Essay on 'The Fall of the House of Usher' Theme

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The story is about the Usher family and it arises by the narrator visits his childhood friend who needs his help as he is sick. He describes the house as ancient and broken down and there lived Roderick and Madeline who seem to be mad. Madeline gets ill and doctors answer with no cure for this disease soon Roderick tells the speaker that she died and she has been buried in a dome. After a few days, it happens to be Madeline who returns from the dome when there is a heavy storm and she collapses on her brother and kills him. Things going around, the narrator goes away from the mansion but looks back to see the mansion sink and break down. Poe uses gothic elements to build the plot with supernatural, mystery, and strange characters to attract an audience.

There are a few key themes that highlight the entire plot and its meaning:

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Deterioration could be one of the themes as the physical appearance of the mansion is described as falling apart and its condition as getting worse, also the condition of Roderick and Madeline portrays the condition of the house. Both are suffering from strange diseases and are behaving strangely which describes the outer and internal condition of the mansion and ultimately it leads to the tumble of the mansion and the passing away of siblings. Poe emphasizes death and decaying in the plot as they are the ultimate truth of life and the hidden destiny of every human. Fear and madness are part of the theme too as it feeds on them. The narrator seems afraid of the mansion and notices that there’s something ominous in the house and gets frightened by the mirror image of the house.

It also involves the gothic style of writing to depict death and madness occurring in nature and humanity and it’s shown by the house getting decayed and falling apart gothic madness is seen by Rodrick and somewhere in the speaker as they both experience madness by external disease and internal perspective respectively. The story itself is an example of what way time changes and how it can wear away goodness and beauty and also includes the differences between reality and fantasy. The plot remains mostly blurred in many situations which makes the characters confused between both which is their psychological illness that they experience such terror.


Edgar Allen Poe in the story tries to show the darkness of the mind that can come in a solitary life by bringing terror and fear in the plot and showing the readers the truth in humanity and how mental illness, the death of a beloved person, and a solitary life can kill. It shows the individual’s mindset and personality decaying and due to the increasing madness of the characters, the narrator also starts to lose his mind. He has depicted the character’s psychological health and the connectivity with the mind and the body in every single person in the story, Rodrick and her sister are twins and connected deeply, and even after her death, he remains dependent and suffers the breakdown and also creates links among the uncanny and real world. 

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Essay on ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ Theme. (2024, May 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 28, 2024, from
“Essay on ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ Theme.” Edubirdie, 16 May 2024,
Essay on ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ Theme. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Sept. 2024].
Essay on ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ Theme [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 May 16 [cited 2024 Sept 28]. Available from:

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