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Social Issues

City Life Vs Country Life: Compare and Contrast Essay

Urban and Country Lifestyle: Two Sides of a Coin Pete Seeger says “ I want to turn the clock back to when people lived in a small village and took care of each other”. With this statement, Seeger means that people in small villages have bonding between them and take care of each other. He wants to go to the past and enjoy the beauty and peace of village life. There are two types of living places majorly, one in...
2 Pages 911 Words

Biography Essay on George Washington: Winter of 1776

George Washington was born in Virginia on February 22, 1732. Unlike his siblings, he was never sent to England for formal education. Instead, he attended a school in Virginia. Lawrence Washington, George Washington's brother, married Virginia's greatest single landowner family, the Fairfaxes. Washington's relationship through his brothers' marriage provided him with a benefit that he would not have received otherwise. While following George Fairfax on an expedition into the wilderness of the Blue Ridge Mountains, a young George Washington learned...
2 Pages 930 Words

Analysis of Rhetorical Devices in Fast Food Nation: Critical Essay

Mcdonald’s French fries are very popular among every one of all ages. Eric Schlosser uses words such as chemicals, manipulation, and reputation to inform the reader of the secrets and the unspoken truth regarding the ingredients that are being used in factories and industries to create products such as home and food items. Throughout his essay he also draws attention to the fact that the flavors and big companies don’t really consider the health of others, they mostly care about...
2 Pages 945 Words

The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson: Analysis of Character Names Symbolism

‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson is a short story in which there is an isolated character, Tessie Hutchinson. There are many themes and techniques in the story such as foreshadowing, symbolism, and setting which highlight Tessie`s isolation from society. In the story, there is a village that takes part in a lottery each year when someone is chosen by a black spot on a slip of paper from a black box to be killed. This demonstrates the thin veneer of...
2 Pages 904 Words

Life of Pi' Animal Symbolism: Critical Essay

The primary concern of good literature is the representation of the human experiences of surviving, to successfully engage and provoke their readers to morally question their own values and identity. Yan Martel humanizes his characters through the process of spiritual experiences that are developed throughout his novel in order to establish a bond between the audience and the characters. The power of storytelling is shown in Yann Martel's 2002 bildungsroman novel “Life of Pi.” which tells the story of a...
2 Pages 877 Words

How a Bill Becomes a Law: Process Analysis Essay

Bill Description: A bill is a draft legislative proposal that becomes law after it is passed by both houses of parliament and approved by the president. There are four types of bills: ordinary bills, foreign currency bills, tax bills, and constitutional amendment bills. Once the bill is drafted, it will be published in the Official Journal. Even before the presentation, with the speaker's permission, the bill may be published in a press release. More precisely: a bill can be defined...
2 Pages 931 Words

Growing Tensions between the Colonies and Britain: Analytical Essay

The Rise of the American Nation The historical record of the American nation before the colonization era is very sparse. The onset of colonization period beginning in the 16th century marked the beginning of a long historical journey to establish the American nation. The most significant events shaping the nation’s course occurred after the 16th century, prompted by colonization efforts. The kingdom of England began establishing colonies in America as early as the 16th century, with the first permanent British...
2 Pages 936 Words

Freedom Is Life: Argumentative Essay

A French novelist, playwright, and philosopher. He is a leading figure in 20th-Century French Philosophy, he was an exponent of a philosophy of existence known as existentialism. He is Jean Paul Sartre. All of the things that he explained about freedom really make me say that it has a connection between myself and experience. Freedom means to everyone that they think can make them feel more independent. Everyone is really looking forward to freedom because we have our own freedom...
2 Pages 896 Words

Free Body and Soul Free: Critical Analysis Essay

“The Story of an Hour” or “The Dream of an Hour” is an American piece of literature written by Kate Chopin in 1948. This story is about a woman named Louise, who endures the tragic death of her recent late husband, Brently. Louise’s life turns for the worst after this incident. She feels trapped and confined within her mind, body, and soul. Louise is waiting for this feeling to slowly, but surely creep away. Our souls can feel tucked away...
2 Pages 906 Words

Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification

So as to unravel the PT, it is important to describe the attributes of its keywords. Firstly, I am defining an ‘analogy’ as providing a figurative correlation of one circumstance to another similar circumstance. Its job is to help the cognizance of the circumstance at hand, by using a similar, yet alternate, perspective. The word 'understanding' is depicted as, seeing the planned significance and building up a cognizance regarding the matter, while 'justification' is demonstrating that something is sensible. I...
2 Pages 888 Words

Descriptive Essay on a Single Memorable Day in Your Life

A single memorable day in my life
 I don’t think I could come up with a single one that isn’t also connected to a sad memory. First of all, I’m going to open up by saying that in my life everything comes with strings attached. Besides, I wasn’t asked to only write about the good, like some awesome day at Universal Studios or my 13th birthday when I finally became a teenager, just a memory that stands out in my...
2 Pages 898 Words

Descriptive Essay about Grand Canyon

One of the main competitors of the Grand Canyon is Preikestolen which is in Norway. This 1,982-foot-tall cliff offers stunning views, especially for any hikers brave enough to walk right up to its edge. This is linked to the grand canyon gaining a lot of visitors such as around 300,000 hikers every year. Appropriate diversification strategies for The Grand Canyon is that it wants to bring in visitors from around the world that are very diverse. The attraction offers different...
2 Pages 909 Words

Critical Essay on Literary Devices in 'Sweat' by Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neal Hurston’s short story “Sweat” can be read as a work of feminist fiction, although not for the reason one thinks. We begin the story by being introduced to Delia, a washerwoman, as she is sorting out clothes after she has returned home from church. She is singing and wondering where her husband could be since he took her horse and laundry hampers. As she continues sorting laundry and pondering his whereabouts, she suddenly feels something like a snake...
2 Pages 912 Words

The Effects of Daydreaming: Analytical Essay

There I sat, trying desperately to not drool in the middle of my daydream. Dare I say the class was but interesting and everyone I could consider was my bed? rather than daydreaming of a hunky man, or perhaps a bright future paved with a golden road of success, I accustomed be dreaming of my bed. it had been a standard college dormitory bed: you never understand what percentage of people actually slept in it, or did something else in...
2 Pages 893 Words

My Strengths as a Student: Narrative Essay

Mechanical engineering is a combination of hard and soft skills in the fields of mathematics, computer knowledge, design, and collaboration. Since they operate in multiple fields such as manufacturing, academics, and automotive, this is more or less one of the most comprehensive engineering fields. As a student of mechanical engineering, I use my knowledge to create, construct and test mechanical equipment such as motors and machines. What's more, in order to function properly and ensure that the project is also...
2 Pages 889 Words

Those Winter Sundays': Critical Analysis Essay

'In oak terrace' tells the routine life of an isolated elderly woman whilst bringing sympathy to her situation from the reader and making them reflect. The poem begins with the blunt statement 'Old and alone' which perfectly introduces the protagonist. Clearly, it is evident that this woman is isolated and at the age where death awaits her, and this is only required by three words. This fronting introduces simplicity into both the poem and her life as she does not...
2 Pages 918 Words

What is History?: Reflective Essay

“What is History?” A question that needs a lot of thinking to be done. Before I read the book I thought the definition that best suits the question is “History is a narrative of what civilized men have thought or done in the past” given by Will Durant. EH Carr’s “What is History?” Not only talks about history being an objective work but also talks about how difficult it is to maintain objectivity. To write an objective History, Historians should...
2 Pages 930 Words

Good Vs Bad: Plato’s The Euthyphro and Cultural Relativism

It can be difficult to come up with a good definition of what is “good” and what is “bad”. Everyone’s view on this topic can be different based on their beliefs and values. Ethical and moral principles play a big role in determining what people see as good or bad depending on the situation presented. For example, many have different views and opinions on the topic of the death penalty. Some believe it is right for a criminal to be...
2 Pages 887 Words

Analysis of Elizabeth Armstrong and Laura Hamilton's Book 'Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality'

For what reason do a few students leave school prepared for success while others, maybe tied with the obligation of their debt and an un-useful degree? This leaves students asking why they wasted time with school, to begin with. Since the money-related emergency that hit twenty to thirty-year-olds particularly hard began, much consideration has been attracted to whether the school is 'justified, despite all the trouble.' In Paying for the Party, Armstrong and Hamilton adopt an alternate strategy: They take...
2 Pages 917 Words

Behaviour and Welfare of Geriatric Cats

Introduction The meaning of Animal welfare is how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. It can simply define as well being of animals. Among them, pet animal welfare is very important. Cats are popular companion animals in the world. Cats that are housed exclusively indoors generally live long and healthy lives, free from diseases and parasites (Landsberg, G.M, 2014). Owning and caring for a cat can be a source of great enjoyment. Typically, cats live...
2 Pages 903 Words

Reflective Essay on Academic Strengths and Weaknesses

MBTI Reflection After taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment I found out that my type is ESFJ (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, & Judging) or “The Provider”. Before I took the test or found out my results, I hadn’t really known anything about the test in general, let alone what the different outcomes were. So, therefore, I didn’t have much of an expectation as to which personality type I wasn’t going to be preceding the assessment. When I first read the results...
2 Pages 933 Words

Embracing the Healing Touch: My Journey into Nursing and the Boundaries of Care

In a world filled with endless career possibilities, there are few paths as rewarding and fulfilling as nursing. It is a profession that calls upon the compassionate, the dedicated, and the resilient. For me, nursing is not just a career choice; it is a lifelong commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. From the tender moments of providing comfort to patients in their most vulnerable states to the exhilaration of witnessing healing and recovery, nursing offers a...
2 Pages 915 Words

Importance of Education Essay

Education is widely recognized as a fundamental pillar of society, serving as a catalyst for personal growth, social progress, and economic development. It empowers individuals with knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. From early childhood education to higher education, the pursuit of knowledge shapes individuals' lives and has far-reaching implications for the betterment of communities and nations. Education goes beyond the acquisition of facts and figures; it instills the necessary tools...
2 Pages 902 Words

Mexican Culture Journey

Mexican culture is as varied as the colors of a traditional 'serape,' as lively as the marigold-lined streets during the 'Day of the Dead,' and as tasty as the country's famous 'tacos.' This culture is a harmonious blend of traditions, beliefs, and practices that serve as a testament to a rich historical journey. This journey is marked by ancient civilizations, European colonization, and a resilient spirit that resonates throughout the country. This enchanting fusion extends to every part of Mexican...
2 Pages 929 Words

Why Is 'Death of a Salesman' Considered a Tragedy: Essay

In the given passage from Miller’s play, Death of A Salesman, Biff confronts Willy about his decision to leave the family. An argument ensues between the two of them after this revelation. This extract of Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller from Act 2 describes the events that occur after Happy and Biff are confronted by Linda for abandoning Willy at the restaurant. Willy has been contemplating committing suicide in order for his family to receive a 20 000...
2 Pages 947 Words

Wendell Berry the Body and the Earth: Essay

The American poet, novelist, and environmental activist Wendell Berry once said in reference to Earth Day, “The Earth is what we all have in common.” He said this as a way to get people to take action even starting small for Earth Day by recycling instead of throwing everything away. He wanted them to eventually incorporate it into their everyday life. When you think about it, the people living on the planet are all humans. In recent years there have...
2 Pages 903 Words

To What Extent Are Electric Cars a Practical Alternative to ICE Cars: Essay

Approximately 20 years ago, people thought that there is no effective alternative to conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. However, it turned out that there is a more efficient and cleaner substitute to them: an electric car or battery electric vehicle (BEV), which are automobiles pushed by one electric engine or more, utilizing stored-in batteries' electrical energy. Although electric cars are not so popular yet, more and more consumers are changing their gasoline-fueled cars to electric cars. Consequently, the aim...
2 Pages 877 Words

Sylvia Plath's Last Words: Analysis of the Poems 'Contusion’ and 'Edge'

In Plath’s poems “Contusion’ and “Edge” there is a central theme and image of death that is liberating and perfect. These themes and images are constant throughout many of Plath’s poetry, but in these two particular poems, the idea of death is more forthcoming. “Edge” the last poem that Plath wrote before she ended her life is also another reason why the poem seems so forthcoming. The poem could also be seen as Plath’s last words to the world before...
2 Pages 880 Words

Sonnet 130 Tone: Critical Analysis

Poetry Foundation presents William Shakespeare’s famous poem, Sonnet 130, titled “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun.” According to Spacey, the poem talks of a mistress who does not conform to the conventional standards of beauty. Shakespeare compares the mistress with the beautiful things of life, but he finds none that perfectly fits the mistress. In this regard, Shakespeare challenges traditional beliefs and offers a new perspective on what it means to love a woman. Also, he argues that...
2 Pages 915 Words

Shakespeare's 'Hamlet’ Versus Oedipus: Comparative Analysis

'To be, or not to be?' To die, or to suffer eternally? That is the question the two protagonists are faced with, all in order to build resilience. Both protagonists possess the ability to rebel against and challenge their fate to prove their credo, but only one turns into a resilient hero. By comparing the lives of both Oedipus and Hamlet, it becomes apparent Oedipus is more resilient in the end. A resilient person will go to great lengths to...
2 Pages 935 Words
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