Documentary Analysis on Blue Gold: World Water Wars

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I have seen the Blue Gold documentary movie and enjoyed watching it. It was directed, co-produced, and co-written by Sam Bozzo. He is also the editor of the movie. It is made in the United States. This documentary is based on the book Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate Theft of the world’s water by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. People are fighting with nature for living on this planet.

In this whole movie, I saw the journey of Pablo Valencia from Mexico to California for the search problems of gold in 1906. He survived without drinking water. He faced a lot of problems during that period. He was facing the problem of breathing as his saliva becomes thicker and a lump formed in his throat which cause many problems for him. His skin starts shrinking up and was looking very dull. His lips almost disappeared. His eyes were also expressing an unsuccessful start. We can say that this movie is generally not based on saving our environment but on saving ourselves. Jim Olson also speaks about the environmental effect on our life. This is a very genuine and critical issue in the concern of access to water. It destroys the sustainability of the ecosystem. He said that people need water for survival, but water is wasted for other purposes which are very harmful to our environment. All the above, people need water to survive in this world. The blue planet is also known as harbor life. The only planet to be flowing with water.

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Water management is very essential for all humans because it is the only water on which all the other known life forms exist. The Egyptians were dependent upon the Nile. Also, the Romans expanded the boundaries of engineering to use gravity in bringing water to their cities. Ancient societies molded their lives around the pool and even they worshiped it like a god. However, farmers were forced to extend their agriculture towards the jungle forest to grow food. In the jungle area, the amount of water was very low for both crops and trees. The soil eroded that’s why some of the forests died due to less amount of water. As well as because of this, the air humidity and the amount of food decreased. Some Mayan leaders prayed for the rain because the regular rain season brought a little amount of water for them. The hydrologic cycle was been damaged. Life in the cities becomes less civilized as their main focus was on providing food and water. It was difficult for the people to survive but they still hope for the best. Now, we enter into a new era with some new technologies with the demand for global economic traits. “Water” is the main source of living because we all depend on it and we cannot survive without water. Tony Clarke said that profit is made by delivering water into communities for people. Water is given to those people who can pay but people who are not able to pay for it will not able to have good water facilities. Therefore, it was the worst problem in concern water. 97% of our water is salty and we have only 3% of fresh water and much of which is also being polluted beyond human use. There are many reasons why our water is being polluted.

Chemicals are used for agriculture to increase the amount of farming productivity. These chemicals pollute the groundwater. Automobile gas emissions also pollute the clouds. But perhaps the most damaging culprit is industry. Water pollution is linked to the rising miscarriage rate in women, and it also affected sperm in men. Various laws were imposed against those who were found contaminating the water. Agents use 18 different shots to fall into the water to keep safe from contracting. Our wastewater is returning to us in the form of food. We can see water bubbles in the rivers which shows that these are losing the amount of oxygen. Water pollution and contamination create Cholera which results in various water diseases. Because of the contaminated water, children are killed by diseases like AIDS and Malaria problems. Over 60% of wetlands in the world have been destroyed in the past 100 years which is very dangerous for human life. The water hits the ground and infiltrates into the soil for collection underground which is known as aquifers or groundwater. As there is no reliable measure to accurately measure which is why our growing dependence on groundwater is such an urgent concern. Mexico City is an example of an oasis of water. These days the government made some laws to use water qualities. When we pump water for irrigation, some of the infiltrates returned into the ground which is called returns flow. Further, our soil is eroded because of grazing, winds, and flooding also damages the top layer of soil. Deforestation is the main reason for soil erosion. We should stop these harmful reasons which are destroying our environment and our water.

Maude Barlow said that it is not too late as our earth is the most amazing and elastic in terms of coming back. The best way to fight the privatization of water is to ensure there is enough water around our houses then there is no demand to market the water too. The solution is very simple to return water to its natural cycle and irrigate the land with rainwater. This approach is important to rebuild our groundwater system. We should move towards decommissioning the dams. This trend is very important. As we expand in urbanization to meet its growing population many alternatives allow rainwater to enter the subsoil. Even with these advancements we can conserve our water sources.

To put everything in a nutshell, I would like to say that water is very important to survive in this world. It is difficult to live without it as it is used for different purposes like cooking, bathing, drinking, washing clothes, watering crops, and fruits and even aquatic life isn’t anything without water. So we need to take care of our water resources. We should not contaminate the water as the wastewater return back to us in the form of new food. The rich people are surviving well because they can purchase and use purified water as compared to poor people. We should save water so that we can’t beg for water in the market.

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Documentary Analysis on Blue Gold: World Water Wars. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Documentary Analysis on Blue Gold: World Water Wars.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
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