Marine Pollution and How it Affects Marine Life? Essay

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Whales, turtles and seabirds are in critical danger with 8 million tons of plastic dumped into our oceans every year, marine life is swallowing more plastic than ever and it’s killing them fast. Today I am here to discuss the types of marine pollution and how it affects marine life.

Sewage is a common pollution, it consists mostly of greywater, blackwater soaps, detergents and toilet paper. Blackwater can contain feces, urine, water and toilet paper from flushed toilets, blackwater is contaminated with disease-carrying bacteria, salmonella, it is one of the most dangerous types of bacteria in raw sewage.

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Litter consists of trash and household substances that are improperly disposed of on land or in water. There are three bins, a green which should be used for garden waste and organic food. A yellow bin should contain only recyclable substances, a red bin only waxy cardboard, non-recyclable plastics, polystyrene and ceramics. To prevent littering make sure you put your rubbish in the right bin.

Deep-sea mining is a process that takes place on the ocean floor. Mining on the ocean floor could do irreversible damage to deep-sea ecosystems, says a new study of seabed mining proposals around the world. The scraping of the ocean floor by machines can destroy deep-sea habitats, leading to the loss of species and loss of ecosystem structure and function.

Single-use plastics like plastic bags, water bottles, straws, cups, utensils, take-out containers are used once and then discarded. If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw, a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to disintegrate. Purchase your reusable bag and be sure to wash them often. The best way to do this is by refusing any single-use plastics that you do not need.

Aquatic life and birds can mistake microplastics for food. Plastic strapping bands can also be dangerous for marine animals like seals and dolphins causing cuts around their necks or fins. Many marine animals and seabirds can also mistake litter items for prey that can lead to chocking and blocking the air ways and stomach.

Organisations such as 4Ocean are trying their best to aware people what marine pollution is doing to humanity and nature. “We’re here to clean the ocean and coastlines while working to stop the inflow of plastic by changing consumption habits,” from the official 4Ocean page, they have teams all over the world in places like Bali, Florida, Haiti and Texas. They use recycled plastic from the ocean to create -bracelets and try to get as many people to contribute to beach clean-ups because not many people know how fast climate change can affect us. This will help to remove easily accessible garbage from the ocean.

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Marine Pollution and How it Affects Marine Life? Essay. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 5, 2025, from
“Marine Pollution and How it Affects Marine Life? Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Marine Pollution and How it Affects Marine Life? Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 5 Jan. 2025].
Marine Pollution and How it Affects Marine Life? Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 5]. Available from:

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