Essay on Generational Poverty in America

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Everyone is faced with endless life challenges. Work, family, and other factors lead us as individuals to help make decisions to improve our well-being and the quality of our lives. Some people face poverty and others don’t. Today, we are here to speak about generational poverty. Generational poverty occurs in families when at least two generations have been naturally introduced to poverty; when it’s a concern to pay for necessities like your rent, food, basic needs such as hygiene products like toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant, etc.

Some families living in this type of destitution are not able to move out of their circumstances. Generational poverty does not fall under the same category as if you were struggling because you lost your job, health issues, divorce, death, etc. Key factors associated with generational poverty include hopelessness, not only a lack of financial poverty but also educational, parental, and spiritual poverty. These people who have hopelessness have no hope and belief that their life could be better, there is no motivation or energy to think otherwise and break that cycle. The second factor is a survival mindset. They are focusing on just being able to survive. A daily challenge in trying to get money for food could be finding a place to live, unsolved health issues, etc. One of the biggest issues associated with generational poverty is having the mindset of not needing to work since the government or local organizations will help support their needs. Creating jobs, raising the minimum wage, increasing the earned income tax credit for childless workers, supporting pay equity, providing paid leave and paid sick days, investing in early education, and expanding Medicaid are all things that can help reduce poverty by a chunk.

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There are age obstacles that older adults face in the employment field. Before I speak on ageism, what does it mean? Ageism is prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age. Ageism in the workplace is huge. Age discrimination persists even when older employees are not necessarily unhealthy, less educated, less skillful, or more productive than younger employees. Older woman faces particular challenges in employment based on their sex and age. Employment discrimination based on age is a real thing and it needs to be stopped. The term “gray ceiling” is used to describe the age discrimination of older people searching for employment or promotions. Getting hired on a job can be challenging for older people. Some examples of ageism in the workplace are learning opportunities offered to the younger employees, being overlooked when employers assign challenging tasks/assignments, being left out of meetings/company activities, not being entitled to taking time off for family commitments since there are no young children involved, not being considered for a raise or promotion. Statistics show that workers over the age of 45 are unemployed longer than younger workers. By 2024, the number of employees over the age of 55 will reach 41 million, in 2008 it was only 27 million. There are more older workers who are considering postponing retirement to continue working. Even though employment discrimination is not allowed it still happens. The law prohibits discrimination in any employment aspect such as getting hired, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, benefits, etc.

Speaking of challenges, there are a lot of challenges woman go through in their lives and even daily. These challenges may be influenced by our parents, peers, media, and society. As a woman, there has always been a high expectation of the way we are perceived to look, how we speak, how we carry ourselves, and how we generally act. Over the years, some woman lose their authentic selves from wanting to be a woman they’re not. Social media & society have a big influence on that. That denial creates sadness, dissatisfaction, and lack of self-love, to name a few. Some women tend to overlook that void by focusing on relationships, money, clothing, etc. Many times, the void is ignored and continues to exist.

Even though it’s no longer uncommon for women to be higher ranked, working in male-dominated jobs, running businesses, etc. Sexism and gender bias still exist. Moving onto another challenge, the debate over reproductive rights is also a challenge that women face, back in the 1960s when “the pill” was approved as a form of contraceptive was a huge issue, now today abortion is an issue. Pro-life vs pro-choice is one of the most controversial topics in America. In my opinion, It’s the WOMAN's choice what she wants to do with her body. No one has the right to her body except for her. It’s very important to remember that abortion is one of the hardest decisions any woman can face and that decision can fall under so many situations.

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Essay on Generational Poverty in America. (2024, August 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 6, 2025, from
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