Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction -
  2. Arguments 1 -
  3. Argument 2-
  4. Argument 3 -
  5. Counter Argument -
  6. Conclusions-

Introduction -

Education systems around the world are commonly viewed as a vital factor that plays in shaping the futures of today’s generation. So why does a vast amount of families choose to undertake the route of homeschooling? This idea to conduct teaching in one’s home environment has evolved internationally over a course of time to later become part of today’s modern world, analysation gathered shows UK’s homeschooling system has increased by 40% over three years and since 1999 the figures of home-schooled children in the USA have doubled. But are those who participate in home-schooling particularly benefiting from it? Tradition education provides many advantageous elements that support a child’s development in learning, individuals can master skills efficiently through an interactive classroom and the facility of having face-to-face teaching with a qualified instructor. Conversely, homeschooling does not offer the same standards of teaching, the following arguments that will be raised surrounding thus topic can often be considered to affect a child’s capability to reach their full potential.

Arguments 1 -

Socialisation. The process of a student transitioning to school involves many opportunities to enhance skills within the communication and socialisation eras, these experiences play a critical role in today’s society and will help one’s preparation for the “real world”. Traditionally educated children encounter numerous situations that display how to appropriately behave when interacting with peers or teachers. This success can be reflected through an individual’s quality of life, primarily showing the importance socialization offers to young people. You may be wondering, are those who are home-schooled exposed to the same standards of socialization? A major talking point that tarnishes the reputation of homeschooling can be related to the concerns expressed by critics, their fears of behavioural skills developing at hindered rates can now be distinguished as a common occurrence found in children with such circumstances. Findings can reveal that due to tuition being confined at home many fellow home schoolers have experienced feelings of abandonment, isolation or “a disconnection from society”. Undeniably emotions like so are not appropriate for any child to experience, however this devastating truth does not stop here. Children in home education tend to become overwhelmed when the importance of having friends and to adequately socialize become a realization, those who feel like this have been known to blame parents. Needless to say, the highlighted issue surrounding home-schooled students present and future development is required to be tackled! Some would encourage the introduction of curriculums that are tailored to focus on emotional & social growth of a student.

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Argument 2-

In some cases of home-schooling, the downfall of a child reaching their full potential can be partially related to the parent(s) carrying out the tuition. This can vary from different factors, however the most brutal reason that will take its toll on students’ fulfilment in education, can be home instructors lacking the necessary qualifications to teach effectively. This regulation needs to be met immediately if we want children involved in the home-schooling system to have their requirements fulfilled! According to responsible home education individuals willing to tutor children at home “should have at least a high school diploma or GED”. Yet often parents do not obey by this set standard. Those teaching are responsible in providing suitable education equipped for the child this can be accomplished by adapted lessons that suit and test your student’s ability, though homeschooling parent are not professional teachers! Anyone can perform home-schooling, but who is to guarantee the student is receiving the necessary education? Individuals who are certified in the teaching occupation have obtained various teaching methods that include a diverse approach, this is an area others simply cannot compete with. Points regarding this issue have even been raised through those deeply involved in the media! Neil Carmichael former MP and member of Conservative party said it is “very difficult” for teachers to help educate students who have been poorly home educated to catch up as they miss “huge chunks of time”. This saddened truth can determine the potential careers offered to those whom are/were attendants of home-school, parents truly need to understand what is best for their child for this matter to be avoided!

Argument 3 -

In present day, when enrolling your child into public or private school you are essentially setting them up to learn a variety of skills that will assist them beneficially in the foreseeable future. Places of education have evolved remarkably over the generations. A place which was once considered to be a compilation of textbook work, can nowadays be described as the prime source of learning. This title can reflect on the countless resources/materials now available to students, the widened array of learning techniques suited to those who prefer social or solitary styles and the integration of technology in classrooms. This is just a small percentage of the many reasons why traditional education is the best source of learning. However, are these listed features applied in home-schooling systems? The truth is children who are educated at home often lack general resources that would be available to the average pupil, cases like so are really due to the costly amount that teaching materials total to. Home-schooling costs can range from a couple hundred pounds to easily £1000+ per year, considering many countries offer free tuition these figures can be seen as a significant amount. From this expense, parents are required to purchase essential supplies, books, excursions and materials equipped for learning purposes, these are no newcomers for adding to the financial cost. In surveys, parents expressed they were willing “to have their children enrol in public school on a part-time basis to take specialized courses” that were beyond available for home teaching – (education. findlaw). When referring back to home-schooling not allowing a child to reach their full potential this is definite reasoning that may prove so. Ultimately, these unfair circumstances need to be inquired by the government or local authorities if we want home-schoolers to receive an equal chance in the learning provided, this could be moderately done through fundings.

Counter Argument -

In contrast to this topic, many claim to differ w home-schooling is a beneficial method of educating children. From the disadvantages, I have thoroughly discussed some may argue attendants of home education perform better, indications for this can be students having fewer distractions, therefore, allowing them to focus more on learning. As students are provided with a more personal approach to schooling, e.g.curriculums, subjects and preferences of learning, their performance and work ethic has been known to reach positive standards.

Another point of topic worth mentioning is socialization, due to the contrast in interaction that traditional education offers compared at-home learning, this factor does not hold the best reputation. However, Despite this, many of those homes schoolers are prompted or giving many opportunities to join activities, support groups and programs that revolve around socializing with peers. Time predominately spent with adults can increase rates of maturity and other skills that set a child up for the future. While this may be true, it does not give confirmation of the bigger picture on whether homeschooling allows a child to succeed in reaching their full potential.


As Homeschooling becomes more popular each day and further develops into today’s society, it’s existence can often be viewed in a negative manner based on many reasons. In regards to the widely face issue of homeschooled children not being able to achieve at there full potential, it is simply unacceptable. This is a concern that has alarmed many for a reasonable time span and undoubtedly needs to be addressed! No matter who or why is a participant in either homeschooling or traditional education every child deserves to have succession in the schooling taught. For this aspect of learning to change into a positive circumstance, it is essential to have the department for education acknowledge this error of equality received in the different styles of teaching. It is no surprise that Our generation is in desperate need for this education crisis to be resolved! The longer we do not act upon on this, the more damage that will be done to children’s futures.

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Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay. (2022, March 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay.” Edubirdie, 17 Mar. 2022,
Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 17 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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