Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech

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Have you ever known that GMOs is safe for human’s life? GMOs is considered to be safe and dangerous by some people. There was a debate in 2018 that showed about genetically modified food, which is created for preventing from pests, infecting from virus ad contaminating from some insecticide chemical. There are some advantages and disadvantages of GMOs. For the disadvantages, Hirshberg, Van, and Brody have disagreed that using too much GMOs on food might lead to cancer, resist medicine’s effects and lack of immunity. On the other hand, Bernhoft, has agreed that GMOs would be applied according to the increasing of people, preventing cancer, storing freshness, and supporting diet person along with Smith and McGloughlin concurred that GMOs was the main element to rise nutrients in food, GMOs could be developed to pharma crops, and made some foods looked colorful. Respectfully, we understand the points of disagreement; nevertheless, we personally agree with Bernhoft that GMOs is helpful to humans which are preventing cancer, lessening synthetic preservatives, and decreasing chemical function.

The first and most important reason of GMOs good function is preventing from cancer. According to Bernhoft (2018), GM plants have numerous illustrations such as blometoes, the combination of blueberries with tomatoes, they extend the total of anthocyanin that support diet person and prevent from cancer. The writers think that humans have tendency to be diseased especially cancer, and GMOs might be interested for preventing from genetic engineering of products. Besides, GMOs could be developed to prevent other diseases. It is possible that some fruits might be gene modified to combine of their properties for their purposes on the future. For these reasons, GMOs might be the most important chemical to cure a lot of people.

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The second reason that makes GMOs useful is lessening synthetic preservatives. The writes agree that GMOs could reduce rotten of junks might disadvantage to many factors such as scenery, even the animal lives. GMOs might be the important element that can resolve this problem. Bernhoft (2018) supported that genetically modified foods could store freshness lengthy foods which might lessen synthetic preservatives, the chemical which is used to store the freshness of goods for a long age. It possibly starts the dangerous diseases, for example, food allergy triggers, heart disease, and cancer from building great amounts using this chemical. Not only that, but GMOs also could make foods more simply for handing over clients that could dispose of the food desert, and urban side in which is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality food. Evidently, GMOs could decrease synthetic preservatives.

The last reason that makes GMOs beneficially is decrease chemical functions. According to Bernhoft (2018), In the future, humans in the world will be reached to 12 billion in the half of century. The needs of better quality of product will be continuously raised as well. Sprouting plants with GMOs can reduce the price of rising production costs, using weed killer, preventing damage that would be happened from pests, and insects. Nowadays, there are some new viruses, diseases and germs that can be intercepted the growing process of plant. The high technologies will allow GMOs plants safe from these unknown viruses. From the writers’ perspective, the result of damage from pests could create huge amounts of spending funds to rise. In addition, using too much weed killer or chemical could cause dangerous diseases to farmers or gardeners. The chemical which from the herbicides might cause the allergies such as itching from touching the skin. Also, if farmers used insecticide for a long period, they would get physical disorders. For example, headache, dizziness or vomiting. Thus, GMOs could lessen chemical usage.

To conclude, there are several benefits to GMOs which are saving humans from cancer, decreasing synthetic preservatives, and deducting chemical using. We personally believe that GMOs would be more attractive because of its good functions, in the future, the increasing of population and demands will be unstoppable as well as consumption. Therefore, GMOs might be a good option in order to replace the insufficient nutrients and framing will be grown in advance.

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Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 21, 2025, from
“Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 21 Feb. 2025].
Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2025 Feb 21]. Available from:

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