850 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Heroes of Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese began bombing Pearl Harbor. At the end of the second wave of bombing, the United States had “five sunk battleships and eight damaged. Three destroyers, three light cruisers, three smaller boats, and 188 aircraft were destroyed. The casualty count was 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians and 1,178 people were wounded” (The History Place, 1997). I believe these numbers would have been higher if it weren’t for heroes like Samuel Fuqua, Peter Tomich, Doris Miller,...
2 Pages 860 Words

A Man’s Best Weapon is His Work

If a man shrinks then the nation will be known for its weakness, but if he strives then the nation will be known for its glory. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States and in 1899, he gave his famous speech ‘The Strenuous Life’. This speech was a collection of Roosevelt’s works and experiences. It talks about how he thinks that for America to overcome any difficulty and compete against any other country; the citizens must work...
2 Pages 866 Words

The Importance of Students Complying with the Academic Honor Code for Their Future Nursing Profession

In relation to the definition of honor, an individual must understand that in order to receive honor, one must act with honor. The word honor originates to the Old French term onur and honuren. Being a noun, onur refers to 'glory, renown, fame earned', while the verb honuren is 'to do honor to, show respect to” (Harper). To cling to what is right is to show honorability. Honor is a representative connection between an individual and a set of morals....
2 Pages 853 Words

Compare and Contrast Industrialization in Japan and Russia: An Essay

At the beginning of the modern era both empires, Japan and Russia, realized they were in the shadow of European powers. Thus, in order to ‘catch-up’ both powers decided industrialize in hopes of becoming global powers after realizing that European powers had changed politically striking fear of colonization into the heart of smaller empires. Japan and Russia went about industrialization very differently. Russia local forces of an autocratic government and loans from other superpowers while Japan used its own treasury...
2 Pages 826 Words

The Hash Symbol Typographic Character

The # typographic character is one of the most influential symbols in contemporary communication today, and perhaps for the next decade. The logo was selected for social media use as it creates metadata when placed in front of words and numbers. The developed metadata creates awareness to the search engines of the content of the tag. In the process, people searching for the # tag find the necessary information. In websites, the symbol assists in creating a definition of the...
2 Pages 855 Words

The Influence of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and His New Deal on the Federal Government

From the past all the way until now, the federal government has gone through many changes, especially during the Great Depression. Before the Great Depression, the federal government did not do much to help the suffering economy. However, after the inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he implemented many new policies and reforms that gave the federal government more power. And with greater power came greater responsibility, the federal government started to take part in the nation’s economy and the...
2 Pages 857 Words

Dog-Friendly Events in the United States

The United States is home to a large variety of incredible activities and events for families, friends, and individuals who are looking for ways to entertain themselves and forget their worries and problems even just for a moment. No matter what state you are in or you want to visit, there are all types of entertainment you can enjoy. But, did you know that this country also offers a wide spectrum of dog-friendly events for you and your furry friend?...
2 Pages 838 Words

Exploring the Discourse Community of Personal Trainer

As a newly certified coach and professional personal trainer, I am writing this report for the new comer to the discourse community of personal trainers. What is the history of this community? What are its primary mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of threshold levels does it have? This report will explore these and related questions, drawing on my careful observation and analysis of this community. I will conclude with three recommendations on the important steps a newcomer can take to...
2 Pages 864 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne's ‘The Birthmark’ and Edgar Allan Poe's ‘The Oval Portrait’ as Prime Examples of Dark Romanticism

Both Romanticism and Dark Romanticism values emotions as more important than knowledge and logical thinking. However, Dark Romanticism uses different forms of expression. Most popular representatives of this genre, such as Herman Melville or Edgar Alan Poe, believed that there is no stronger emotion than fear. That is why Dark Romanticism is often associated with horror stories. In order to express emotions and beliefs, authors decided to use supernatural creatures, such as demons, ghosts, werewolves etc., but sometimes the worst...
2 Pages 873 Words

John Adams as American Statesman

The challenges of public administrative leaders today are not so different, than the challenges from the days of the Founding Fathers. Leaders often are challenged with integrating the appropriate principle into important decisions that will ultimately have an effect on the American people. In the past there were exemplary models of statesmanship such as: Patrick Henry and George Washington, to which they applied a Christian philosophy into what they did and how they came to make important decisions. They did...
2 Pages 839 Words

Miraculous Metabolism Boosters Do Not Exist

These days individuals have accepted that for each 1 pound of muscle you gain, your body consumes an extra 50 calories. On paper, this sounds great. But it is not true, sadly. When we speak about metabolism like it's something, we can control by swallowing a pill, bringing down some green tea, or running quicker. Let's be evident about one thing: miracle metabolism boosters are not there. Regardless of what you find in promotions or hear in your running circles,...
2 Pages 846 Words

Opinion: Gun Violence, Campus Carry, and Solutions

After I formulated a thesis for this paper, there were two shootings within twenty four hours of each other. Previously, I was supportive of the gun ban, but now I am sure that banning firearms would not solve the true issues at the root of this pandemic. The Dallas and Dayton shootings spurred a fresh wave of conversation amonsgt my friends and I, and it allowed my perception to shift, oddly enough, towards an opposing perspective. Previously, my opinion was...
2 Pages 837 Words

Mali’s Civilization as a Unique and Outstanding African Civilization

“I teach kings the history of their ancestors, so that the lives of the ancients might serve them as an example, for the world is old, but the future springs from the past”, states Griot Djeli Mamadou Kouyate in ‘An epic of old Mali study guide’ (Kouyate, 2019, p.1). The succession of kings in Mali indicates that, all the kings had the same goal of making Mali a great empire in the whole world (UNESCO, 1979, p.60). Mali’s civilization left...
2 Pages 862 Words

Building a Strong Company Culture with Branded Apparel

When it comes to earning the loyalty of repeat customers, strong branding is essential. The visual element of your brand identity plays a critical role in driving consumers to your door. This is not, however, where the power of branding stops. Branded items, including customized apparel, can go a long way in building a strong company culture amongst employees and customers alike. Setting Branded Apparel Apart What sets branded apparel apart from other forms of branding is that when employees...
2 Pages 832 Words

Personal Motivation for Getting a Ph.D Research in Cybersecurity

I am interested in doing a Ph.D. research in cybersecurity because I aspire to become a renowned cybersecurity expert and join the fight against cyber threats and attacks. I understand that there is an obvious shortage of professionals, especially women, in the field of cybersecurity. So, I aspire to reduce the dearth of experts and women in the field of cybersecurity and eventually mentor secondary school students in West Africa to take cybersecurity as a career. For my Ph.D. research,...
2 Pages 850 Words

Culture and Languages of the Punjab Region

The word ‘Punjab’ is conflation of two words (punj) and (ab) devoting the meaning of ‘Land of five rivers. It is the second largest province due to its enormous magnitude and massive figure of souls residing in it there breach among its different zones and their culture and literature. Dating from classical to today’s advanced domain Punjabi culture is appraised as one of the historic heritages existing. Punjabi culture typically subsume cuisine, dress, philosophy, melody, art, poetry, traditions, architecture in...
2 Pages 866 Words

The Importance of Human Development

People experience plenty of changes over the period of their lives. So, what is the meaning of human development? The definition of human development is the process of expansion of human’s potential, an increase of choices and opportunities and fulfillment of human rights. Human development also describes as the growth of humans throughout their lifespan, from conception to death. Changes are ordinary and expected, and yet people still able to pose challenges that need sometimes and extra assistance to manage...
2 Pages 838 Words

9/11: Social, Political and Economic Consequences of the Huge Event

9/11 was a huge event in U.S history. It was where Islamic terrorists hijacked planes, 2 going into the world trade center, one crashing into the middle of a field, and one hitting the pentagon. These terrorists were part of a group called Al-Qaeda. The founder of Al-Qaeda was Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of a lot of terrorist attacks. 9/11 caused a lot of change in the U.S for the people, and the nation. First, 9/11 affected the economy...
2 Pages 872 Words

Newspaper as the First and Longest-Lived Media Platform

The newspaper has a long and storied history, with major advancements throughout human history. Mass media as a whole has developed gradually over time, but the newspaper was the first medium for spreading news and advertising to the public. While technologies like radio, television, and the Internet developed later in time, newspapers still exist and are widely read around the world- a testament to their longevity. Because the newspaper was the first and original platform for mass media, for a...
2 Pages 868 Words

Multiple Sclerosis: Pathogenesis, Symptoms and Treatment

It is that time to talk about multiple sclerosis and what it is. What is it and what does it do to the human body and the ones affected by it? Multiple sclerosis is a rare disease it happens to be about 200,000 US cases per year. Multiple sclerosis tends to affect women more than men. So, what is the disease about, the symptoms and treatment. MS is a disease in which the immune system eats away the protective covering...
2 Pages 828 Words

The Assumption About the Possibility of Preventing the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

9/11 was an attack that has negatively impacted the United States till this day. Thousands of people’s lives were taken and till this day, it still affects their health. After this attack happened, people were looking for answers as to why did this happen? Why was the United States targeted? Was there a way we could have prevented this heinous act of violence towards innocent civilians? It all started with Osama Bin Laden, who is the founder of the terrorist...
2 Pages 849 Words

What I Learned in Microeconomics? Essay

Microeconomics is the part of economics that studies the reactions of individuals and companies when making decisions depending on scarce resources and also studies the interactions among these individuals and firms. Economics is found everywhere, this is why it is so important to not only study economics but also understand it and relate it to events that occur around us. In this essay, I will be showing my understanding of microeconomics by associating things we studied in class to everyday...
2 Pages 851 Words

Juvenile Justice System of the 21st century

The juvenile justice system in our nation has been trying to successful rehabilitation juvenile offenders. juvenile system years ago was lacking specific punishment for crime such as robbery, grand theft auto, destroy private property, depending on the crime if the person was a minor they were sent in a juvenile center. However, if the crime was more extreme they could be charged as an adult no matter what age you are. This essay will discuss the Juvenile system by age...
2 Pages 873 Words

Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth

These days, it is common knowledge that university is luxurious. Most who attend college should take out student loans to even have enough money it. Although some agree with the scholar loan debt disaster is solely fictional, the pupil loan disaster need to no longer be taken into consideration a fable like Chris Lewis and Layla Zaidane propose of their article ‘Here’s Your Crisis: Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth’. Due to economic aid and college students not taking gain...
2 Pages 858 Words

Henry Fleming's Psychological Transformations in Stephen Crane's 'The Red Badge of Courage'

As a new recruit, Henry has experienced many psychological transformations during this period of time, to where his true cowardliness is expressed. His romantic illusions are gradually shattered, and he begins to fear for the coming battles. Before the first battle, the newly recruit must grapple with a profound question regarding his courage: will he, when faced with the enemy and the possibility of imminent, painful death, stand tall and fight or retreat in shame, “Gradually a little panic-fear grew...
2 Pages 841 Words

Restrictions on Freedom of Speech

Words are exceptionally incredible. They can be brutal. We generally hear 'sticks and stones may break my bones, yet words will never hurt me'. But words do hurt. Numerous individuals fall subject to verbal tormenting. While we do have the right to speak freely of discourse in the United States, there ought to be an utmost on it. One key case of how words are so incredible is simply the Constitution. Words are emotional. So as to help anticipate any...
2 Pages 862 Words

Rationale for Why John Proctor Is a Tragic Hero

John Proctor is the tragic hero in the play ‘The Crucible’. He gives all he has and gives his life for the people that he loves. He confesses his sins in front of the court to get his wife out jail and prove that there are so many people lying about everything that is going on. He's one of the biggest inspirations in the story and no one could ever live up to his part or character in any movie...
2 Pages 833 Words

Business Risk and Its Main Types

Business risk is an evaluation of the balance in the day to day and long-term operation of the business in meeting its expenses. Business risks describe whether the business will be able to provide notable returns to the stakeholders and at the same time, maintaining credit. It occurs in various ways, such as business managers not anticipating certain events within the future, inflicting the business to incur losses or fail. Business risk is affected by a variety of factors, including...
2 Pages 827 Words

Comparative Analysis of Beowulf and Achilles

‘Beowulf’ and ‘Iliad’ are two popular literary works written in Old English and Ancient Greek. Both poems illustrates the fights between main characters and the stronger one is the winner. While Beowulf in ‘Beowulf’ won against Grendel - a disgusting cold-blooded monster- to protect Danes and show his respect to his cousin, the king. Achilles in ’Iliad’ killed Hector to revenge his beloved cousins death. Both of the characters owned outstanding traits to be an epic hero, including bravery, strength...
2 Pages 832 Words

The Problem of Homelessness in the History of the United States

During the Economic Crash of 1819 through 1825, fewer than seven percent of the American population lived in urban areas, with the majority of the population still preferring to make their survival on family farms. At this time the Industrial Revolution was still in its infancy, and required skilled labor to fill the expanding businesses. As these skilled labor positions promised a steady wage, a stream of migrants began from the rural areas to the cities looking for permanent work....
2 Pages 873 Words
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