Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully

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Euthanasia is the assisted dying of giving people the right to die peacefully in people who are terminally ill or not experiencing their fullest life. euthanasia is all about letting the ill keep their dignity and having a peaceful death and limiting pain and suffering

During the last century, medicine has improved and the acceptance of these diseases and disabilities “it has become normal”. In saying this there are still many sicknesses that can’t be cured but also cause extreme pain to people who have them. Patients with sickness like this should have the choice of euthanasia because life as everyone should agree should be the most amazing gif of all people should be happy. But still, countries of today believe this is immoral or illegal.

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In our world today many sicknesses can give intolerable pain mentally or physically. An example of such disease is the locked-in syndrome people who have locked down can’t move any muscles. One of the people how had to deal with this is, Tony Nicklinson, in 2010 was denied his right to be euthanized by the British High Court. As Tony was unable to even move his tongue or eyeballs let lone kill himself and as the quality of his life worsened, Tony starved himself to death and died in 2012. This is not acceptable by any means of any human decency or compassion to one another people's rights and wishes its tony life and Tony’s body and he was denied that birth is given right. Tony’s family had to deal with him dying with no dignity also in pain. This is just one in an uncountable number of people with a disease like this and in this position

But the people against euthanasia still argue that this is wrong and in just that a cure could come out even the euthanasia 86% of the time shortens the life of the patient by a mouth or a couple of weeks or hours even

Besides, it is cruel and in just to keep people terminally ill alive. And at the same time, there is no proof that diseases such as locked-in syndrome or brain cancer will be cured in the near further

And as much as it is easy to keep people clinically alive someone being kept alive by a machine is not living. Is it not like torture? Assurances and promises that there will be a cure someday do not deny the fact that doctors (and relatives of an ill person) consciously keep a patient in pain and humiliation for an undetermined period. Doing this violates several individuals’ rights and should not be tolerated.

99% of the cases of euthanasia are justified. Some diseases cause severe suffering; sometimes, a patient might try to commit suicide to end this suffering; life for such patients is worse than death. Euthanasia is not killing; its letting people with there dignity—according to the statistics, patients usually ask for euthanasia a maximum of one week before they would die. Also, keeping a person alive against their will and making him or her withstand pain and suffering is not different from torture, and thus should not be allowed: if a patient wants to die, and his or her condition is truly hopeless, relatives, doctors, and the law should not prevent them from doing so.

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Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully. (2022, March 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/justification-of-euthanasia-giving-people-the-right-to-die-peacefully/
“Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully.” Edubirdie, 17 Mar. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/justification-of-euthanasia-giving-people-the-right-to-die-peacefully/
Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/justification-of-euthanasia-giving-people-the-right-to-die-peacefully/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/justification-of-euthanasia-giving-people-the-right-to-die-peacefully/

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