Motivations for Manifest Destiny

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During the American revolution they are going to be creating new government structures and they’re going to be based upon Enlightenment principles, things like natural rights, the consent of the governed, restrictions on government, power and they’re going to be also really influenced by the fear of replacing the strong British power, centralized power in the Monarch, in the parliament so they are going to put severe restrictions on government.

The enlightenment plays a huge role people like Lock in this Idea of the consent of the governed, natural inalienable rights Russo. Jefferson (Author of the Declaration of Independence and a patriot during the American Revolution.) gonna be influenced by these ideas, and of course the profound impact of Thomas Paine‘s common sense (, he argued the colonists should free themselves from British rule and establish an independent government) in January 1776, it is going to have a huge impact on the minds of the colonial people thesis:

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The extent to which the ideas of Manifest Destiny motivated the United States expansion from 1830 to 1905, politically led to the annexation of more lands, and economically led to opportunities out west, these include mining, farming, and the cattle Industry, also socially leading to the Mexician American wars. The idea of manifest destiny and the movement west will have a variety of economic, political, and social consequences, This idea that it was America's destiny to conquer and civilize the entire continent all the way to the Pacific Ocean. A treaty signed by James K Polk. who was a firm believer in expansion. He led the U.S. into the Mexican War in 1846, after which the U.S. acquired Texas, New Mexico, and California. In Document 2 Caleb B Smith presents a speech in the House of Representatives. He is stating how Orgeon is “our” Manifest Destiny, and so should the other states because he makes a point that our destiny gives us the right to those lands. He mentions the process of annexing the land's meaning, taking one state's territory. The western expansion played a huge part in this.

Texas is annexed by John Tyler just as poke is getting elected. Originally refused as a state in 1837, Texas remained a sovereign nation but was later annexed, ultimately helping lead to war with Mexico. Through the Idea of Manifest destiny of obtaining different slates led to which states would be free states. new territories were brought into the union which forced the issue of slavery into the center of national politics. This idea is heavily built upon a belief of white superiority that we are somehow going to civilize. Document 4, William Seward mentions slavery. When the war is finally over in California attempt to enter the union as a free state this causes a whole outcry from the south because it would tip the balance in favor of the north and ultimately that was sold by the compromise of 1850, (this law aimed to resolve sectional conflict over the distribution of slave-holding versus free states by stipulating the admission of California as a free state) wear one California was entered into the union as a free state giving the free states more power. new territories were brought into the union which forced the issue of slavery into the center of national politics. they’ve been trying to compromise, and avoid it, inevitably this is going to lead to a rise is sectionalism.

Sectionalism increasingly became a problem in the 1840s and 1850s. As a result of the Kansas Nebraska act you get something called bleeding Kansas( decision to allow slavery or not turned violent ) for pro slavery and anti-slavery forces engage in a mini Civil War. In Document 3 Walter Colton mentions railroads leading to trade. There were many Economic activities out in the west. Pacific railroad act was passed during the Civil War which authorized the building of the transcontinental railroad along the northern route And the transcontinental railroad is going to play an important role in linking California with the rest of the union therefore creating a national market. Movement of people to trans- Mississippi west to start farms. The government had actually established policies such as the Homestead act if you west you can get 160 acres of land, not necessarily the best plan but you can get this plan for relatively cheap, the Pacific Railroad act which establishes the route for the transcontinental railroad so the government is facilitating the movement of people west.

In the 1890s to 1917- US expansion abroad, we have US imperialism in places like Cuba, Hawaii, the Philippines, China then we have WWI, we get into it late in 1917 it’ll go until 1919 then you have the period the “interwar years” that period Between WWI and WWII, the US is somewhat in isolationist, then in 1941 the US will get into WWII. From the 1890s to 1917 the progressive era reforms. different things are going down here during that time period domestically,then you have of course WWI it will have impacts on the homefront that’s followed up with the roaring 20s you know this time of relative economic prosperity for many people but not all and of course the great depression which will lead us into the new deal from 1933 to about 1938 and then of course US entry into WWII.

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Motivations for Manifest Destiny. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Motivations for Manifest Destiny.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Motivations for Manifest Destiny. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Motivations for Manifest Destiny [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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