Essay on Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy

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Sweden’s rise in nationalism throughout the centuries was encouraged by movements that protested for religious, labor, and women’s rights. People power plays a crucial role in Swedish society to raise social awareness and political movements. During the 18th century, Sweden had lost the Great Northern War which forced them to make changes to their constitution and introduce the parliament. In addition, Sweden also suffered from an economic crisis due to the Napoleonic Wars affecting the trade systems. Because of this, millions emigrated to North America. With this in mind, mechanisms utilized to consolidate power or galvanize populations were essentially through force and war. After Sweden became more industrial in the 19th century, Social Democratic leaders and plans for universal suffrage were introduced. Ever since World War 1, Sweden has not engaged in any war thus, working with NATO for its Partnership for Peace (History of Sweden).

The overall level of support of the general population for movements is strongly emphasized to this day as Swedish people continue to protest and speak for their rights through parliament and activism. An empowering, positive outcome seen in Swedish society is that gender equality is enforced through all grade levels of school. This enables more freedom of acceptance for both young adults and children. In today’s era, the national government of Sweden firmly follows its constitution of the Act of Succession, Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Freedom of the Press Act, and Instrument of Government. These 4 fundamental laws are crucially utilized to stand above all other political laws to sustain a strong social democracy. In addition, Swedish politics rely heavily on the parliament since it is how new law amendments are proposed.

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Although all national leaders strive to make their country a better place, major and even threatening issues, such as increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and unequal gender rights, are often overlooked or put aside. However, national proposals in Sweden were put into action to help improve its future and inspire other countries. These proposals include a fossil-free infrastructure and an action plan for women, peace, and security. Both of these projects are structured to tackle the challenging issues that many nations face today. The overall outcomes envisioned for these action plans are that they utilize fewer rail networks and fortify the protection of women from violence. It is even stated that 700 billion was spent on the infrastructure project alone. Essentially with the two action plans occuring, there is no doubt that Sweden is promoting nationalism and making positive efforts to improve its living environments both physically and socially.  

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Essay on Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy. (2024, April 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Essay on Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy.” Edubirdie, 18 Apr. 2024,
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Essay on Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Apr 18 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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