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Social Issues

Prevalence of Obesity: Genetics, Diet, or Environment

Good health is the key to carrying out one’s functions in the society. Hindered with this vital property of life, maximizing one’s potential growth and questing for one’s personal objective would be a difficult endeavor (Importance of Good Health, 2017). May the aspect be on occupational success, socio-emotional space, or personality building, health touches the over-all well-being of a person. Despite this wholesome ideal, a surfacing problem called obesity is on the run in diminishing social functions. Facing the world...
2 Pages 901 Words

Legalization of Marijuana: Pros and Cons?

According to a new Pew research Center survey, the results stated that every six out of ten Americans, or 62% say the use of marijuana should be legalized (Geiger). Legalizing marijuana would result in the increase in tax revenue, a growth in income and jobs, a rise in investment opportunities, and an overall decrease in federal debt. The debate whether legalizing marijuana will destroy the economy or if it will essentially help the economy will always be a heated controversy....
2 Pages 906 Words

Competition: is it Healthy?

Being a risk taker, being principled, and being caring are traits that both Rudy and the MYP learner profile traits have in common. At the start of the movie, Rudy shows that he is a risk taker by traveling to South Bend in the middle of the night to see if there is any way he could play on the football team (Anspaugh). He took the risk to leave his job and his family and everyone he knows and loves...
2 Pages 937 Words

The Next Step in Cannabis: Federal Legalization

As business continues to grow in the legal marijuana sector, there are many aspects to consider for the overall push towards federal legalization. The numbers keep rolling in, and you’d be hard pressed to argue that the marijuana industry isn’t one of the fastest growing industries in the country right now. Ever since the inception of recreational sales started back in 2012 (Colorado and Washington leading the way), the now 7 legal states and Washington DC have record numbers of...
2 Pages 936 Words

Fahrenheit 451: The Importance Of Expressing Oneself

Being able to express oneself is a quality that makes a person who they are and determines what role they play in society. In the beginning of the book Montag lacks individual self-expression which is why he is clearly unhappy. Bradbury writes “Nobody listens anymore. I can't talk to the walls because they're yelling at me, I can't talk to my wife; she listens to the walls. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe...
2 Pages 880 Words

Price Discrimination And Consumer Behaviour

The main focus of this research study was to study the phenomenon of price discrimination in the business universities. For this purpose Dainora Grundey & Ingrida Griesiene selected two business universities of Lithuania (Europe). A comparative analysis of both universities discloses that pricing strategies differ from university to university. They targeted the tertiary education (post-secondary education), as governors and administrators seek profitability as well, taking into account various important factors, such as Economic crisis; Demographical crisis i-e shrinking educational market...
2 Pages 894 Words

Death And Morality In Teen's Life In Catcher In The Rye

The problem with surviving is feeling a responsibility to live a life in a way that is “worthy” for those who passed away in their presence. The novel The Catcher in the Rye demonstrates shows a teenager trying to be true to himself while facing the issues of growing up, his self-destructiveness, and most importantly, accepting the death of his younger brother Allie. Phoebe, Holden Caulfield’s little sister, who serves not only as a guide for the readers when Holden...
2 Pages 914 Words

Why is of Mice and Men Banned?

One of the main reasons that books are banned across America is because of the numerous racial slurs, vulgarity, and treatment of women used in books. Is this enough to ban them? Some parents agree with the use of these things in “Of Mice and Men” while others do not. American Experiences said that it teaches ethical and moral issues, they have noticed at their school, they have kids that are protective over those who have special needs. Other parents...
2 Pages 878 Words

Sexual Politics Of Romance In Twelfth Night And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

Today, our society is accustomed to vast changes in perspective of sexuality and new challenges of sexual norms. It appears these perspectives are new, but these changing perspectives can be traced back to the Middle Ages. These topics are illustrated through many works of literature. Two texts that best exemplify topics of sexual politics are Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Both works were transformative of perspectives on these topics in their respective publication periods. Their...
2 Pages 944 Words

Thinking Like A Criminologist: Zodiac Serial Killer

The Zodiac Killer is perhaps one of the most mind-boggling serial killers to have graced the United States. To this day we are unaware of his identity. He started killing in the 1960’s-1970’s. Jake Gyllenhaal starred in the movie “Zodiac” and played a man by the name of Robert Graysmith. We learn a lot about the Zodiac Killer and how he operates theoretically but never his true identity. The Zodiac killer committed multiple murders classifying him as one of the...
2 Pages 885 Words

Factors Influencing Malnutrition Among The Elderly In Loikaw Township, Myanmar

Ageing is not a disease, but it is a process. Nonetheless, due to risky behaviors, genetic factors, social environment or personalities, ageing may be correlated with some worsening in senses and non-communicable diseases.1 Elderly people encountered physical and mental problems.1 The United Nations (UN) defines elderly by 60 years but World Health Organization (WHO) defines elderly, not by time (years), but by new roles, loss of previous roles, or inability to contribute effectively to society. In Myanmar, elderly means the...
2 Pages 906 Words

What is Wrong with Marijuana Legalization?

It is tough to make existence of humans clean and happy.Human lifestyles is not perfect. People are one of a kind - they have got special needs, desires, and critiques. That is why it's miles hard to organize lifestyles of society in the precise manner. Nevertheless, people are smart beings, and that they invented such factor as rules, the aim of that is to arrange life of humans taking into consideration human needs, and basing on their rights and responsibilities....
2 Pages 910 Words

The Effect of Competition on The Result and Age

Competition is everywhere in our society. The study researches whether competition effects on the result of work and whether the age effects on competition. The study is progressed by 12 student participants in Prague, Czech Republic. It was hypothesized that competition would affect the result of work and the young age would get more influenced by competition. The results support that through competitive behavior, competition usually makes the development of the results of the test but the age is not...
2 Pages 927 Words

Main Themes Of The Wife of Bath’s Tale And The Miller’s Tale From Canterbury Tales

The classic from Jeffry Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, is a collection of 24 stories written in the Middle Ages, where Chaucer appoints to all segments of the medieval social issues. Many people believe that, The Wife of Bath’s Tale and The Miller’s Tale are the best of all those 24 stories. However, The Miller’s Tale have certain details that make it stand out from the rest of Chaucer’s work. The Miller’s Tale is better, for it is easier to follow,...
2 Pages 928 Words

A Study Stress Management and its Impact among Students

Abstract In this article provided reveals a vast amount of ideas on stress management and its impacts among students analyzing the reasons and some problems of stress. As well as, suggesting possible solutions to reduce them. Introduction Stress is a frustrating feeling, that has an influence to individuals’ psychological and physical system. There is no doubt, that every person feels stress in their daily basis, because of the varied reasons or problems. To be more specific, students considered the most...
2 Pages 912 Words

Reason as the Basis of Morality

I would argue that morality is the reasoning behind a human’s action rather than the action itself. Therefore, all humans have morality, but we all have different standards of morality. This could include what the right thing to do is, what it means to be good, and how this helps society function. I believe that we are moral, and should be moral, because we all have the ability to be a good person, and by being a good means having...
2 Pages 896 Words

Conflicts And Conflict Management

Introduction Conflict is not an unnatural phenomenon among human beings of any background. It is very normal for us to sometimes have oppositions and struggles when relating with each other. As long as people interact as the social beings we are, conflicts will occur on occasion. Knowing that there is no way to avoid running into conflict with people, it is important to be informed on ways to manage them when they occur. It is also important to know how...
2 Pages 880 Words

Theme Of Friendship In Of Mice And Men

“Of Mice and Men” novel by John Steinbak contains two very different but yet similar main characters. George is an intelligent small, dark man while Lennie is the complete opposite. He is a “giant” of a man and isn't as intelligent as his companion. He often gets himself and his friend in trouble. They are both hard working migrant workers that came to a stop miles away from a Californian farm where they are due to start work at. Candy’s...
2 Pages 917 Words

The Legalization of Marijuana will Eventually Result in More Harm than Good, does it?

“Leave the trees, and let them be (lord lord) can’t you see you’re destroying the environment, Leave the trees, and let them be (whoa whoa), can’t you see you boring a hole inna di O-Zone layer” are some words mentioned in a popular song titled ‘Leave the trees’ written and sang by Jamaican Reggae artist Chezidek. “Marijuana can be defined as the hallucinogenic dried flower buds or leaves of the female hemp that contains high amounts of THC and are...
2 Pages 907 Words

The Level of Anxiety among Adult Patients While Waiting for Venipuncture

From English Oxford dictionary(Stevenson, 2015) anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. The American Psychology Association defines anxiety based on Encyclopaedia of Psychology (Kazdin, 2019) as an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes. Anxiety can be a normal and expected feeling in life. However, when it causes the disproportions and interferences to the daily activities, job performance and relationship of the individual, it is called...
2 Pages 938 Words

Communication and Behavior in Chimpanzees

There is no doubt that, animals can communicate. But they communicate in a different way than humans. Chimpanzees like other animals, can communicate non-verbally, they can make noises that shows how they are feeling, they don’t use words but with sounds, to show each other how the feel. Chimpanzees have their own vocal communication, using sounds to give a message or express an emotion. Like humans the Chimpanzees associate happiness and joy with laughter, and, and whimpering or crying with...
2 Pages 936 Words

The Innocence Of Murder In Lord Of The Flies

Anyone that commits any type of action or omission that is punishable by law should be punished for what they did. The novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding emphasizes the dark side and savagery in even the most innocent human beings. Ralph, the protagonist of the story, does his best to keep his innocence, and not become corrupted like a lot of the boys did. Similar to the situation, “Three suffocate in arson attack on Athens bank” By...
2 Pages 884 Words

The Advantages of Facebook

Academic performance One of the most crucial benefits Facebook brings to HUFLIT’s fourth year students’ life is the improvement in academic performance. The reason as to how Facebook can help with HUFLIT’s fourth year students’ academic performance is because the said social media platform has opened various ways to acquire knowledge for university students, as claimed by many researchers in their studies such as Wodzicki, Schwämmlein and Moskaliuk, 2012; Cooke, 2015; Manasijevic, Zivkovic, Arsic and Milosevic, 2016. University students in...
2 Pages 876 Words

Racism In The U.S. Workplaces And Education System

Racism in workplaces Racism in workplaces is already present from hiring, indeed in comparison to white people, black people in the US are twice as likely to be unemployed and also earn 25 percent less when employed. Although racial discrimination in the workplace is prohibited by federal and states law, employers can in fact discriminate people by not hiring them or not promoting them because of their races. By doing it discreetly, it’s more difficult to prove that there was...
2 Pages 944 Words

America as a Beacon of Democracy and Freedom

During the Cold War, Democracy and Freedom were some major factors at play during this time. The US pushed and supported Democracy spread around the world, while Freedom was still a big issue. As much as the US was viewed as a beacon of democracy, back home there were still movements/groups protesting for civil rights. During this time the US funded and created Organization/Programs that would help prevent the spread of communism. For Example, Truman on March 12, 1947, declared...
2 Pages 896 Words

The Impact Of Frederick Douglass On American History

To begin with, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,written by Frederick Douglass is a book written during the Slavery period which was during the 1850’s. The topic of this Narrative is slavery, Douglass explained in many various ways how Slavery was wrong and shouldnt be allowed. The purpose of Douglass writing this Autobiography was to convince us, the readers to put an end to slavery, which back at the time slavery still existed. Frederick Douglass was born a...
2 Pages 941 Words

Through The Looking Glass: Édouard Manet’s Woman With A Tub

Édouard Manet has a well-versed collection of art that has truly stood the test of time. In his era, Manet definitely pushed the boundaries of what society deem appropriate and “real art,” but most commonly now, he is known as the father of modern art. In this essay I will be discussing Manet’s “Woman with a Tub.” First I will give a brief synopsis and history of the painting, then I will analyze the work in depth, and lastly I...
2 Pages 926 Words

Moral Principles and Business Ethics

Ethics Ethics is defined as the moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity. In simpler words ethics is a system of moral principles. Ethics define the right way of living life for us by establishing rules, principles and values. Business ethics Ethics is an important part of our life. Basically it is what discriminates us from animals. It works by providing us a code of conduct which we can follow and become more acceptable...
2 Pages 909 Words

How YouTube Changes our Learning Method

In this rapid information era, it is undeniable that YouTube has become a well-known video-sharing platform. Our habits, for instance, the way of broadening our horizons, showing our talents or reading news, to name but a few, may silently be transformed thanks to the sudden appearance of this website. Indeed, Lewis, Heath, Sornberger and Arbuthnott (2010) have suggested YouTube is now the third biggest website on the plant, meanwhile the majority of its active were youth. This reflects that YouTube...
2 Pages 881 Words

Foreshadowing And Symbolism In The Book Of Mice And Men

Comedian, George Carlin once said, “That's why they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Of Mice and Men follows the journey of two men trying to achieve their version of the American Dream, which leads them to their unfortunate demise. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck conveys that the American dream is unattainable - through foreshadowing and symbolism - no matter how much hard work is put in, it leads to pain...
2 Pages 915 Words
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