Hiking Story Essay

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Seeing the sparkling sun spilling through the lined texture of my tent, I reluctantly open my eyes to the light of day. Feeling sticks jabbing me in the back, I get up and open the zippered way to check whether any other individual is up yet sadly, when I crawl out of my one individual tent, I hear my sibling and uncle wheezing like hunting dogs on a warm summer evening.

My quick idea is, 'Man, I need to clean the outhouse before anyone comes!' Walking over there in my pajamas and cam boots, I try to duck around to avoid the dark walnut shells that litter the ground. but incontrovertibly, I end up on the springy grass gazing toward the fresh Iowa morning sky. After sprawling in the light sparkling through the dark walnut tree's leaves, I get up and this time effectively make it over to the outhouse.

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Opening the entryway and propping it unlatched with a block, I reach up to open the light's string and light up the little storage room. I get the floor brush from the corner and slam against the side of the can seat to ensure no critters are inside. When I was certain, I got the bathroom tissue out of the old Folgers espresso container and set the tissue over it. In the wake of certifying the nonappearance of Daddy long leg spider from the dull corners of the outhouse, I walk out into the sparkling morning sun.

At this point, Uncle Mike is awake and is eating the dark top berries which I had picked with my mother the day preceding. I woke up my nine-year-old sibling, Neal, and we started walking through the cottage’s shed for something more to eat. Realizing the only thing edible in the shed is a jar of tamales, we get three fishing rods, a container of worms, and one bowl of berries before we start our stroll to the docks to obtain our morning meal.

After eating the fish, we decided to go hiking. Me and my uncle started preparing food and checking the hiking tools, as my Uncle is a trail runner so he has experience in hiking. He also brings Garmin GPS tracking devices to set the trail track to travel in a preferred direction so if someone gets lost can find a way back to track. After preparing for hiking Uncle Mike started explaining what to do during hiking.

“Now you’ll make to check the tracking device every few minutes so you don’t get lost,”

Neal and I eagerly nod our heads and act like we got it but we didn’t.

You’ll have to also look out for snakes and wild animals, ahahah I am just kidding.

Again, I am saying don’t forget to look in your Garmin device.

I have set five miles of track on your device to the waterfall and we will come back on the same track. Ok yes, we know everything and we’re just shaking our heads.

Sun was on top of our heads we started hiking and we were on the hillside trying to take pictures hiking Neal lost his grip and balance so he started running down of hill gradually increasing his speed he couldn’t control himself and in split a second I cannot see him because it is a spacious area, with countless trees then I somehow manage to find uncle, he saw me and asl what happened where is Neal. I was in shock and couldn’t even speak he was continuously asking me where is Neal then sad about what happened back there and we started looking for Neal but we couldn’t find him.

We went back to camp and called the police after the police arrived we stated the situation to them and they called the forest department and they came and started looking for Neal in the place where I lost saw him but they couldn’t find him. It was already 3 hours when we saw him. Uncle Mike was screaming everywhere saying Neal but he couldn’t find him as time passed uncle Mike was losing his confidence. After, six hours Neal showed up from nowhere. He was wounded on his head, and broken hand, and also covered with mud.

Police took him to hospital and after some time the police started asking him questions about how he found a campsite. He replied, I had having Garmin GPS device which was preset to show the way to camp.

Now, whenever me and my family go camping or hiking we always take a GPS device.

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Hiking Story Essay. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 19, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/hiking-story-essay/
“Hiking Story Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/hiking-story-essay/
Hiking Story Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/hiking-story-essay/> [Accessed 19 Oct. 2024].
Hiking Story Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Oct 19]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/hiking-story-essay/

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