Essay on How Do I Become a Registered Nurse

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First and foremost, I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to apply for the position as a Registered Nurse. I am currently working as an Assistant in Nursing at Healthcare Australia and I expect to be graduating from The University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Nursing, expecting to be registered by December 2020. My position as an Assistant in Nursing at Healthcare Australia provides me with the necessary experience to help me excel in all areas of the hospital setting. I strive to provide high-quality healthcare to all my patients to ensure patient safety.

I am applying for the position as a Registered Nurse at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) as I have had the pleasure to be able to attend my stage 3 practicum placement at RPH. Whilst on practicum at RPH I had the opportunity to work with the multidisciplinary team and discovered that my values of patient-centred care matched up with the values of Royal Perth Hospital. I relate to the Servio values at Royal Perth Hospital including ‘Safety, Excellence and Education, Respect and Valuing our patients and staff’. I believe every one of these values is vital to the best patient-centred care, making me want to be a part of the team at Royal Perth. Royal Perth’s mission is to deliver consistent high-quality care to all patients, which is essential to me as a nurse. My highest priority as a nurse is ensuring patient safety, which is why I am applying at Royal Perth Hospital, as the vision at RPH is to be “Australia’s safest healthcare group”.

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I am looking for a chance to further my depth of knowledge in the hospital setting and take on different roles and responsibilities to achieve this. I’m very motivated to work well within a team and individually to achieve tasks and goals. I demonstrate a high standard of work ethic, shown through no sick days across all my practicums. I thrive on delivering exceptional patient-centered care in a fast-paced clinical setting and I learn new procedures rapidly. I am an extremely organized and professional individual, with excellent healthcare skills. I strongly believe in providing the best patient-centred care to ensure complete patient safety.

I believe I will be of great service to Royal Perth Hospital. I welcome the opportunity to meet and would be honored to be considered to discuss my skills further during an interview. I have provided my resume and selection criteria, which are attached to the application. Thank you for allowing the time to consider my application.

Demonstrated clinical knowledge and experience in the delivery of evidence-based nursing care within a clinical setting

I demonstrated the use of clinical knowledge and experience in the delivery of evidence-based nursing care within a clinical setting by noticing my patient was falling within the clinical deterioration range, adhering to the Code of Ethics for Nurses, element 3. After checking my patient’s care plan, I discovered they required 4 hourly observations. I completed my patient’s first set of vital signs, with their observations being stable and within their normal range. At 2000hrs I completed my second set of observations on my patient to discover my patient was bradycardic with a resting heart rate of 41 beats per minute. I moved the probe to the alternative finger and toe to ensure an accurate reading, immediately notifying my Registered Nurse (RN), adhering to the Code of Ethics for Nurses, element 2. I performed a manual reading to get 58 beats per minute. As per hospital policy, I informed the shift coordinator and paged the SAFE team to review my patient. I then performed an ECG on my patient, with the supervision of my RN mentor. The SAFE doctors concluded that the patient had a second-degree heart block, notifying the cardiology department for further treatment. I demonstrated the ‘Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration’ of a patient, in line with the National Safety Quality Health Standard (NSQHS), Standard 8 (8.4 and 8.9). Following the event, I documented the relative information in the patient’s notes. Throughout this, standards one, three, four, and six of the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice were demonstrated. (250 words)

Demonstrated effective interpersonal, negotiation, and conflict-resolution skills within a clinical setting

I demonstrated effective conflict resolution skills within a clinical setting by informing and educating a patient on the unsafe practice of removing their cannula. Whilst reviewing my patient’s care plan I discovered that his cannula was due to be removed that day. I notified my Registered Nurse (RN) of my findings and we confirmed with the patient’s doctor that he had been stepped down from intravenous to oral antibiotics, no longer requiring a cannula. As per hospital policy, I gathered my equipment in the treatment room. On arrival to my patient’s room, I carried out the 5 moments of hand hygiene as of standard 4 of the Registered Nurses Standard for Practice (NMBA). I then discovered the cannula on his bedside table, to realised he removed it himself. I informed him that removing his cannula is unsafe, educating him on the risks, which is paramount to patient safety in line with the NMBA, Standards 3.2 and 6.1. My patient continued to be non-compliant and appeared agitated. Using a calming voice, reassurance, and appropriate eye contact, I defused the situation, adhering to the National Safety Quality Health Standard, Standard 6, and Principle 3.3 of the Code of Conduct for Nurses. I immediately notified my RN mentor of the situation, reporting the incident, and adhering to Principle 1.3 (mandatory reporting) of the Code of Conduct for Nurses. To maintain continuity of care, I notified the shift coordinator and documented the care implemented, handing this over to the following nurse using ISOBAR.

Demonstrated effective written and verbal communication skills within a clinical setting.

Whilst on my practicum at a respiratory and renal ward, I demonstrated effective written and verbal communication skills through liaising between my patient and the multidisciplinary team. I did this through my documentation and verbal handover of my assigned patient who recently got her tracheostomy tube removed, ensuring I worked within my scope of practice. I educated my patient on how to manage her stoma and change her dressing. I thoroughly read and analyzed the hospital policies and procedures, adhering to standard 6.5, of the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice. Before changing the dressing, I gained consent from my Registered Nurse mentor and my patient, adhering to Principle 2.3, ‘informed consent’, of the Code of Conduct for Nurses. Adhering to the hospital policy, I gathered my equipment, carried out the 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene, and set up my field maintaining an aseptic technique, in accordance with the National Safety Quality Health Standard, Standard 3 (3.8 and 3.9). I educated my patient on how to care for her stoma, confirming she had a complete understanding of the process by paraphrasing the information back to me, adhering to principle 3.3, ‘effective communication’, of the Code of Conduct for Nurses. I documented instructions on caring for the stoma for my patient to take home, ensuring she understood the paperwork before discharge. Following this, I adhered to the Code of Ethics by documenting a written handover. At shift handover, I verbally discussed the stoma education I completed, using the ISOBAR format.

Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of quality improvement and risk management within practice

Whilst on placement in a tertiary hospital I applied quality improvement and risk management when caring for a falls risk patient. Adhering to this through implementing a fall risk assessment and management plan, to prevent falls. While performing my routine observations at 1200hrs, I discovered that a patient was wandering the corridor independently. From previously caring for this patient I identified that he required a 4-wheel walker with x1 standby assist. As per standard 6 of the Registered Nurses Standard for Practice, I immediately reached out to the patient informing him that it was unsafe for him to be mobilizing independently without his walker, and a nurse assist, adhering to Code of Conduct for Nurses, Principle 3.3. I collected the patient’s walker from his room and provided it to him, assisting him back into his room, and informing him to press his call bell and wait for his nurse to come help him for future assistance, paramount to achieving Principle 2.1 of the Code of Conduct for Nurses. I then notified my Registered Nurse of the situation that had occurred. I suggested a room change, so that he would be closer to the nurse’s station for more thorough observation and to maintain patient safety, by the National Safety Quality Health Standard, Standard 6. To maintain continuity of care, adhering to hospital policy and the Code of Ethics I thoroughly documented the care implemented and handed this over to the following nurse on duty using the ISOBAR handover format.

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Essay on How Do I Become a Registered Nurse. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on How Do I Become a Registered Nurse.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on How Do I Become a Registered Nurse. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on How Do I Become a Registered Nurse [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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