Essay on Taylor Swift's Personality

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Why did you choose this person? in other words, describe why you think they fit this personality type. Be sure to include information related to their accomplishments, any controversies surrounding this person, and even their relationships (e.g., break up, family relationships) that support your opinion.

According to the course content and the subject of the “dark triad” Which is a mixture of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Taylor Swift is a famous American singer-songwriter. She is known for narrative songs about her personal life, which has received widespread media coverage. Taylor Swift shows a large number of behaviors that indicate a diagnosis of psychopathy and she is considered a person who has an obvious dark triad personality. She is the most ambitious blonde as lady Madonna, she's concentrated to present herself perfectly. There are many people who think that she's become the music industry version of Anne Hathaway: attractive, talented, and hard-working. Dark triad personalities show superficial attraction and have effective personalities. Taylor Swift tries to make everyone think that he/she is her best friend. She looks constantly in a way that is unnatural. She is a narcissist because she attracts everyone from babies to the elderly easily and looks like a Barbie. She imitates false emotions to hide her lack of sharing feelings with others and honest human connections. It is clear in her reactions on the stage and in most of her parties and images. Recently, Swift became the most followed person on Instagram. That won't help control her narcissism (Lee,2015, Para. 1- 4).

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She is Machiavellian, so she ignores laws, and believes in that rules don't apply to her. She has many short-term relationships. She has childhood problems. When she was fourteen, she could run after her dream to become a country star because Swift's family relocated to Nashville. She can display violent behavior particularly. Machiavellians cannot connect emotionally. Swift has cats as pets, and cats are considered better pets for a person who cannot attach emotionally (Lee,2015, Para. 9 - 14).

She is considered a psychopath because she is motivated and wildly successful. Her latest album, 1989, hit record sales numbers. She sold 1.28 million copies during the first week. Even kids paid for it instead of just streaming it. she is smart. She is intelligent and adaptable. Swift is still getting a check from Spotify and other streaming services to improve herself. She can convince others easily. Swift could write another note and convince one of the most powerful corporations in the world to change its streaming policy. She pretends to be much more respectful than the average person. This is an action that makes psychopaths look less threatening so that they can become stronger, so Taylor Swift usually draws herself as a victim for example, at the beginning of her career, she talked in interviews that her classmates hated her, boys hate her, other performers hate her. It might be true, and maybe many of them are jealous, but if they deal with her poorly it's not because she's a nerdy victim. She is strong and has power. (lees,2015, Para. 5 - 8).

The newest psychology studies mentioned that one percent of the general population are psychopaths. They are high numbers, everyone probably has a psychopath in his life or is actually a psychopath himself. Psychopathy is defined as a personality disorder characterized by continuing antisocial behavior, making less empathy and deep regret, and rude and silly behavior. Psychopaths don't have normal fear or anxiety responses. Psychopaths fail to feel deep regret or guilt and will only accept blame if it somehow benefits them. Psychopaths use others to their advantage and engage in superficial friendships. Swift used a video for her to raise the idea that she is a sexy girl and has a sex life with her sexy girlfriends, but Taylor Swift is not sexy. She is pretty. She is attractive, but she is not sexy. She uses these women and all of the people that she drags up on stage every night to try to display that she is well-liked and interesting and talented. She might be all of those things, but not because of her superficial friendships.

Psychopaths will seem normal to unsuspecting people. Taylor Swift just likes to do some house works. Sometimes she goes shopping (Lee,2015, Para. 15 - 17).

Do you think that this person may be higher on one trait than the other(s)? E. g., Are they more narcissistic than psychopathic? Why or why not? Be sure to support your response as in question # 1.

Taylor Swift is more psychopathic than the other trait related to the previous reasons and estimations that the author mentioned in his article and displayed in our analyses of her behaviors in different situations. Taylor Swift is a famous singer and so much popular in the songs’ world, and she has numerous fans. She is highly intelligent. She is talented and has a greater willingness to show off her strength, so she has an obvious high dark triad trait, especially in psychopathy trait.

Theorize what would be like to interact with your chosen individual in a variety of relationships (work, friends, romantic, family, etc). Give examples of how they would act, speak, think, and its effect on you. (1-2 paragraphs).

At work, if I have a chance to interact with Taylor Swift, I think I will be impressed by her personality in the beginning especially, in an interview for a job, and she will move up the corporate ladder, and she may earn a high salary. I think the relationship as a friend, will be short-term. I think she will not be a good friend to me. She may hurt my feelings with some silly behaviors. In a romantic relationship, she will be nice to be around and could be very emotionally destruction in the romantic relationship.

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Essay on Taylor Swift’s Personality. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
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