Impact of Coronavirus on Canadian Society

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Corona Virus is a respiratory illness that spreads from person to person. It is also known as Covid-19. Its symptoms are quite similar to a normal cold or flu. There is no vaccine available that can cure the Corona Virus. Due to the Coronavirus, there are some social issues taking place in Canadian society such as Racism or discrimination and immigration problems. In this research essay, I will explain how Covid-19 is responsible for creating these social problems and will give some solutions to fight against it.

Impact of Corona Virus

Corona Virus is a leading social problem in Canada these days. The first case of Covid-19 is found in Wuhan, China in January 2020 after that it spread throughout the world. Today the USA has come on the top of the list of coronavirus cases and Canada is in the fifteenth position. Covid-19 is responsible for creating Racism and Discrimination among Canadian people. Coronavirus is also creating distances between people. The Canadian government ordered everyone to stop going to crowded places such as shopping malls, parties and other functions and stay at home to stop spreading it. So people cannot meet others and feel isolated. Some people think that Chinese people are responsible to spread this virus because it was first seen in China. That’s why they started doing discrimination against them. Not only Chinese people are getting discriminated against but also there are some more nationalities are being harassed by other nationalities. For example, in “San Diego a Japanese colleague was told to go back to her infected country” (Shepherd, 2020, p.1). It shows how people from different races are abusing others and making them feel uncomfortable. They do not want that Asians come close to them because they believe that Asians descent can increase the chances of spreading Covid-19. To show the hatred among Asians Canadian people started abusing them in grocery stores, colleges and even in public places.

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Moving further towards the Immigration problems in Canada. Coronavirus is creating a disturbance to the immigration as well. For public safety now immigration is being more strict towards giving visas to the newcomers and the Candian citizens who travelled to another country are also not allowed to meet their families for fourteen days and kept isolated so that they can go through full medical checkups. Flights are being cancelled to stop Coronavirus from spreading to passengers. The Canadian Government suggested all the travellers avoid all non-essential travel to China and other countries. Air Canada has cancelled all flights to Beijing, Wuhan and Shanghai. Borders are also being closed to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. All the appointments are being cancelled by public services (Green, 2020). As a consequence of these immigration problems, Canadian people are going through a lot of tensions like they cannot go to those places where is less risk of getting Coronavirus. International students cannot go to their native country to meet their family in this tough time. Everybody is feeling helpless to fight against it.

However, along with these problems, there are some solutions as well which can help us to fight against coronavirus. To protect ourselves from Covid-19 we should cover our mouth with a mask because coronavirus spreads from person to person through the air. Avoid touching something and wash hands frequently with soap or sanitizer. Do not go to crowded places and keep yourself isolated. If you feel difficulty in breathing, cough and fever then consult a doctor immediately. Keep two-meter distance from others. To stop racism and discrimination towards other races. To stop racism, the Chinese National Council for Social Justice launched its “Stop the Spread” campaign at Nathan Philips Square. The members of this council dressed in hazmat suits and distributed customized hand sanitizers with the message ‘it Protects against toxic behaviour’ and ‘works with common sense’ to guide others. (Patton, 2020). The reason behind doing this is to aware everybody that in this hard time we should not blame others and help each other to overcome this disease. Show respect to all the people living in Canada.

To conclude, I would like to say that corona is a very dangerous virus spreading throughout the world. We need to take it seriously because there is not any medicine available to cure this virus. In this tough time, we need to join hands together and fight against it. Do not abuse or physically assault Asians they need our support to be safe from this coronavirus epidemic. As we all know that it always works best when people dismiss external differences and come together. So if we fight together then definitely we can win the battle of life from Covid-19.


  1. Green, J. (2020, February 4). Coronavirus as it Affects Canadian Immigration – What we know as of February 4th,2020. Retrieved from
  2. Patton, J. (2020, March 3). Chinese Canadian group creates 'Stop the Spread' awareness program aimed at COVID-19 related racism. Retrieved from
  3. Shepherd, M. (2020, February 28). The Science Of Why Coronavirus Exposes Racism And Xenophobia. Forbes.
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Impact of Coronavirus on Canadian Society. (2022, Jun 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from
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