Essay on 'Cross' by Langston Hughes Analysis

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In the 1920’s, racial tensions were high. Langston Hughes grew up during this time and was not immune to discrimination. Hughes was half black and half white, resulting in an intense internal conflict. This is shown in the poem “Cross”, Hughes is struggling with his identity and is unsure where he falls when it comes to race.

To feel like you don’t belong is a scary thing, for Hughes, it was his every day. “Cross” is written in first person and tells of Hughes's discomfort about his race. “My old man’s a white old man And my old mother’s black,” which resulted in a mixed child. The title of the poem “Cross” can be seen as a hint to the words “crossbreed” and “crossroads”. The use of connotation helps show the speaker’s feelings. “My old man died in a fine big house My ma died in a shack,” using connotation it can be said that his father was relatively wealthy and had a good life, dying in a large house. The mother on the other hand died in a shack, the word shack has a negative and dirty connotation, implying that she struggled with money and couldn’t afford much. This idea centers around the main theme as the speaker is unsure where his life will lead, as he is “neither white nor black.”

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The connotation reveals that the father is wealthy and the mother is not and it is stated that the father is white and the mother is black. Rich vs poor, and white vs black, both completely contrast each other. The use of antithesis for the mother and father only helps to confuse the speaker. He fails to fall into the white or black and it is unclear about the rich and poor. We know that he does not know. The speaker has no idea what lies infant of him, or how his life will turn out. The world has taught him that there are certain fates for different races, but the world has failed to teach him about his race. He feels undefined. He feels lost and alone. At this time he would have been rejected for being black by whites and rejected for being white by blacks. He is at a crossroads.

Throughout the first two stanzas, the tone is both informational and regretful. He is apologizing for his actions. It can be assumed that he blamed his parents for his troubles, as they are the reason he is the way he is. As time went on the realization occurred that the color of his skin could not be blamed on his parents, as they did not attack him and judge him. For the third and final stanza, the confused and lost tone shows. The whole theme is unclear until the very last line as it is revolted that he is truly unsure of his place. He is frustrated and angry and everything in between.

The speaker is a mix of stigmas and stereotypes. Everything that is whispered about blacks is whispered about him and everything that is said about whites is said about him. The speaker knows he doesn’t belong with either “side” of society. He knows that one race will result in one end and another race will result in something else. He has no answer and it is unclear if he will ever find one.

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Essay on ‘Cross’ by Langston Hughes Analysis. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay on ‘Cross’ by Langston Hughes Analysis.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Essay on ‘Cross’ by Langston Hughes Analysis. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Essay on ‘Cross’ by Langston Hughes Analysis [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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