Malcolm X Homemade Education Essay

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What is the risk to one’s mental health after making the decision to part with a community you once belonged to? When separating yourself from your community mental challenges can be faced along with repercussions. This decision may cause you to turn to your own solitude which may then develop into loneliness. Leaving behind your former community may also result in forming a sense of guilt for leaving. Not only that but this act of separation can be painful and lead to resentment and anger.

When separating yourself from your long-time community you will be met with your solitude which can then develop into loneliness. Taking part in a community who has the same values and beliefs as you do gives you a connection between the members of this community. If your values were to change and cause you to leave the community you once related to, you’ll have to adjust to the absence of a community. For instance, in “Allegory of the Cave” the prisoner was forced out the cave and came to face with what to him was new knowledge. The prisoner now has a new understanding of life outside of the shadows he’s always known. He goes back to inform the other prisoners of this new knowledge, but they believe the outside world has made him dumb and unable to function in their community. Although, the others don’t see it this prisoner has intellectually moved past them but is now left without a community that shares his values. When a person doesn’t have people to relate to, they can turn to their own solitude which eventually leads to painful loneliness. Making this choice isn’t easy when being met with the effects of it. People often even feel guilty for leaving their community.

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Leaving behind your community can cause a sense of guilt and worry. Just, because you have made the decision to leave does not mean that your love and support of the community has left. There are

What is the risk to one’s mental health after making the decision to part with a community you once belonged to? When separating yourself from your community mental challenges can be faced along with repercussions. This decision may cause you to turn to your own solitude which may then develop into loneliness. Leaving behind your former community may also result in forming a sense of guilt for leaving. Not only that but this act of separation can be painful and lead to resentment and anger.

When separating yourself from your long-time community you will be met with your solitude which can then develop into loneliness. Taking part in a community who has the same values and beliefs as you do gives you a connection between the members of this community. If your values were to change and cause you to leave the community you once related to, you’ll have to adjust to the absence of a community. For instance, in “Allegory of the Cave” the prisoner was forced out the cave and came to face with what to him was new knowledge. The prisoner now has a new understanding of life outside of the shadows he’s always known. He goes back to inform the other prisoners of this new knowledge, but they believe the outside world has made him dumb and unable to function in their community. Although, the others don’t see it this prisoner has intellectually moved past them but is now left without a community that shares his values. When a person doesn’t have people to relate to, they can turn to their own solitude which eventually leads to painful loneliness. Making this choice isn’t easy when being met with the effects of it. People often even feel guilty for leaving their community.

Leaving behind your community can cause a sense of guilt and worry. Just, because you have made the decision to leave does not mean that your love and support of the community has left. There are cases when a person leaves their community and although they know their care remains, they build up guilt from leaving behind the community that needs them. For example, my grandma was an active member of her community in Colombia she organized gatherings in her neighborhood in hopes of ending violent crimes that the police weren’t paying attention to. When my mother turned eighteen my grandma decided to move to America resulting in her leaving behind her community. Although, she was making the choice so that my mother could have a better education than the one she received in Colombia she couldn’t help but feel guilty when thinking about her community back in Colombia who also needed her help. Another example would be James Baldwin leaving his community in Harlem, New York to go focus on his writing in Switzerland. You can see through essays like “Stranger in the Village” where he compares his experience as a black man in Switzerland to his experience in America that he is still upset and speaking out against the injustice of black people in America. Then in the movie “I Am Not Your Negro” Baldwin discusses how it was his time to come back to America and “pay his dues” referring to being long absent from the movement taking place in America and him missing the death of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr and Medgar Evar. Although Baldwin left his community in Harlem, New York that did not stop him from missing it. I mention this to show that although someone leaves their community that does not mean their conscious is cleared of the issues that remain there. Although there are cases when you are leaving the community and it results in conflict and anger.

Leaving a community, you’ve grown and shared beliefs with is not only painful but may lead to resentment and anger. For example, in “A Homemade Education” Malcolm X talks about his encounter with Elijah Muhammad’s teachings. One of Malcolm’s reason for his self-education was to be able to articulately express himself with Mr. Muhammad. When Malcolm left prison, he joined Mr. Muhammad’s community in the Nation of Islam. Later on, Malcolm X decided to part ways with that community and as it says in A Homemade Education “For his defection, Malcolm X was assassinated.” Malcolm X decided to leave the community he was once part of to build a community of his. This action resulted in his assassination. Often in a religious community, there is an expected behavior of the members to follow the norms and values. Any disagreement of these norms or value can lead separating from your community. This action can be perceived as a form of betrayal which leads to feelings of anger and resentment between both parties.

Leaving your community results in experiencing mental challenges that aren’t easy to deal with. You can experience loneliness which will affect your ability to function in society. Adding on to that you may be met with guilt for leaving your former society. This painful action can also cause tension and anger to build up against your community. There are many effects on the mind when behind your community.

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