Essay about The Beatles

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The Beatles were one of the most influential and popular rock n’ roll bands of all time and contributed to the history of music. They are forever remembered as one of the best bands ever!

In the book ‘A Night Divided,’ the main characters, Gerta and Fritz listen to the Beatles in secret while in their apartment. They were trapped with a dictatorship as their government and they aren’t allowed to listen to any music, wear clothes of their choice, or go wherever they want whenever they want. They are not even allowed to say anything about the government. They listened to the amazing music of the Beatles illegally, but they loved the music so much that they kept listening to it on their record player night after night.

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The Beatles were a band of four men that were all from Liverpool, England. John Lennon started the band and was the band leader. They started as the Quarrymen, then changed their name to the Silver Beatles, and finally changed their name to the well-known name the Beatles. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr were all part of the quartet of talented musicians. John Lennon was a singer and guitarist for the Beatles. Paul McCartney was a singer and bass player, George Harrison sometimes sang lead vocals and background vocals, and Ringo Starr played the drums and sometimes other instruments like the tambourine.

The Beatles have changed the history of rock n’ roll music for years to come. Many bands use The Beatles as inspiration for their music. The Beatles wrote rock n’ roll music with hints of other styles incorporated. They had an amazing reputation for including classical and pop music in their American rock. They added blues and melodic guitar to some of their musical hits. The Beatles used multiple instruments in their songs. For example, in one of their songs, Hey Jude, a bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, and a tambourine were used in the recording of this song.

The Beatles changed the life of music for everyone after them. They created music that no one had ever heard before and they had so many fans that adored all of their music. The Beatles’ fans cried and cheered at the sound of their music. Many boy bands are inspired to be as popular and creative as the Beatles. Fans enjoyed the new type of music that the Beatles made. The rock n’ roll with touches of blues, melodic guitar, and classical music made so many people love music and The Beatles.

The Beatles made some amazing pieces of music while they were in the band. They made some rock n’ roll classics that many people have heard before. Their most popular song is named ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps,’ which was written by George Harrison. The Beatles made about 225 songs in total while they were in the band together and almost all of their songs became popular.

The Beatles were a leading rock n’ roll band that changed the history of all musical bands. The Beatles may have not been a favorite for all, but for most, this band inspired them to be the best person that they can be. They created many songs that made people so happy to see them. The Beatles were and are important to the history of music. They were, in most peoples’ eyes, considered to be the best boy band of all time. They are remembered most for their amazing creativity in writing and performing great tunes and lyrics.

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Essay about The Beatles. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“Essay about The Beatles.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
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