Essay on African American Food Culture

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Ethnicity is described as a person or thing related to a specific subgroup that has a general national unique, social character or race. It is viewed as an anthropological term since it leans on learned practices and not natural factors. Numerous people have blended social foundations and can partake in more than one ethnicity. Ethnicity can evolve based on the communication in a similar language, similar customs, and typical historical events with others within a group. These components involve the way of life. Once that is considered, with regards to your nationality and race, it could be a solid indicator of your ethnicity. Extensively, an individual's ethnicity is their heritage and ancestral roots.

I consider my ethnicity to be African American. African Americans are known to be one of the biggest of several ethnic groups in the United States. African Americans are part of an African family line; however, many have nonblack ancestors too. African Americans are said to generally be the relatives of individuals who were brought from their African countries by power to work in the New World- slaves. Their privileges were seriously restricted, and they were for some time denied a legitimate offer in the monetary, social, and political advancement of the United States. Nevertheless, African Americans have made fundamental and enduring commitments to American history and culture. It is said that the child rearing styles, practices, attributes and qualities of African American families are guided by social legacy and Afrocentric convictions. An essential objective of child rearing is to transmit qualities, convictions and thoughts around ways of life dependent on social information on the adult undertakings and skills required for proper functioning in society. One ethnic foundation my family encouraged was the means by which to be respectful and behave well. My family stressed neatness, family ties, freedom, compliance, religion, and good and close to home values.

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Rituals, which can take an assortment of structures, regularly provide family existence with shape and progression. Rituals have a representative structure, are regularly founded on a stereotyped or adapted arrangement of interactions and provide the family with a feeling of way of life as well as give significance to and adjustment of family life. A ritual that I engage in that reflects my ethnic background are family reunions. Family reunions surfaced as vehicles through which cohesiveness could be reestablished and culture revived. They developed as rituals for reinforcing and stabilizing the African American family, and a tool used for building solid and feasible establishments for our future people. African American elders became basic assets for their insight and direction, and were, in turn, perceived and invigorated, engaged, and validated. African American family reunions go back to Emancipation. Slaves would put 'information Wanted' signs in newspapers looking for family. The Great Migration, between 1915-1940, of about 4,000,000 African Americans from the South toward the North, would extraordinarily motivate family gatherings. During these social events, more distant family was noteworthy, as families were isolated and new connection ties were framed in bondage. This family custom turned into an unmistakable image of memory and strength that live through slavery. Traditional African American foods, also referred to as “soul food” are foods that I eat that can particularly identify me as an African American. One soul food would be greens. Greens are one of the most often identified foods that perceive as traditional African American food. Another thing that can identify me with being African American is wearing my hair in an afro. Afros were worn to express feelings of racial pride, black is beautiful.

The meaning of family, ethnicity, and culture differs from one ethnic group and nation to the next. The diversity between and inside ethnic families challenges basic speculations. For instance, for some Africans, the meaning of family proposes the significance of more distant family and network. Ethnic groups can last over an extended timeframe or they can change, combine, or vanish. The historical background, the sexual orientation, the religion or spirituality, the accessibility of assets, and the educational and job opportunities, frequently offers insights for understanding the ethnicity of an individual.

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Essay on African American Food Culture. (2024, August 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from
“Essay on African American Food Culture.” Edubirdie, 15 Aug. 2024,
Essay on African American Food Culture. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Jan. 2025].
Essay on African American Food Culture [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Aug 15 [cited 2025 Jan 8]. Available from:

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