Essay on Why Going to College Is Important

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It has been difficult to get jobs for teenagers since the new technologies such as Artificial intelligence and Robotics, developed and influenced our society and started to manipulate the job or use market. Those technologies not only complete the actions in an easy manner nor a simple method and continuous workflow. According to the World Economic Forum, the' Future of Jobs 2018' report found that over 75 million existing jobs will be automated by 2022, and at least 50 percent of recent jobs are going to be performed by robots by 2022. At that same time, the global population has grown explosively, especially in China and India. It going to be harder to get a job a few decades later. How are we going to survive this messed-up world?

Today I am going to help you how to survive by yourself by talking about my topic The Importance of Intelligence and Knowledge.' Firstly, I am going to discuss how unemployment is affected by the lack of academic ability and education. The unemployment rate for those with university degrees is significantly less than those who didn't go to the university, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For people who are high school graduates or have no college degree, the rate of unemployment is 8 percent on average, whereas for people who have some college degrees and a bachelor's or more, the rate is around 4 percent. Moreover, according to the report by the US government, 2.3 million young adults are unemployed.

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Two-thirds of those people have but a high school diploma. This evidence shows that university graduates and people who have college degrees have more opportunities to be hired by many companies. It is so obvious that the company wants to use people who went through good education systems more than people who didn't go to the university. Second, how do academic ability and education lead to income? One of the most-measured benefits of higher education is graduate salaries, and higher levels of education result in higher earning power. ' On average, the profits of a four-year college degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2% per year' to the cities research by Greenstone and Looney(2011) of the Brookings Institution's Hamilton Project. It suggests that you can completely pay your college fees after you worked for 8 years and afterwards, you can save or use that money for your hobbies.

Furthermore, the US data from the 2018 Current Population Survey showed that people who are high school graduates and have less than a high school diploma, earn less than 740 dollars on a weekly average whereas people who have bachelor’s degrees or master’s degrees earn over 1100 dollars. The difference is just 360 dollars for a week however, in one month, it adds up to 1440 dollars, and in one year, 17,280 dollars, which is quite significant. This event is like “look after the pennies and the pennies look after the pounds.” The academic ability and education significantly impact on salary. Finally, the report from the College Board mentions that people who have some college degrees or more than a bachelor’s degree are more likely to contribute to our society. The benefits of higher education integrate significant contributions to society, with higher sophisticated laborers commonly paying more taxes, also higher level education is found to correspond with higher health insurance and pension contributions. The report also argues that in 2011, managers supplied health insurance for 55%, 69%, and 73% of full-time employees with high school diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, and advanced degrees individually.

People who are Bachelor’s degree holders are less likely to depend on public assistance programs, by 2011 figures show only 2% living in households that rely on Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, compared with 12% of high school graduates. Higher education leads to making a better society nowadays. In conclusion, intelligence and knowledge are that it is more opportunities to be hired by many companies, great academic skills and education lead to good salaries, and people who have a higher education, are more likely to make a better society. You should study as hard as possible when you are a students if you want to be successful in your life. Study: it's hard, it's boring, it is painful, and risky. When you study by yourself in your room or library, you have no destination. At least, none that can fully justify the effort. The act itself becomes the destination. It is not only that there is no finish line; it’s that you define the finish line. Whatever pleasures or gains you derive from the act of studying, you must find within. It is all in how you frame it and how you sell it to yourself. Every student who studies hard, nows this. You study and study, one exercise after another exercise, and you never quite know why. You tell yourself that I am studying toward some goal, chasing some rush, but I run because the alternative stopping scares me to death. Simply keep studying. Simply keep going. Don't stop. Don't even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where there is. This event is the precocious, prescient, urgent advice I give you.

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Essay on Why Going to College Is Important. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Going to College Is Important.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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