In ‘Spirituals to Rock and Roll: The History of...
2 Pages 828 Words

Essay about Tourism in Machu Picchu

As per the popular travel website Trip Advisor, the visitor experience of Machu Picchu is considered a once in a lifetime, unmissable experience, being described as amazing and mystical. Due to the nature of the area, there is a reasonable amount of hiking to be done at the site in order to get the most out of the visit. A popular option employed by the more adventurous tourists is to access the citadel through the Inca trail. The visitor sessions...
2 Pages 861 Words

Theme of Loss of Identity Due to Colonization in ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ and ‘Arthur Corunna's Story'’

Ever since the Europeans landed on Indigenous Australian’s land they have lost so much of their identities. What started with their land being called Terra Nullius and being taken away from them, Indigenous Australians then had to endure years of loss because of colonization. Both the film ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ by Phillip Noyce and ‘Arthur Corunna's Story’ by Sally Morgan depicts accurately the terrible situations they had to go through after their land was colonized such as experiencing a loss...
2 Pages 872 Words

Informative Essay about Realism Art Movement

When you’re staring at a piece of artwork, do you ever ask yourself, what am I looking at? I do all the time. There are so many kinds of art and you never know what the artist is trying to portray and if it is real or imaginary. There was a time way back in the day when paintings were all from imagination and it only showed beautiful and heroic subjects. Until one day a poet and journalist named Charles...
2 Pages 861 Words

Essay about the Most Influential Person in My Life

My older brother has been a critical motivation in my life. I cannot imagine life without my brother. One significant element that sets him apart is his humility. Despite being very successful, humility punctuates my brother’s life. His academic success is not the only point but also his entrepreneurial prowess. A lot of firsts in our family have been courtesy of him. As mentioned, you cannot discuss my brother and fail to notice or mention his humility. One would expect...
2 Pages 840 Words

The Coen Brothers and Morality on the Example of ‘No Country for Old Men’

The Coens frequently test the morality of their characters in their films to see whether their principles will come before a temptation of the criminal or immoral variety. These temptations are primarily of the monetary variety, however, but also encompass the duality of justice and loyalty to one's companions, friends or family. The consistent presence within this theme is the Coens punishment of the characters who stray away from their morals in the pursuit of these temptations laid in front...
2 Pages 867 Words

Review of the Movie 'The Matrix'

The well-organized story, fantastically beautiful battles, and unique characters makes ‘The Matrix’ a must see. ‘The Matrix’ is one of the best classic sci-fi action films ever made, which is why I've chosen to write about how it has become one of my favorite movies of all time. The modern and creative story behind ‘The Matrix’ is what sets it aside from films that were released in the 1999s. It depicts a dystopia future in which truth as perceived via...
2 Pages 837 Words

Review of Andy Weir's Book ‘The Martian’

In the book ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir, the story is told from a perspective of a person named Mark Watney and he is stranded on the planet Mars all alone. The reason he is stranded is because there was storm that made the crew decide to evacuate Mars; in the process of the evacuation Mark gets knocked out and his crew must leave without him. In the book he is grappling to survive and must figure out how to...
2 Pages 830 Words
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