Best Friends Are Always There For You Even When You Move

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I believe that no one can survive life without true friends. Friendship is one of the greatest blessings anyone can have. Friends are the ones I go to when things get tough, and also the first people I go to when I have good news. They are the ones I have the most fun with, like going on spontaneous adventures or even just doing the simplest things. The definition of friendship is “A state of mutual trust and support”. Friends are the only ones I can trust with my deepest darkest secrets, and that is why I believe we need true friendships that last forever.

Everyone has had at least one true friendship. Some people have friends they met on the playground, others have their siblings or even their parents. We all started making friends at a young age, so we learned young that friends are important. Most of the time, the friends we have when we’re young don’t last. As we grow up, we grow apart. We make new friends that will be there for us. I am no longer friends with my elementary school best friends, but I grew up and became friends with the greatest people in my life. I have the best friends right now, and I couldn’t have asked for better friends. The older we all get, the more important friendship comes to us. Without my friends, my life would be monotonous. I would not have anyone to trust my life with. As goes the other way around. Being there for my friends and not taking them for granted is so important because they need true friends as much as I do.

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I believe that friendships can last a lifetime, even if they are halfway across the world. Although you are not together to go on spontaneous adventures, you are still there to support and love each other; even if it is over FaceTime and texts. I believe this because one my my best friends lives in Germany. We have only been friends for about eight months, but she has been possibly one of the greatest friends I have ever had. I went through some pretty rough moments during my junior year, and she was the only one there to help me and encourage me through it all. And even though she is back in Germany, we still have that bond; just over the phone. I know that no matter what happens, her and I will always be close and visit each other when we have the chance. We had a lot of fun memories together while she was here in America and she made my junior year unforgettable.

One of my favorite quotes is said by a famous philosopher, Euripides. Euripides stated “Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness”. Therefore I believe that true friendships are essential. I believe they can last forever, despite being 4,944 miles away from each other. Friends care for each other, depend on one another, build trust, and just simply enjoy life together. They give life a whole other meaning, and that is why I believe friendship lasts a lifetime, no matter the circumstances.

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Best Friends Are Always There For You Even When You Move. (2021, July 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 3, 2025, from
“Best Friends Are Always There For You Even When You Move.” Edubirdie, 17 Jul. 2021,
Best Friends Are Always There For You Even When You Move. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 Jan. 2025].
Best Friends Are Always There For You Even When You Move [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Jul 17 [cited 2025 Jan 3]. Available from:

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