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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of the Violence in Video Games

The video game industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, expanding exponentially on the web and mobile devices so it can be a bit overwhelming at times when formulating a strategy for your video game, whether you are a developer or a publisher. The first thing to look at is your budget, and using already created established sites to promote your game. There are numerous places to get your games listed such as Free Website Directories. Of course you can also...
2 Pages 888 Words

My Personal Philosophy of Individualism and Egoism: Analysis of Ayn Rand's Views on Selfishness

My personal philosophy revolves around individualism and egoism. I am a very greedy and lustful person. I have an extreme passion for success, wealth, and most importantly, the accumulation of money. I act in my own self-interests because I feel that my life revolves around me; I should not be forced or guilted into satisfying the needs and wants of others. I am very selfish and that’s not a bad thing because I love and cherish my life more than...
2 Pages 908 Words

Traditions of Celebrating Christmas: Descriptive Essay

Holidays in countries differ in so many ways, Christmas being one of them. The meaning behind the holiday may not change much, but cultures have specific customs that only apply to them. This is celebrated in honor of Jesus Christ. Since nobody knows exactly when Jesus was born, we tend to celebrate his birthday on December 25th, however, this can vary depending on the country. Jamaica and the Netherlands are good examples on how Christmas is celebrated similarly, yet different....
2 Pages 911 Words

Role of a Cochlear Implant The Sound and the Fury: Critical Analysis

The Sound and the Fury is a short story written by Josh Aronson that discusses the influence about two families who are hearing loss on getting a Cochlear implant. Within a story that has a lot of human emotions, self-expression and disagreement it was so hard for both families to come into an agreement on how good the Cochlear implant could be for them and also they can see that it won’t change anything. Chris and Maria both decide to...
2 Pages 911 Words

Analytical Essay on Cognitive Dissonance under the Paradigm of Behaviorism in Education

Introduction: Learning theories are important in learning because they allow for students and educators to communicate so that students have the best understanding of a topic as possible. Cognitive dissonance is when learners try to work together to have consistent beliefs, and alter their behavior or attitude so that it reduces “dissonance”. In his theory of cognitive dissonance, Festinger (1957) portrayed cognitive consistency as a mental need that is as essential as eating to survive. Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that...
2 Pages 890 Words

Idea of Cognitive Psychology in the Book How Doctors Think: Analytical Essay

In the engaging and well put together book, Jerome Groopman, the author of How Doctors Think (2008), explores the mind behind of the physician’s mind. The explicit purpose of How doctors think is to give laypeople an understanding of the medical mind so that they can participate more actively in clinical conversations and improve the care that they receive. In a style familiar to readers of his New Yorker articles, Groopman uses detailed case studies of physicians to make clear,...
2 Pages 914 Words

Golden Era of The Mali Empire during the Rule of Mansa Musa: Analytical Essay

Shihāb ad-DÄ«n Aáž„mad ibn Faឍl Allāh al-ÊżUmarÄ«, also known as Al-Umari was a Syrian scholar. He was born in Damascus in 1301, June 12th. “Umar” in his name can be understood as the origin of his family and shows that they were from the second Islamic caliph. Al-Umari was part of a bureaucratic family, and his father was head of a chancery. Al-Umari started working as an assistant to his father, but he was the overly independent and free person...
2 Pages 917 Words

Critical Analysis of the Play of 'Tartuffe' by MoliĂšre

All the World’s Stage MoliĂšre also known as Jean-Baptiste Poquelin was born January 1622 in Paris, France. MoliĂšre is today remembered as a magnificent French screenwriter, singer and novelist, universally respected as one of the best playwrights of French theater. Comedies, travesties, tragic comedies, comedy theatre productions and more are part of his surviving projects. Furthermore the stories have even been adapted through every modern language and are produced quite commonly at the ComĂ©die-Française than just about any writer of...
2 Pages 947 Words

Hero's Journey in The Odyssey, Sundiata, and The Epic of Gilgamesh: Critical Analysis

All literary stories have a theme. The theme is the main idea or message that the author wants the audience to take away from the story. My favorite stories read in this class were The Odyssey, Sundiata, and The Epic of Gilgamesh. I enjoyed these three epics, because I could relate to the main character’s experiences. All three of these epics contain a theme that is shown throughout the story. This theme is called The Journey. While reading these epics,...
2 Pages 915 Words

Chronic Demyelinating Condition As a Definition for Multiple Sclerosis: Analytical Essay

Chronic demyelinating condition is a definition for multiple sclerosis (MS). It is the most common recurrent CNS condition in young adults in the United States and has an incidence of 1 in 1000. It is marked for many years by exacerbations and remissions. At the middle age of 30, females are almost half as often as males, it becomes symptomatic. MS is uncertain etiology but probably involves genetic predisposition and immune failure. MS is a temperate climate disorder in particular....
2 Pages 941 Words

Critical Analysis of Angela's Ashes: How the Absence of a Parent can Impact a Child

When we’re children, we rely greatly on the guidance of both our parents to make the correct decisions, however, the absence of guidance influences how a child can rationalize and develop emotionally. Approximately 35 percent of children under 18 live in a single-parent home as of 2016 according to kidscount.org. The presence of a parent figure is crucial when a child is transitioning into an adult because of the reliance and structure that is received from parents. Behavioral disorders among...
2 Pages 899 Words

Critical Analysis of “With a Pistol in His Hand”: Westward Expansion of the United States

“With a Pistol in His Hand” gives an account of the story about the cultural conflicts between the North American and Texas Mexicans along the lower Rio Grande Border during the 1900s in South Texas. The book describes how Texas Mexicans resisted and defended themselves from the cultural domination of the Anglo Texan as a result of the westward expansion of the United States. The author, Americo Paredes, focuses on the corrido of the legend Gregorio Cortez. A corrido is...
2 Pages 917 Words

Impact The Industrial Revolution Has on the Development of America: Analytical Essay

In the 18th century Industrialization marked a major turning point. The philosophers, statesmen,scientists, and authors were the leaders of the country who played significant roles during the time of the turning point. Prior to Industrialization there were no machines and tools to help perform tasks enmasse. During the war, manufacturing of goods moved from smaller factories to larger factories. This is also the time when people broke the cultural tradition and moved from the rural areas to the larger cities....
2 Pages 897 Words

Representation of Courage and Rebellion In the Time of the Butterflies: Critical Analysis

Courage defines and dictates one’s personal willingness to overcome fear apart from one’s lack of fear. Julia Alvarez’s novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, depicts the story of four sisters, Patria, DedĂ©, Minerva, and Maria Teresa, as they live under the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. Out of the four Mirabal sisters, Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa become heavily involved in the rebellion against Trujillo and inevitably are assassinated. On the other hand, DedĂ© carries the...
2 Pages 949 Words

The Trail of Tears As an Extremely Challenging Time for Native American Groups: Analytical Essay

How would you react if the land you and your ancestors lived on began to get stripped away by white settlers and the American government for their own personal use and benefit? The Trail of Tears was an extremely challenging time for many Native American groups. They were affected by the relocation and removal from their lands east of the Mississippi River. Different Native American groups took different actions and tactics to resist this removal during the Trail of Tears....
2 Pages 930 Words

Ways of Applying Comparative Analysis in Scientific Research: Descriptive Essay

Comparative analysis is done to provide answers to questions about how or why it might be that a system counters to a concern of its variable. Comparative analysis is able to explain why the time frame of a block system would rise if the mass of the block were big. It is argued that “comparative analysis is conducted in order to clarify and gain a better understanding of the causal processes involved in the creation of an event, feature or...
2 Pages 903 Words

Analysis of the Concept of Neuroplasticity: Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive Flexibility. We basically have 2 types of brain cells. There are the actual neurons which are the basic functional units of our nervous system and through which information is passed along. Now next to that there are the lesser-known glial cells who take on a supporting role. There are all types of them microglia, oligodendrocytes, Schwann Cells, and so on. These glial cells are essential to the correct functioning of our brain from insulation to the removal of dead...
2 Pages 928 Words

Extent of Justification for John Brown’s Violent Methods: Argumentative Essay

Investigation It is controversial whether people believe that the violent methods used by John Brown were justified. Brown, as a radical abolitionist, felt strongly against slavery and relied on violent methods to exemplify his views. He is known for his leadership in the Harper Ferry Raid in October 1859, the raid, although failed, that enraged social tensions and made Brown an icon against slavery. He is known for using a small but brutal army of rebels against slavery who led...
2 Pages 940 Words

Scholarship Essay to Study at University College Dublin

I have chosen to study at University College Dublin for various reasons. Known for its world-class academics and faculty with the likes of Mr Andrew Keating and Mrs Mary Lambkin, UCD facilitates a rich and stimulating learning experience. Studying at Smurfit Business School would provide continual development of intercultural communication, strategic thinking and many more, thus enabling the graduates to make sound marketing decisions when they enter Alongside that, UCD’s career development team will develop my professional life by bringing...
2 Pages 934 Words

Influence of Simone de Beauvoir's Views on Feminist Existentialism and Feminist Theory.

Simone de Beauvoir published her book “The Second Sex” following world war II in 1949. Her book would later become known as a “feminist bible” (Beauvoir, Borde, & Malovany-Chevallier, 2011). It became an epithet bound to discourage impious readers wary of a sacred text and a personality cult. It is through Simone de Beauvoir, that her philiosophical views had a significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory. Existential morality emphasizes human freedom and focuses on the sources of...
2 Pages 905 Words

Analysis of German Civilization: Reflective Essay

Expressionism played a very important role in the artistic scene of Germany, primarily occurring at the onset of the 20th century. It talks about humanity's role on earth and with each other, and how broader society alienates individuals, while also trying to give off empathy and compassion artists had for each other. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a silent horror film directed by Robert Wiene can be used as a prime example of the permanence of the expressionist movement in...
2 Pages 936 Words

Use of John Swales’ Six Criteria to Analyze Discourse Community of Black Lives Matter

When learning about a discourse community, I found out that it is a group of people who share the same values and goals. They have their way of communicating about these goals. The reason this is important is because, without communication, these communities would not be able to relay information to each other. This would lead to them not being able to convey the knowledge that is needed to fulfill their purpose as a group. An example of a discourse...
2 Pages 900 Words

Cause for Non-Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendments: Analytical Essay

The Second Reconstruction period marked a vital reawakening of civil rights movements, which advocated for liberty for all Americans. Under this law, Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) became an integral requirement by stipulating that: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex” (Jessiekratz). The law was reinforced by progressive social, economic, and political changes in the country, characterized by demand for fair treatment in the...
2 Pages 896 Words

Essay on Transcendentalism: Critical Analysis of Henry David Thoreau's Essay Called Walden

What are Transcendentalists? Who were they? What did they stand for? Those are all the questions that you are probably asking, and I will answer them. Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that developed in the 1820s-1830s, in the United States. They stood for respect for nature and self-efficiency with elements of Unitarianism, and German Romanticism. They also embraced idealism, and opposing materialism. There are a few people who were transcendentalists, and they wrote about it. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David...
2 Pages 928 Words

The Law of Life and Ishmael by Daniel Quinn: Analytical Essay

In the story, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn talks about culture, is a person who is enacting a story. To enact a story is to act in a certain way to make a story come true. He utilizes the term taker and leaver to describe the people of the world. He puts takers and leavers into two groups. Taker is called civilization, people of today, thinking that the world was made only for them. Leaver is primitives, who lived a simple...
2 Pages 924 Words

Analysis of the Role of Industrialization and Progressive Era in the History of America

Between the years of 1877 and 1900 became some of the most momentous and dynamic moves in American history took place making technology and social reform platforms in hopes to make an American socially and economically advanced for all who sought a better life and freedom. Immigrants were leaving their home countries looking for work, better opportunities, and to live freely in the new formation of the United States. Firstly, the Industrial Revolution featured the construction of machines, systems, and...
2 Pages 943 Words

Rogerian Argument on Traditional Dating Versus Digital Dating

Many researchers such as Lara Hallam, who has a PhD in Department of Communication Studies at University of Antwerp, where she works in relationship studies states that: “people have always used to used intermediaries such as mothers, friends, priests or tribe members to find a suitable partner”. Digital dating is defined as the use of technologies such as texting, video calls, social media networking and dating websites to find a suitable partner or relationship. With the evolution of digital multimedia...
2 Pages 905 Words

Business English as a Lingua Franca in the Global Business Discourse Community: Reflective Essay

First lecture Our first lecture of Global Business Communication started with the definition of BELF (Business English as a lingua franca). BELF has three contextual features which are important to communicate efficiently in a business environment: “its domain of use, the role of its users, and the overall goal of the interactions” – in other words, global businesses, business professionals and getting the jobs done. (Kankaanranta & Louhiala-Salminen 2014). BELF can be described as a neutral, shared and equal way...
2 Pages 900 Words

The Power of Author's Words to Impact the Reader in Sonny’s Blues: Analytical Essay

Author’s deliberately incorporate a variety of literary elements into their work to impact readers on emotional and intellectual levels. An author’s choice of words communicates not only plot and character, but also tone, theme, and vision. Good writing resonates with readers when an author effectively uses language to convey a universal message. Just as musicians use notes, authors use words to evoke certain emotions within a reader. The artistic decisions made by a writer affect how his piece impacts the...
2 Pages 879 Words

Importance of Equal Rights Amendment: Argumentative Essay

7 a.m. on a Saturday morning is not usually the time you think of for a meeting, but when you have a political deadline, every hour counts. The Leesburg County Pavillion is buzzing with energy supplied by cup after cup of watery black coffee and pure adrenaline. From teens to seniors, activists from all over the state have shown up to canvass door to door for the Equal Rights Amendment. The sweltering summer sun is the least of their worries...
2 Pages 922 Words
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