How Nurses Make a Difference in the Community: Essay

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For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed helping individuals that are in need. I have always felt that my contribution to the world is to serve and care for others and it led me to the nursing profession. My personal nursing approach has always been one that is based on patient-centered care with compassion and service. My goal throughout my nursing career is to make sure that all my patients are getting the best treatment possible. Before I start my career in nursing, it is essential that I explore the personal philosophies and values that will guide my nursing career. My philosophy of nursing includes keeping updated with the standards of medicine, advocating for patients, showing compassion and empathy that respects the beliefs of each patient, and building strong interpersonal relationships with my patients. My philosophy is one that is centered around empowering each patient by delivering the best holistic nursing care. This paper will illustrate the personal nursing philosophy that I plan to use throughout my nursing career.

The Nursing Culture

The nature of nursing is not something that can be easily simplified. Nursing is more than a profession, I believe that nursing derives from the commitment to public service and the betterment of other people. Nursing is more than treating individuals that are ill, it is about promoting a healthy lifestyle that will benefit the people within the community. The nature of nursing focuses on delivering specialized care for the needs of each patient. It is my belief that a fundamental aspect of nursing is advocating for our patients. According to the National Cancer Institute(2019), a “ patient advocate helps patients communicate with their healthcare providers so they get the information they need to make decisions about their health care.” As a nurse, it is my job to make sure that my patients know all their options in order for them to make a clear decision about how they want to be treated. Since the field of medicine is always evolving, nurses must keep to date with all current patient care practices. As a nurse, I need to be prepared to explain and implement any course of treatment that I advocate for my patients as well as answer questions or concerns that they may have. Patients should be able to trust in my abilities as a nurse, that I am giving them sound information and presenting them with the best options possible.

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The Patient Care Dynamic

In coming to understand how holistic, patient-centered care is provided, one must first “ recognize the human health experience as a complicated, dynamic relationship of health, illness and wellness”( Nurse Association, pg. 9) with a desired outcome of healing those in need. When nurses have a holistic approach to their patients it allows the nurse to connect to with patients on a deeper level and gives nurses a better understanding of patient’s values. Nurses have the unique ability that allows them to not just see the patients as an illness but as whole individuals. I believe that by helping heal the whole individual, it will empower patients to become a better version of themselves. As a nurse, I have the ability to help my patients not only heal physical problems but mental, emotional, and spiritual problems as well.

I want my personal nursing philosophy to be founded on compassion and empathy. My goal is to make sure that all my patients feel that I have the compassion and drive to help them through their illness. I value what is important to my patients even if it is something that I personally disagree with. As an advocate for my patients, the best way to show respect for my patients is to set aside my biases and focus on the needs of my patients. Their morals and values are some of the key principles that patients hold near to them. It is in many ways, the guide in which they use to make the decisions on how they would like to be treated, in addition to how they will continue their lifestyle once they are not seeking immediate medical treatment. It is still my responsibility to help my patients get the best possible outcome in order to fulfill their needs.

The Nursing Environment

One of the ways to accomplish a positive outcome is to create a caring environment for all patients. “ A caring environment is the one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for himself or herself at a given point in time” (Smith, Turkel, Wolf,pg147). I want to establish a caring environment where my patient can have a say in their medical treatment and decide which treatment is best for them. Patients need to be put into an environment where they feel like their voices can be heard. If a patient is feeling neglected, the nurse might not get the whole picture of what the patient is going through. As a nurse, that starts with an open and honest relationship with all my patients.

Communication is a fundamental component that is crucial in any nurse’s relationship with their patient. I want my personal nursing to include strong communication with my patients. This allows me to gain information about the patient’s perspective on their pain well as build solid trust. Patients need to feel like their nurses are committed to staying with them through the duration of illness and available when needed which I think starts with communication. I want my patients to know that they can tell me anything and I am there to actively listen to them. There are many situations where patients and their families are going through the hardest moments in their lives and they need someone to beacon of knowledge and trust for them. I want to be that option for all of my patients. The communication that I have with my patients will be the foundation of the interpersonal relationship that I plan to develop with all my patients that will help build trust, promote support, and keep the needs of the patient at the basis of all medical decisions made for my patients.

The Vision of Personal Nursing

My vision for my nursing practice focuses on what is beneficial for my patients. I want to build a caring and trusting culture around my patients to ensure them that I am there for them in their time of need. I want to specialize my care for each patient because no two patients are the same. My goal for each of my patients is to make sure that their physical as well as their, emotional needs are met and to make sure the patient’s values are being respected. I always want to value the needs of each patient and respect their views. Nursing is about being a public servant to the community by helping those in that in need of healing. Helping others become better versions of themselves, let me know that I valuable asset to my community. Interpersonal collaboration and communication between my patient and me is an aspect I hope to implement in my nursing practice in order to better my patients. I would like to work in a patient-driven environment where holistic practices are the top priority. Nursing is something I plan to use both in a medical atmosphere and with my community. My personal philosophies will guide my personal standard in my nursing practices.


    1. Philosophy. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th edition). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from http://
    2. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2nd ed., p. 9). (2013). Silver Spring, MD:
    3. Roach, Simone.M (2002). Caring, The Human Mode of Being: A Blueprint For The Health Professions (2nd ed., pp. 45-48). Ottawa, Canada: CHA Press.
    4. Patient Advocate. (N.D). National Cancer Institute online dictionary. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from
    5. Montgomery Dossey, B., & Keegan, L. (2016). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (7th ed.). Burlington, MD: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
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