How the Adversity is Depicted In The Kite Runner

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Adversity. Adversity is hardships difficult situations that someone goes through. The kite runner is a novel written by khaled hosseni and published in 2003. The novel revolves around the life of the main character Amir, baba his dad, hassan his best friends/servent. Alki hassan dad/servent, Sorayya his this essay I am going to discuss the adversity that amir and the other characters go through. For the first paragraph i’m going to talk about violence and rape. And for the second paragraph i’m going to discuss amir and baba relationship(father and son). For the 3 paragraph i am going to discuss amir and hassan’s relationship.through the paragraphs I am going to discuss the adversity that they go through.

Throughout the novel violence and rape is seen rumerous time. After amir won the kite tornament hassan runs to retrieve amir’s blue kite.As he was running he got cornered by assef and his gang(assef is a guy with one eyes and he and his gang bullie and beat up people, assef has a burceknucke that he hit people with. he once almost hit amir but hassan pull out his slingshot to save him). “Hassan lay with his chest pinned to the ground kamal and wali each gripped arm,assef was knelt behind hassan”. This technique is imagery and was quoted in page 71.While this is happening amir is just watching and doing nothing about it.i had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley,stand up for hassan the way he’s stood up for me all those times in the past and accept what would happen to me or I could run. In the end I ran because I was a coward”. This technique is foreshadowing and it was quoted in page 72.” I woke up to find toasted bread,bread tea a boiled egg already on the kitchen table. My clothes were ironed and folded where hassan usually does his ironing. He used to wait for me to sit before he started ironing that way we can talk ``. This was quoted in page 75 chapter eight. The technique is repetition because they used to do this together but now do stuff separately.

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Alot of this novel revolves around amir and his father baba. They have a good relationship. In this paragraph I am going to talk about father and son relationship and the adversity that they went through. Amir wants to be just like his father. He has lived with his father his whole life. They live in a lavish house with servents in kabul afghanistan. Sadly amir doesn’t have a mother. Amir lost his mother during birth. “He hates me because I killed my mother ''. This techniques is anecdote and it was quoted in chapter 1. Although they have a good father and son relationship amir’s father baba says that amir is no the son he wanted. If I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes I'd never believe he’s my son. This technique is an allusion and it was quoted in chapter 2 or 3. One of the reasons why baba says that amir is not like him how he can’t stand up for himself and always need hassan to stand up for or protect him. Amir’s father baba is a man who stands up for himself and other people but his own son can’t to do that. I boy who can’t stand for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up for himself”. This quote is quoted in chapter 4 and the technique in this is emotive language.when baba was a kid he won the kite tournament so amir wanted to also win one so that his father baba can be proud of him, so when amir won the kite tournament he was very happy and excited when he saw baba on the balcony waving and smiling. Amir knows that if he won the kiite tournament baba can see that they have something in common. All of these statements have adversity in them. Even though they are family there is some adversity in the relationship, amir does a lot of things like baba to solve the adversity and let his father baba be proud of him.

In this paragraph I am going to discuss amir and hassan’s relationship. Amir and hassan grew up together , they were best friends even though hassan is amir servent. Hassan and ali who is hassan’s dad lived in a little house in amir’s backyard which made them even close. They were much more like brother. In the future when amir return to kabul from Carlifornia, usa he finds out that hassan is his half brother and baba has cheated on his wife with his best friend ali wife. The technique for this quote is redemption and can be seen in chapter seventeen. They were so close as kids. We ate mulberries, pelted each other with them, giggling, laughing i can still see perfectly round face”. This technique is called symbol and the text was quoted in page two. When amir and hassan played together hassan always refused to do anything bad and he would always take the blame for amir. One of the things that they have in common is they don’t live with their parents, amir’s mum died and hassan mum left him when he was a baby. They were playmate and they ate together. When we were children, hassan and I used to climb the poplar tree in the driveway of my fathers life and annoy our neighbours ``.the techniques seen in this text are flashbacks and motis and it was quoted in page two. They stop being friends and hassan kept hiding from amir. because of many events that happened. One of the most notable events that broke up the friendship is hassan getting raped and amir not doing anything about it. I asked him where hassan was. He went back to sleep ali said, kneeling before the stove. He pulled the little square door open.would hassan be able to play today?.”.The technique in this quote is dialogue and was quoted in chapter eight. These are all the hardship that amir and hassan went through.

This is my conclusion. All these statements, text, techniques and quotes above his how adversity introduces a man to himself and how adversity is portrayed in the novel The Kite Runner by khalid hosseini.

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