Essay on Importance of Water

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is a concept by James Renée Black. It refers to our daily activities that include drinking, bathing, and other uses of water. All living things need water for basic survival; we live, feed, and breed in environments with limited sources of clean water. Living things use this water for many daily functions. For example, the body cannot survive devoid of food and other resources. Without it, our vital organs could not function properly. As our health progresses, it requires more water. And so, as humans, we have evolved a range of needs including access to safe and sustainable water for survival. We also have learned how to live with less water, and how to conserve and reuse available water resources. The following article describes how these water resources contribute to the health and well-being of individuals in developing nations.

Water is important for life on earth. Almost every cell relies on water for its metabolic activity, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and growth. However, too much or not enough water can cause severe consequences. If it’s not readily accessed or supplied, the cells will stop working. People do often lack adequate water for bathing and washing their hands. In some parts of Africa, the population has no means of proper sanitation. With poverty, there are only two options for people who seek them. Either they go hungry on the streets in hopes of finding something else, or they get into prostitution and sell their bodies to buy some. In a desperate state of mind, the choice is obvious: they either become a prostitute or they stay stuck in an un-safer life.

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Water supply is essential for agriculture. Agriculture is one of the major drivers of economic development. It accounts for almost half of the world’s GDP (gross domestic product) and over 80% of total employment. Food production is crucial for most livelihoods. Today, nearly 75% of the global population needs water for irrigation and farming to grow. Only about 22% have access to fresh water for their agricultural activities. While in the past, agriculture was widely used in African countries, today there is very little access to land for cultivation. Agricultural lands are scarce in both quantity and quality. There is growing evidence indicating that climate change can be harmful to crops causing famine and dry spells.

The relationship between land and water is complex, but increasingly we see how much water-dependent land and land-based activities are linked and interdependent. Some studies have found links between agricultural runoff water and deforestation, and others see the opposite link. This makes the question of what role water plays and whether it can be improved. One interesting trend I noticed with my work is that while many researchers continue researching and publishing research related to freshwater resource management, few actually delve deeper than just a handful of key topics. A good example of this is the recent study conducted by Dr. Charles Pollard at Pennsylvania State University (PSU). Pollard’s paper was published last year “Water Risk Assessment: Managing Water Resources in Developing Countries” where he discusses how local ecosystems may be changing due to the increasing amounts of runoff and water pollution from agricultural areas and industrial mining. His discussion centers around rural and urban communities using natural resources in developed countries. To better understand his discussion, we must review the current ways in which environmental issues affect the way that people live in developing nations.

People are becoming aware of climate change, one of the biggest crises on Earth. They are also realizing the importance of protecting the environment. An increased amount and type of rainfall is leading to an increase in surface water in several continents and affecting the ability of animals to swim, fish to swim, and amphibians to move around in the water. Due to climate changes, sea levels are rising, and as such, large parts of coastal regions, which in turn will lead to increased flooding of towns and villages. When an individual lives in a place like India, where it rains all day long and never really seems to deplete, one should also consider how vulnerable they will be too extreme weather events. Climate change, combined with rapid population growth and urbanization, is making many communities extremely vulnerable. Thus, environmental protection is an urgent concern.

I can’t imagine ever going through life without water. Every single one of us is affected by it in one way or another. When the water level falls in your lakes, you may notice a significant difference. Likewise, when the temperature rises, the water will slowly evaporate off and cause you to lose your ice cover. This is especially true for those areas that are experiencing drought, or an emergency situation such as having floodwaters coming after a heavy downpour or strong wind. Unless we adapt and learn how to cope with new water-related risks, communities like Indian society will continuously struggle to make ends meet with inadequate access to clean water. Our future depends on how we manage the water of the planet.

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Essay on Importance of Water. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Importance of Water.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Essay on Importance of Water. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Importance of Water [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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