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Social Issues

Critical Essay about a Movie

“Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wild World,’ said the Rat. ‘And that's something that doesn't matter, either to you or to me. I've never been there, and I'm never going, nor you either if you've got any sense at all.” (Grahame, 1908). In the one hundred and twelve years since the publication of Kenneth Grahame’s ‘The Wind In The Willows, the picturesque home of the characters has been lost to a thing of the imagination. That loss is the...
2 Pages 826 Words

Process Analysis Essay on Ketogenic Diet

After trying several different diets, we decided to try a ketogenic diet. Low carb high-fat diet seems most convenient for us. We don’t have to starve; we can eat in moderation. It’s only you need to limit the intake of carbohydrates in your body. We studied this diet very carefully and also tried to gather as much as possible the recipe. From our experience, the challenge of the diet is the limitation of the menu of the food that we...
2 Pages 875 Words

Process Analysis Essay on Sports

Sports are a physical activity that has a lot of benefits on the human body. Sports help build muscle mass, mainly because of the fact that they always work your muscles. Take football for instance. During football, you’re working the muscles in your legs when you run. Of course, football works more than just your legs. For instance, they also work out your arm and shoulder muscles. Even a strength training workout could be considered a sport if you do...
2 Pages 867 Words

Essay Proposal Teaching People about Cloning

Nowadays, Clone is a word that a new commonly used in many contexts all around the world, especially in the United States. Scientists have discovered a way to bring back extinct animals. Many people dream to extend life for their loved ones and being able to express the hidden feelings in their minds after their loved one has disappeared from their life. The idea is that humans might someday be cloned in the future, but there is some scientific concern...
2 Pages 861 Words

The Beatles' Profile Essay

The Biographical Outline of The Beatles The Beatles was a British rock ‘n’ roll quartet band of the 1960s that comprised John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, all of whom were vocalists besides the different instruments they played for the band. The band, initially called The Quarrymen until 1960, was formed in 1957 by guitarists and songwriters Lennon (1940-1980) and McCartney (1942-present). A while later, they inducted Harrison (1943-2001), a bass guitarist. Starr (1940-present), the band’s drummer,...
2 Pages 841 Words

Narrative Essay about a Person You Consider to Be

As a human person, committing a mistake is not a big deal since it is part of learning and growing. We made mistakes and learn from them. We are made with our flaws and weaknesses, but it doesn’t reveal our true identity. We are covered up with our imperfections, and it is how we show ourselves. Just like Punchinello, there are times that I’ve been doubtful of myself, I thought I can’t do what others can do, but it hits...
2 Pages 832 Words

Thesis on Abraham Lincoln Leadership

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader” As stated by John Quincy Adams, “Leaders are the people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right.” Leaders are the ones who do not order their sub-coordinates but work with them together to achieve the predetermined goals of an organization. They work together to bring out the best in the sub-coordinates and motivate them to bring...
2 Pages 833 Words

Serial Killer: Informative Speech

Serial killers are one of the most notorious criminals for the past several decades. They have proven their reputation to the world, killing in the most gruesome way they can think of. While some serial killers like Ted Bundy, Andrei Chikatilo, Jeffrey Dahmer, and many more are already behind bars, there are those who managed to get away with their crimes like the infamous 'Jack the Ripper.' The Federal Bureau of Investigation defined a serial killer as someone who has...
2 Pages 871 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Childhood Experience

A problem my friend, Daniel, encountered in childhood was a traumatic experience in kindergarten. Daniel decided to tease a classmate, but he did not know the teacher had heard what he said and to Daniel’s surprise the teacher yelled at Daniel. In the shock of the situation, Daniel froze up as he feared the repercussions of his actions; as all young children are afraid of getting in trouble, so was Daniel. The teacher demanded Daniel say sorry but now the...
2 Pages 851 Words

Effects of Social Media on Youth: Critical Essay

Social media refers to forms of a system and email channels dedicated to open-based participation, interacting, changing ideas, and collaborating through bookmaking, and networking microbiology. Cybercrime refers to the unlawful activities which are conducted by computer systems or the internet. It’s also the growth of crime in more densely populated areas. This paper will discuss the relevant effects of social media on cybercrime. Identity theft or character theft is the most common technique the scammer used. They employ the technique...
2 Pages 874 Words

Cyber Bullying: Informative Essay

Introduction: Have you ever felt helpless or unable to defend yourself? Does that consider to be a weakness? And does it harms in the long term? I think a lot of people went through this situation I find it interesting to know more that’s why cyberbullying is the topic I chose to discuss. In this assignment, I will gather more information on the meaning of cyberbullying its cusses, and its effect. Also, I will focus on who can be cyberbullying....
2 Pages 860 Words

Coronavirus Vaccines: Argumentative Essay

Thousands of people around the globe are dying every day due to Covid-19. Superpowers like the United States are seeing their economies shrinking rapidly and whereas a full lockdown is effective, it cannot last forever. We all know that the world can only return to normal if a vaccine is found. World-leading research laboratories are competing with each other to find an effective vaccine. Many of them have also started vaccine trials, but an effective vaccine has not been found...
2 Pages 838 Words

Conflicts in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' as a Result of the Lack of Authority: Essay

We all need some kind of authority with us, or our society could be a disaster, as shown in the book ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding. In this novel, a group of boys is stranded on an isolated Island at the time of an imaginary nuclear war with no connection to the adult world. These children with no rules, civilization, or guidance have their true nature exposed. On the island, we see conflicts between the boys. This affects...
2 Pages 832 Words

Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay

In today's world, public speaking is becoming a necessity, especially in the educational and professional spheres. However, if you ask people, most of them will say that public speaking is their weakness and that they have a great fear of it. In my essay, I am going to consider ways to overcome this weakness. Firstly, it is important to accept the thought that not everyone is perfect. In most cases, the fear of talking in public is the fear of...
2 Pages 849 Words

Steven Salzberg's Argument Why Football Should Be Banned from Universities: Article Analysis Essay

Football has been around for many years. It has become the most popular sport in America. Statics show that four in ten people prefer to watch football over any sport. Many kids grow up idolizing famous football athletes and dream to become the next big star when they grow up. Young people grow up playing recreational football, and for many it becomes a hobby. Others may just find it enjoyable to watch as they are rooting for their favorite team...
2 Pages 829 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

American instrumentalist Frank Zappa once said, “Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible”. Zappa is stating that if a person does not stray off the beaten path, there will never be progression. Progress is a movement towards an improved state, and it is a necessary component of development. In his TED Talk, 'Is the World Getting Better or Worse? A Look at the Numbers', Steven Pinker uses various rhetorical appeals such as pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade...
2 Pages 865 Words

Life-Changing Family Reunion: Narrative Essay

It had always been there, since before I could remember. Gran never told us about it before she passed. But as far as Dad knew, it was there before he was born. Whenever people came over, they would always ask: “What’s in there?” or “Is it empty?”. The only answer we could give was usually along the lines of “I don’t know” or “It’s always been there”. Whatever was inside that locked room was always going to remain Gran’s secret....
2 Pages 851 Words

Maturing from Corruption in J.D. Salinger's Novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye': Critical Essay

Innocence is something people want to keep, especially during or after adolescence. Holden goes through this transition because of losing his brother, Allie, and struggles to accept it. To Holden, losing Allie is a traumatic experience that affects him greatly enough to manipulate his views on adolescence. From this, he makes the effort to save his and others’ innocence. Holden prevents himself from maturing to preserve his childhood naivety. In ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, J.D. Salinger uses symbols and...
2 Pages 836 Words

What Is the School of the Future: Narrative Essay

Education is important because it gives people the knowledge and skills they require to be contributing citizens to society. It improves the quality of life by enriching people's understanding of themselves and the world. The secondary school of the future will be based on three basic principles: students should gain an understanding of how to apply what they learn in their daily lives, students will learn how to sustain the world for future generations, and students will learn about ethics...
2 Pages 849 Words

Hello Kitty as an Example of How Cuteness Contributes to Consumer Culture: Essay

In modern societies, artists or manufacturers use elements of cuteness that are pleasing to create mass consumption. Merchandise that is worth millions and is sold across the world is partly due to its appeal of being ‘cute’. In this case, a recognizable animated character, Hello Kitty, is famous for representing what is known to be cute. Cuteness is an aesthetic category that uses its elements to create mass consumer culture and attract consumers. The cute aesthetic of Hello Kitty has...
2 Pages 873 Words

Essay on 21st-Century Theatre and What Has Shaped It

Imagine yourself sitting in a fairly dark and crowded room. There are hundreds of seats occupied by people around you. A stage lies in front of you, filled with actors, lights, music, and different sound effects to set the mood of the play. A combination of these accommodations has let viewers grasp the performance actors have been portraying. However, it hasn’t always been easy to enjoy these theatrical performances. Times have changed since ancient Athenian theater, however, that’s not to...
2 Pages 840 Words

Freedom of Speech: Argumentative Essay on Ayn Rand

 At the end of the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, the two protagonists, Prometheus and Gaea, decide to start a society that differs from the one they used to live in. Rather than focusing on everyone as a collective group, the society they want to start focuses on freedom and individuality. Prometheus and Gaea believe that embracing each person’s personality is better than putting everyone in a group and that all people should be able to choose what they do...
2 Pages 843 Words

Essay on the Baton Rouges and Black Lives Matter Movement

In this essay, I am going to discuss Jonathan Bachman, taking in Baton Rouge a press photograph from a Black Lives Matter protest in 2015.  This photo shows a woman -named Leshia Evans a nurse from New York- calmly standing in a long summer in the middle of the road confronting the police who are all wearing full riot gear. Two officers are running up to her to arrester her with zip ties ñ€“ the police use zip ties so...
2 Pages 856 Words

Business Impact Analysis of Cyber Security: Essay

According to DC. Latham an Assistant Secretary of DCCCI, “Over the past decade there has been an incredible growth in the amount of classified information stored in computers” (Warner, M., 2012). This data is stored in cyberspace which constitutes of many optic wires, routers, servers, and computers which are interconnected (Purpura, P., 2007). With the start of the 21st century, many technological developments and improvements in the workplace as taken place but challenges and issues are inevitable (F. Mohammadi et,...
2 Pages 837 Words

Black Lives Matter: Cause and Effect Essay

The black lives movement with the #blacklivesmatter has greatly influenced the action as a democracy acts. The influential movement’s goal is to pave the way for african american freedom from modern systematic dehumanization. BLM has transformed the way we talk about police violence among minorities and has succeeded in transforming how Americans talk about, think about, and organize for justified freedom. The organizations of the movement include Assata’s Daughters, Black Youth Project 100, the St. Louis Action Council, the Dream...
2 Pages 831 Words

Bell Hooks Talking Back Essay

Bell Hooks response to Beyoncé’s visual album, lemonade, contains five main charges on why she is not an ideal role model and does not deserve the title feminist. In this essay, I will be analyzing bell hook’s charge that the album over-sexualizes women and contributes to the unachievable beauty standards thrust upon people and is not an attribute of equality and feminism. I will be arguing this against the charge and how it is an outdated feminist thought that is...
2 Pages 853 Words

Argumentative Essay about Bullying

Bullying should be kicked out of school Introduction: What is the definition of bullying? Bullying does not have a legal definition. Bullying, on the other hand, is widely recognized as: 'Behavior that is intended to harm another person or force them to do something they do not wish to do.' This behavior can be verbal, such as calling. Someone's names, spreading stories about them, isolating them from the group, or being Violent, such as kicking and hitting them. Bullying. is...
2 Pages 829 Words

Analysis of Historical Cause of Cyber Security: Essay

Fundamentally till World War II, the country was in 3 areas of warfare, that are land, sea, and air. Today it is expanded to cyber-space and space. Some basic questions which we need to ponder are, who use Google, android, social media, etc? The fact that usage of the internet has become a need today for many people. Crimes that result in a breach of cybersecurity have become highly prevalent today. There is a need to become aware of using...
2 Pages 836 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on Football

If you had asked Zac Easter, he would have told you he loved football. The middle child of three boys, he and his brothers all played football. The smallest of the brothers, he was also the fiercest and played as a linebacker on the high school football team. He was so intimidating, even bigger teammates shied away from tangling with him in practice. He would have said that football is a really fun sport. Ask any player or former player,...
2 Pages 843 Words

What Does Public Health Mean to You: Narrative Essay

During the second half of the semester, I tried to prioritize getting enough sleep at night by altering my behavior in a number of ways. Previously, I proposed that I would improve my time management in order to reduce my stress levels and have more time to sleep. At the beginning of every week, I looked at my schedule and set aside time during each day to work on my assignments and study for any quizzes or exams. With this...
2 Pages 842 Words
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