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Social Issues

Metaphors' by Sylvia Plath Analysis

Written in 1959, Syliva Plath writes about the feelings of being in the state of pregnancy, in her poem Metaphors. Many of Plath's works have been influenced by her experiences in dealing with maternity and fertility. Her works mirror her experiences with loss, motherhood, and family. Metaphors was one of the first poems Plath had ever written about pregnancy in the same year that Plath was pregnant with her first child.Plath uses the devices of imagery to describe disgust in...
2 Pages 937 Words

Love in Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand

What is love? Since the beginning of time, love has been one of the most spoken and written about topics in everyday life. Some people may say that love is the best feeling on earth and is a necessity to live. That without love, people would have no motivation, purpose or happiness in their lives. However that same love can cause the ultimate pain and sadness when it is not returned. Love can be attained through many different types of...
2 Pages 885 Words

Women and Criminal Law

The concept of equality requires equity to prevail. However, the history of social development is itself the past of inequality - between countries, race, culture, class, caste, faiths and sexual orientation. In between this chaos, the issue of women's rights reveals itself most prominently, cutting through all the stratums of social arrangement. In this regard, it is pertinent to quote German philosopher and social scientist Friedrich Engels who, in his classical writing 'Origin of the Family, Private Property and the...
2 Pages 876 Words

Providing Clean Water and Its Effect on Society

Clean water has a big effect on society just as big as an effect that sun and food have to living creatures. The idea of providing access to clean water hasn’t been solved because we don’t have the equipment to fix the problem. They will have the equipment within ten years because that is around the time robots will be estimated to be [predominantly] used. The world has an abundant amount of fresh water but a lot of places don’t...
2 Pages 879 Words

Drug Testing as Therapies

Drugs screening is a medium of recovery used to introduce into a mechanism that needs time and a lot of verification regarding the area of treatment by utilizing the result of the test. It is used to gain rejection, encouragement, and real substance use behaviours of the drug discoveries (Jarvis et al, 2017). Other than expecting treatment efficiency, drug testing also can be used to motivate and reinforcement for self-defence (Goldstein & Brown, 2003). Another technique is the utilize of...
2 Pages 939 Words

Sweat': A Plot Summary

There is a great problem in forensic science to rescue of body fluid for its identification. For the identification of the fluid like blood, semen, saliva and sweat number of methods have been developed. Short time ago Lednev and Virkler profile have published on considerable evaluation on the methods which are well established for body fluid analysis in the forensic science. There is no much more research on the sweat identification because it has no specific marks. Sweat is a...
2 Pages 940 Words

The Truth About Global Warming

Climate change isn’t just bad for the planet’s health, it's bad for people’s too. Since many people don't believe that there is no such thing as global warming, they don't know the effects of what could happen to them and what is really going on. Recently there has been a lot of things going on in the planet that overshadows the effects of global warming. Therefore, in summary, global warming, together with resultant changes in food and water supplies, can...
2 Pages 901 Words

The Philosophy of Jeremy Bentham's Life

Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher, political radical and legal and social reformer of the early Modern period. He is best known as the founder of Utilitarianism, which he saw as the underlying moral principle on which his legal and social reforms should be based. Although his influence during his life was perhaps minor, his impact was greater in later years as his ideas were carried on by followers such as John Stuart Mill, Robert Owen and John Austin. Bentham...
2 Pages 907 Words

The Role of Women in Renaissance Florence

It’s 6 pm, Alessandra Strozzi is busy making dinner for her family when she hears the news of her husband's exile and the whole world comes crashing down for her. Alessandra Strozzi was married to Matteo Strozzi and everything was going well until he was exiled from Florence. After they moved to Pesaro, a plague hit which killed three of Strozzi’s children and her husband. While devastated from her loss, she moved back to Florence. This is where her roles...
2 Pages 881 Words

The White Tiger': Balram Halwai as an Atypical Character

Balram Halwai is a protagonist in Aravind Adiga’s epistolary novel The White Tiger, in the sense that he is the primary driver of events in the story, and due to the fact that he faces great challenge and adversity, and overcomes the difficulties in his path. However, it is that nature in which he conquers his challenges that Balram diverges from the typical role of a protagonist; in that he climbs society through immorality and selfishness, by using others as...
2 Pages 889 Words

Vladimir Nabokov’s Writing Method

Few things are more tempting to a writer than to write about writing. Having a couple of novels behind me, along with a dozen short stories, hundreds of pages of clickbait headlines (which I am not particularly proud of), as well as a number of academic texts, I know a thing or two about the craft of words. Vladimir Nabokov knows even more. Famous for the controversial novel Lolita, the Russian-American author was one of the most influential writers of...
2 Pages 908 Words

Analysis of 'The True Cost' Documentary: The Consequences of Fast Fashion

The True Cost documentary which is filmed and directed by Andrew Morgan is concentrated on fast fashion. This documentary reflects on numerous aspects of the apparel industry from production, the life of a low wage worker, and the global effect of cheap clothing’s. These workers are forced to work in poor condition for the satisfaction of the international fashion. The True Cost is not about the glamour, and excitement of the fashion world but instead, it demonstrations the dark and...
2 Pages 910 Words

The Main Statement of Rostand in Cyrano De Bergerac

Rostand’s classic, Cyrano De Bergerac, resonates with audiences of all eras and cultures essentially because it reflects on a universal theme. It is conflict, and specifically the internal conflicts of a hero struggling with ambitions of the material with his innermost, spiritual and intellectual self. All of this is within the desire Cyrano feels for Roxane, which guides his behavior. This love, however, does not destroy him. Instead, Cyrano creates his own destruction because he cannot reconcile the conflicting forces...
2 Pages 932 Words

The Role of the IMF in the Greek Debt Crisis

The Greek Debt Crisis was caused by both internal and external factors. The heavy government spending such as the workers being entitled to an additional month’s pay in December to help with the holiday expenses, lead to dramatic increase in borrowing requirements and high levels of accumulated public debt. Due to low productivity, gradually reducing competition and increase tax evasion, the Greece government was unable to satisfy the internal public budget constrain and this led to the public debt being...
2 Pages 939 Words

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is what people leave after their everyday life activities, and includes items such as paper, plastic garbage, metals, electronics, and textiles. These leftovers are damaging for the environment, and its their volumes grow with the human population. The waste issue is especially urgent for places with a high density of citizens, therefore different strategies of waste management are applied by governments and environmental organizations. This paper aims to discuss the methods of usage and recycling of...
2 Pages 904 Words

The Killer Angels': Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain's Character and The Power of Persuasion

Considering the impact of different aspects in an argument is the key to accomplishing effective rhetoric. In the case of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, the success of his persuasion depended upon his knowledge of his purpose, audience, speaker, and subject. The purpose of his argument was to convince the audience, mutineers from the Second Regiment of Maine, that the extended enlistment was not something to dread since the Civil War was about maintaining their freedom as Americans rather than abolishing slavery....
2 Pages 931 Words

Franz Kafka: Short Biography

There is sadness that force you to sleep, sadness that force you to cry, but the deepest kind of sadness the one you can’t let go of that forces you to write. Writing sometimes is a silent scream to all the buried words and repressed feelings inside of us but it’s the strongest sensations that reaches all hearts and then the sentences written will shake all your senses. That’s the hero of my story one the most influential literary characters...
2 Pages 938 Words

Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis

Although, the Farewell of Washington was to be expected, the citizens still wanted his leadership to continue. The Farewell Address, was just a strong reassurance that what was started by a man, will not end with his absence. Freedom was founded, the laws were laid, but the man needed his rest. Setting a precedent for two terms per president, by acknowledging that presidency takes its toll, the Farewell Address” might have been a “goodbye” for then, but it is still...
2 Pages 945 Words

The Causes of Water Pollution

Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, or the multiplication of microscopic living organisms. The causes of water pollution are related to human activities. After observing the Drinking Water Supply and Quality Report 2018 and 2019, it has become clear that tap water in New York is considered one of the world’s highest quality. New York City receives drinking water...
2 Pages 929 Words

Essay On Conservation of Forest

Conservation of forest and wildlife in India (essay) along with questions and answers. Conservation of forest is necessary because forests provide many resources such as food, medicine, fabric, and raw materials. Further, apart from keeping a check on the global temperature, forests also contribute towards preventing soil from getting eroded and shelters more than 80% of the animal species and terrestrial biodiversity. They also aid in improving the socioeconomic aspects of a country. What are forests – Conservation of forest...
2 Pages 949 Words

Air Pollution as a Danger to Humanity

Air is the ocean we breathe, air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. However, human activities can release particles into the air, of which can cause problems such as smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer. Each of these problems has serious problems for our health and well being as well as for the whole environment. Therefore, preventing air pollution is not only the duty of an individual but...
2 Pages 891 Words

Station Eleven': Plot Summary

In Emily St. John Mandel’s post - apocalyptic novel ‘Station Eleven’ memory plays a significant role in the lives of the characters. Due to the Georgia Flu, wiping most of the worlds population and creating a world destruction, the characters in Mandel’s novel are ripped from the warmth and safety of their civilised lives and world and thrown into the deep end being an era of chaos and cruelty. Though these characters learn to survive this new world, at times...
2 Pages 888 Words

The Urgent Problem of Pollution in Modern World

For decades our environment has been deteriorating due to all of the pollution around us. There are many different types of pollution. It affects us as humans, our living organisms, and our planet itself. Pollution is the cause of climate change and the reason many animal species have gone extinct because their habitats are being ruined by pollution. The pollution in our air is the main aspect of climate change, due to the fossil fuels causing our atmosphere to increase...
2 Pages 933 Words

Report on Oklahoma Tornado Disaster in 1999

Natural hazard refers to catastrophic events or phenomenon of atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage, social environmental disruption and can indirectly cause social grievances and resource scarcities. These includes earthquake, tornadoes, Volcanic eruption, tsunamis, floods, typhoons and thunderstorms, hurricanes epidemics etc. It usually occurs randomly i. e. is probabilistic and its output is usually given considering both direct and indirect effects it causes. A tornadoes are violent columns of rotating air with a speed of...
2 Pages 946 Words

Majora Carter: The Environmental Justice Activist

Majora Carter is one of New York City’s most well-known environmental justice activists. In February 2006, Carter gave an inspiring eighteen minute speech on “Greening the Ghetto” at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Monterey, California. More specifically, this convention calls attention to the prevalent issue of environmental racism and inequality among minority communities. Not only does Carter underscore the importance of sustainable development and the imperative need for a clean green economy, but she also presents a number...
2 Pages 888 Words

Plastic Pollution in the Ocean Essay

Noise pollution from ships is the intense noise made from boats, ships engines, military SONAR and offshore developments which can cause serious acoustic trauma for marine animals. The Ocean is full of rich, diverse soundscapes of bubbles, grunts, clicks and chirps from a large variety of marine animals like dolphins, whales and a mixture of fish. The noise of ships disrupt marine animals to find food, mate, avoid predators and communicate with other animals as it masks their signals to...
2 Pages 950 Words

Social Responsibility Regarding The Environment

Social responsibility regarding the environment is one of the crucial areas in today’s corporate social responsibility. In order to sustain in this competitive world most of the industrial and corporate houses globally are incorporating the concept of environmental element in their business operations. These industrial houses are clear in their perspective that along with the quality in their businesses they have to incorporate the concept of environment too in order to be successful in their fields. It has major area...
2 Pages 886 Words

‘The Changing Seasons’ A Descriptive Essay by Tom Haran

The rolling hills during spring are a sight to live for. There is no parallel. Countless shades of green interacting, mingling with one another. It is truly a view to behold. A soft breeze blows through, moving each blade as they dance to silent music. Innumerable flower heads begin their growth and bloom. They stand stiff against what seems to be a never-ending wind. Every colour imaginable culminating on this one mound of dirt, creating a wonderful scent. A mixture...
2 Pages 947 Words

The Interconnective Dynamics Between Sexuality and Politics in The USA Based on Gayle Rubin's Thinking Sex

Gayle Rubin’s essay “Thinking Sex” is a profound work detailing the history and influence of politics on ideas about sexuality in the United States. Rubin uses what are described as “moral panics” during the late 1800’s and mid to late 1900’s to explain how sexuality is repressed in western society. Rubin develops a theory to counter the sexual oppression and persecution of sexual minorities that is taking place during this time. Through this “radical theory of sex” that she established,...
2 Pages 945 Words

Assessment of The Idea of Liberty as Illustrated by Hannah Arendt In, What is Freedom

The concept of freedom is an abstract one that is only realized when a person sets it into motion. In What is Freedom, Hannah Arendt challenges the widespread belief that liberty extends from the freedom of thought and will. Arendt emphasizes that actions performed unhinged from consequences are true bouts of freedom. What is Freedom dispels the accustomed definition found in government, textbooks, and marketplace and replaces it with freedom as a gateway of creativity and boundlessness. The common sense...
2 Pages 944 Words
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