Data Analysis and Visualization

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2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day, and it’s only going to grow from there. By 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on the Earth. The numbers are huge and such data cannot be examined without the analytical and visualization power.

Why Data Analysis and Visualization Are Important

Information examination and representation is exceptionally urgent as it permits numerous endeavors and people like you and me to conclude based on the verifiable data rather than the hypothesis data. People can visual information at a greater pace rather than seeing a tape of numbers or spreadsheets. It limits the factual get-together and information cleaning time, and furthermore expands the pace with which we get the knowledge of the data.

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How Data Analysis and Visualization Work

The main objective of the data analysis and visualization is to understand a problem in depth to get a better solution. It helps with the knowledge and the best practices exploring more hidden data. The data analysis and visualization model includes:

  1. Complication. With every single bit of data produced in today’s world, more questions arise on how to deal and manage that data and what should be our approach and objective behind it to analyze the same.
  2. Data investigation and analysis. Investigating the problem is the next big step as we need to connect some dots in order to identify the exact issue. This can only be done if we start analyzing the data. For example, if we start looking at some random website statistics or their product analysis, we can easily predict what people may like, which is the most viewed product and where people shop.
  3. Collecting and segmenting. It requires energy and efforts to make the data available in an accurate and fact-based format and sometimes we need to do segmentation, deletion, sequencing, and aggregation to get familiarized with the data. The main objective is to understand the root of the problem by doing critical observation and examination.
  4. Data visualization. This is the phase where data is observed through your eyes. The data is presented in the form of patterns, trends, charts, bars where we can get insight into the complex data by communicating the key aspects in the more intuitive and meaningful way.

Goals and Objective of Data Analysis and Visualization

Data analysis is defined as the technique in which data is inspected and segmented to a greater extent to extract useful and verifiable information. Whereas data visualization represents the data in the visual format by making graphical representations of patterns.

Data analysis and visualization are two different terms which are co-related to each other and people often make mistakes in understanding it. The appropriate and verifiable analysis of data lay the foundation of data visualization. A balanced study and anticipation of data are thus critical in building a successful data strategy.

The Project OpenFridge Platform

An OpenFridge platform presents a manageable and scalable IoT data framework which provides many integrated functions to the users by extracting valuable and authenticated information from many appliances like sensors, meters, network operated gadgets. One of the home appliances that the OpenFridge platform is based on deals with the refrigerator which utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) to induce the energy efficiency-enhancing behavior and actions. The integration of OpenFridge platform with the Internet of Things addresses two bottlenecks to achieve 100% energy efficient environment. Firstly, there was lack of technology which was not able to provide the accurate information to the user about the energy consumption of the home appliances and secondly there was no mode to analyze the cost of living or the way of living of a particular user.

The information or the parameters which are triggered by the user passes through various components which only not filters the data but also provides security (AES 256) along with the data integrity. The platform also combines a web technology interface with the computer application.

The OpenFridge web portal is built using the Drupal PHP open-source solution, which integrates the content management and the community management functionality. The portal also provides a GUI through which we can access the energy efficiency level bars and monitors the behavior of the refrigerator by seeing the graphs. It also supports configuration of fridge data, initialization of the measurement space (a so-called ticket), and visualization of the processed data.

Finally, the GUI displays the visual data in the form of the graph or diagrams representing different statistics and parameters. It explores various fields and values like room temperature (24 °C), the fridge temperature is 10°C, the number of openings is 1 and the filling level is 80%. Also on the measurement table, it displays projected yearly consumption, cooling cycles per hours along with other measurements.

Data Analysis and Visualization in Military Operation

Combat zones are the highly unpredictable, complex and fatal environment, and in order to cope with these situations, IoT sensors manage to indicate the vital signs of human beings and also caters to the safety requirements with detailed analysis and visualization effects.

Security cannot be compromised when it comes to the nation’s integrity and military makes sure that each and every resident of their respective nation is protected, but what about their protection. During the wars, we have seen that many of the soldiers die and get severely injured, which is not only a loss to their family, but also to the nation. According to The Hindu, 54 soldiers were declared ‘missing in action’ during the India-Pakistan war in 1971. Till date, the status of these 54 soldiers is unknown. The situation could have been avoided if we were highly equipped with human tracking systems at that time.

A model has been proposed to track and monitor the real-time data of the soldier’s health and accurate geographical position with the help of IoT in 2016. There are two units: soldier unit and control room unit. The soldier unit consists of the ATmega328 microcontroller board. The communication between the control room and soldier unit is achieved using IoT with the help of Node MCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. The data such as body temperature and heartbeat and pulse rate can be stored on the cloud and can be extracted with the help of the Wi-Fi module, which sends data to the control room unit and presents the data on the GUI. Whenever the heartbeat exceeds a predefined value, it triggered a buzzer and panic button and the control room immediately ponder on that.

Different experiments have been carried out to provide evidence that the IoT-based sensor mechanism is working, in which a subject was placed at a location with longitude and latitude of 73.3 and 18.17 respectively. The location of the object can be derived from the Google navigation tool, and the heartbeat and the body temperature can be recorded on the GUI, and the information can be extracted from the Wi-Fi module, which make use of the IP address. The experiment was successful and we got the exact figures of the object.

Data Analysis and Visualization in Smart City

The smart city environment focusses on improving the lives of citizens, infrastructure and providing value-added services and resources so that people can lead a simple and stress-free life. A smart city comprises collaborations of devices which communicates with each other with the help of the Internet. For example, if we discuss the wireless towers, many wireless towers in different cities communicate with each other to transfer the data and to exchange the information so that the desired information can be reached to the user.

There are many challenges in order to handle a huge amount of data. The main challenge is data processing and data storage. When users are trying to communicate with cloud services, there is a possibility that data traffic is delayed due to congestion, latency, great processing time and low throughput.

In order to deal with the data processing and cloud storage issues, a model was implemented in which the FC moves the data processor closer to the edge of the network, where the data analysis and visualization can be done in a much faster way. The FOCAN model consisting of 2 things. The first is the IoE Tier and another one is the FN Tier.

Analysis and Contribution

The three research papers inspected the data gathered from three particular fields with the assistance of the Internet of Things technology and brought about get-together refined information with progressively laid out structure. Upon careful examination of different ideas, statistics and conclusions portrayed by different researchers, I hereby put forward the following analytical findings in current prospects.

The OpenFridge platform technique with the joining of the Internet of Things has had a colossal effect on the clients who need to accumulate data about the fridge on everyday premise. With the introducing of the Smart Plug at home, the clients can have a visual portrayal of the energy insights, temperature levels in various ecological and utilization circumstances. In addition, with the incorporation of the Internet of Things, the refrigerator illuminates the client about the execution of the limit vitality utilization and furthermore, the tells the measurements of opening, shutting counts of the refrigerator. The gainful things about the OpenFridge organize is that it is changed and clients can incorporate various distinctive parameters which can be pictured with the assistance of graphical user interface.

The data examination and portrayal strategy have shaped everyone life firmly uniquely in military operations. Sensors based on the Internet of Things gives accurate data about the wellbeing's observing and following of the soldiers. The methodology demonstrates blast in discovering a considerable lot of the troopers who by slip-ups go too far of control or went unidentified amid the wars. Also, the distinctive parameters like body temperature, beat rate, oxygen immersion of every single warrior can be assembled in a graphical portrayal and can be effectively sent to the control room.

The improvement of the smart city with the cooperation of the Internet of Things has raised the way of life of numerous people. It has made numerous fields like traffic auditing and contamination checking made simpler. Individuals are only a single tick away to perform different exhausting assignments with the assistance of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is connecting the correspondence and infrastructural hole between various nations. The information examination and representation in a smart city condition is assuming an imperative job in vitality supportability and proficiency.

The data analysis and visualization are a weapon to extract accurate information from unwanted data. With the world moving towards automation, more of the redefined information is needed in order to build a more efficient world. Currently, there is numerous sectors which depends on expository and perception innovation, such as healthcare, city arranging, online networking destinations, voyaging, and some more. Numerous associations and business are putting resources into business insight and data analytics stage, and this pattern will be seen crosswise over enterprises. In this day and age, everybody needs information understanding and representation to settle on better choices, beginning from online life to huge ventures and business. Utilizing information for different purposes has turned into a need now and each genuine association is attempting their best to improve utilization of information than the contender and addition an edge. Today, information analysis and representation has turned into a quickly advancing mix of science and workmanship that is sure to change the corporate scene throughout a coming couple of years. In the future, progressively incredible examination and representation instruments will change the picture of the entire world. No one knows how the ventures going to be 5 years down the path, however, the information examination and representation isn't going disappearing. We will be seeing all the more dominant and broad tools of information examining and representation with the mix of different programming dialects in every single field.


Data examination and visualization are two key terms which work like human personalities, as it gathers the information, process it and retain it for future needs. The appropriate and verifiable analysis of data lay the foundation of the structured data. It can be concluded that a balanced study and anticipation of data are thus critical in building a successful data strategy which helps in reducing the glitches and processes the data at a faster rate. Data analysis and visualization works well with powerful tools in order to capture minute things which cannot be seen by naked human eyes. In order to get make a better and faster decision, data analysis and visualization need to be integrated with programming Tools so that the data can be identified without the help of human beings.


As indicated by my examination, there are numerous headways which could be possible to make the procedures clarified above progressively solid. The paper obviously sticks pointed the detours for OpenFridge platform framework execution with the Internet of Things. For instance, the refrigerator is kept inside the four dividers which is exceptionally difficult to get to and in this manner, the smart fitting can't be introduced and one can't separate the information since the information direct is missing. The second proviso is the mediation of the human creatures to accumulate the information. As indicated by my perspective, the above technology is lingering behind which can be amended by building an insightful self-propelled component of gathering the information by collaborating OpenFridge platform with the Internet of Things. In doing as such, we are not subject to the parameters given by clients and the instrument will specifically communicate with the Smart Plug for investigation and perception.

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Data Analysis and Visualization. (2023, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Data Analysis and Visualization.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2023,
Data Analysis and Visualization. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Data Analysis and Visualization [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 08 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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