How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society

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COVID-19 causes fear and anxiety to people around the world, its affecting people’s lives, for example, their work, school, and their social interactions. Panic will only cause more damage and it can make people make rash decisions that could be harmful at such a time, people should be aware and alert but they also should avoid panic.

The effects of the new virus

Students from mostly every affected country are using online learning to ensure their safety and well being, tourist destinations are closed for further notice to ensure that people don’t go out in crowds and groups and to isolate themselves at home. Many people are panicking and are filled with anxiety because of this new virus.

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According to writer Joshua Cohen, he explains that there is so much panic to the general public in the US, People are rushing to stock toilet papers and hand sanitizers which caused a shortage in those materials. But it’s not only the US, and many other countries like Italy, China, the USA, and others, are running out of materials in their stores to have many empty shelves.

The gulf news says that the COVID-19 virus is causing more panic then SARS, it is said that the cause of the panic was because of the media and the internet that shows much fake news and panic throughout the world. (

How does the virus spread?

The virus spreads through close contact with another individual, coughing and sneezing on somebody else who is in the range of 3 to 6 feet close to another person could end up making the other person get sick according to doctor Kathy Lofy, a state health officer from Washington, which means that people should find a way to stay 6 feet apart when going out as much as possible.

If an infected person sneezes or Coughs onto a surface and another person touches that surface and then rubs his or her eyes or nose, the person might also get sick. This is something very serious because avoiding touching your eyes or nose is hard not to do and because of this, the coronavirus is spreading quickly.

It is unknown at what point a person with the virus becomes contagious, according to health care workers who are said to be operating under assumptions that the period of when the person could get contagious is about 14. Because we don’t know much about the virus, its harder for doctors to inform others how to protect themselves, and its easier for people to panic.

The best way to protect ourselves from the virus

The best way to protect ourselves is by proper handwashing to help the spread of germs, the center for disease control and prevention recommends washing hands with soap and water before and after using the bathroom, and after blowing your nose, or coughing and sneezing, and before and after caring for a patient or a family member.

Because this virus is new there is no cure or vaccine and it also seems like there is no immunity. According to Denison, the coronavirus does not offer what’s known as cross-protection. A person who had SARS in the past would not be immune to Covid-19. This means that even if you had SARS many years ago, it doesn’t mean that you cant get the coronavirus.

The best way to stay away from this virus is by prevention, so the best way to that is by isolating ourselves at home, especially for people who are older than 60, who need the best care possible. Staying at home for a long period of time can get very boring, but you must understand the circumstances we are in, we all must understand that this is a serious matter. Many people have left their homes for their silly reasons, they must understand that they could be affecting a lot of people’s health. I suggest not following their example and to stay home unless you have a valid reason to go out.

The coronavirus, COVID-19 had affected our society by causing panic, illness, and death, Which is a horrible reality but the best way to take care of ourselves is to stay calm, because panic will only make us sicker and it will cause us to feel anxious and tired, and it also can make people make rash and bad decisions, and at a time like this we don’t need that. We should all stay at home as much as possible to not only help ourselves but everyone around us.

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How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society. (2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from
“How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society.” Edubirdie, 09 Jun. 2022,
How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Feb. 2025].
How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 09 [cited 2025 Feb 12]. Available from:

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