Essay on Why Physical Education Should Be Mandatory

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Should Physical Education be Mandatory for Elementary Students? Physical education is a very beneficial extracurricular. P.E. can help with obesity, mental and health habits, teamwork skills, confidence, reducing stress, school work, and more. This class can create habits for children that can contribute to their well-being. Some schools do not believe in or have the budget for physical education but there are many reasons to give it a thought. P.E has many pros and it is a very educational class. Obesity is something that America has been struggling with for years.

In 2010, a study showed that 33% of American youths aged 6-11 were overweight and 18% were obese. ( Some of these kids have no physical activity throughout the day which can lead to obesity or weight gain. Physical education can prevent children from being overweight and it can lead to better physical and mental health habits. Physical health is one of the most important things to acknowledge in today's society. Exercise can prevent many sicknesses. Since some schools do not have the budget for a P.E. class, they can do classroom-based physical activities including stretching or running in place. It can help the students to become stronger, faster, and smarter.

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The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity for youth aged 6-17 years of age. Research shows that behavior habits in someone’s childhood can influence adulthood habits. ( Physical education is extremely vital to mental health. Endorphins, which are neurochemicals, are shown to improve your body. These are natural pain-relievers that can make people feel good. After a good exercise or any physical activity, endorphins are released in the body to relieve pain or stress.

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for many reasons: It can promote changes in the brain, reduce inflammation, and activity patterns that promote calm and well-being through the release of endorphins( PTSD, ADHD, and many other mental diseases can be helped by exercising. Teamwork is something some kids struggle with. It can teach kids how to communicate, speak, and improve social skills( By participating in P.E. class, kids can learn how to work together and communicate with each other. This class can also improve self-discipline and learning how to set goals for yourself. Those skills can help them in the future. Participating in PE can encourage kids to make friends with one another. Confidence is a key ingredient in becoming a successful adult. Professor Margaret Talbot, President of the International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education, once wrote that sports and other challenging physical activities are powerful ways of helping young people learn to be themselves(

Many studies have concluded that participation in sports or physical activities has made kids feel happier and has brought up their self-esteem. Some children have confidence and others do not, either way, physical education can be beneficial in the long run. Physical education can also help with academics and school work. Academics are always stressful for kids, teens, and young adults. Some of those kids do not have a good attention span or they can not learn well. Physical education or any physical activity is shown to improve academic performance. When you exercise it can increase oxygen flow to the brain, increase brain neurotransmitters, and increase neurotrophins which assure the neurons in areas responsible for learning, thinking, and memory( Charles Basch of the University of Columbia writes, “Dropout rates were lower for youth who played interscholastic sports.” Physical activity can improve grades and test scores. Exercise is also a stress-depriving activity that can help kids, teens, and young adults. Even though exercising can be challenging, it has many pros.

Physical education is a great way for children to stay healthy. If it is mandatory or taken as a participation grade, then more students could attend. Some schools may not have the budget or time for physical education, but during classrooms, teachers could take a few minutes to stretch or run in place to keep the blood flowing. Any type of physical activity is good for the body. Exercising can prevent many sicknesses including cancer. It can promote bone growth. Physical activity can also improve mental health and contribute to academic or school work. Since obesity and gaining weight is such a big problem in the United States, any type of exercise would be beneficial. Building self-esteem and confidence can be helped with physical education by learning teamwork, the value of hard work, and improving self-discipline. This class can be very helpful to children by teaching them good, healthy habits and contributing to their well-being. P.E. is a very educational class that should be considered by all schools.

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Essay on Why Physical Education Should Be Mandatory. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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