Punctuality essays

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1 Page 627 Words
Punctuality implies to be on time. Punctuality benefits an individual in all aspects of life. It also helps an individual to build up his/her character and creates a positive impression on society. If one is not punctual, then his/her life fills with friction in whatever he/she does. Without being punctual, an individual feels that he/she is wasting time and where...
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3 Pages 1283 Words
The research developed by Tusev (2017), is focused on explaining the reason why Ecuadorians are people characterized by unpunctuality. The topic begins with the initial explanation of what time is and why it is important. The people of Mesopotamia first developed the investigation reports that time. Then, the Greeks will use this tendency to be able to determine the correct...
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2 Pages 818 Words
In this assignment we are going to be looking at self-discipline which is being able to control yourself and your feelings. We are going to record our self-discipline through a report over 2 weeks. It will consist of 7 different areas; presentation and personal grooming, punctuality, reliability, composure, attitude, performance, personality. All of these 7 areas are essential as they...
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