How Did Upton Sinclair Impact Society: Critical Essay

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Upton Sinclair was a well-known muckraker, and progressive journalist in America who strove to lead reforms by exposing the exploitative nature of institutions and political leaders, The Jungle is a literary example of the muckraker movement. The problem the author identifies in the novel is the harsh working conditions and hostile living situations of immigrants in the United States in industrialized cities like Chicago. Sinclair assumes his readers are part of the American population, as well as members of the government. His purpose in this novel is to draw the public’s attention toward the exploitative labor industry and immoral social structure present at the time. In order to accomplish this purpose, he appeals mainly to the emotions of the readers belonging to the middle working class by depicting the lives of relatable characters that face similar struggles as the targeted audience. He also logically appeals to congressional officials and legislators by highlighting the negative social and economic effects of unregulated production in the meat industry. Finally, he concludes by making optimistic points regarding the need for a powerful development and progression of socialism. Overall, the argument Sinclair makes is effective because he constructively utilizes strong word choice and sentence structure, assertively applies a bleak yet accusatory tone, and distinctly fabricates vivid imagery in the text to make the audience aware of the industrial monopolies provoked in a capitalist system.

Ultimately, the argument Sinclair makes is successful because it coherently employs effective word choice and sentence structure, tactfully imposes an oppressive and accusatory tone, and explicitly develops vivid imagery in the text to inform the readers of the corporate monopolies caused by capitalism. By highlighting the detrimental socioeconomic effects of a poorly regulated manufacturing industry, he also pertains to government representatives and elected officials. To achieve this purpose, he mainly appeals to the emotions of middle-class audiences by portraying the lives of comparable protagonists experiencing similar hardships as those of the intended audience. The intent of this novel is to attract the attention of the public to the oppressive labor market and corrupt social structure. Sinclair believes his readers along with members of the government, are part of the American community. The issue identified by the writer in the novel is the difficult labor laws and harsh living standards for newcomers in developed communities such as Chicago. Through demonstrating the authoritarian nature of governments and national leaders, Upton Sinclair sought to promote change as The Jungle became known for its fictional illustration of the muckraker revolution.

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How Did Upton Sinclair Impact Society: Critical Essay. (2023, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“How Did Upton Sinclair Impact Society: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2023,
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How Did Upton Sinclair Impact Society: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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