Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced

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Did you know that our oceans sustain human and animal life? Oceans will feed a billion, individuals a healthy meal, every day, forever . However, now the oceans are being filled and killed by throwaway plastics. Did you know that the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped in the sea every minute. This works out to be 17 point six billion tons of rubbish every single year.

Sad to say plastic is all over the oceans, floating on the surface mix within the salt sea water and sitting on the seabed kilometres and kilometres down at the bottom. Once, within the ocean it WILL NEVER GO AWAY. It takes many years for plastic to break down into small pieces. However, those pieces will become microscopic, but it is still plastic that will stay forever.

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We need to change!

Plastic is in the water we drink and it's in our food. Micro plastic has been found in our salt, honey and in beer. Sometimes even in the air, we breathe.

Companies are choosing to make something that will be used just once from a martial that lasts forever.

If you don’t like what throwaway plastics are already doing to our world, brace yourself. We face a tsunami of throw away plastics in our ocean. Four times more plastic will be produced between now, and the middle of the century than has been produced in all our history four times more.

Ironically in the 1950s and 1960s, a major chapter of the industrial revolution, was when the whole world began developing plastics technology and flooding the market with products made of plastic. In fact, the production of plastic products has outpaced almost every material worldwide.

Fertiliser, untreated biodegradable pollution pollutes the ocean at the speed of one 4kg per person. This may cause drive or maybe huge dead zones within the ocean killing off marine life. Waste oil from machines and vehicles enters the ocean at a awfully quick rate of one hundred eighty grams per second each year you do the math.

We need to change!

Other garbage are introduced to the ocean at a little however devastating rate. this can be not inevitable. we are able to scale back ocean pollution by rethinking and modifying the manner we have a tendency to manufacture and consume.

The Un states that a minimum of 800 species worldwide are affected by sick by marine detritus, the maximum amount as eighty % of that pollution is plastic. Wow ocean birds, ocean turtles, and fish and marine mammals will become entangled in or ingest plastic detritus inflicting suffocation, starvation, and even death this can be frightful. U.S. humans aren't proof against this threat.

Animals above the food chain like seals will have contaminants levels 1million times more than the water during which they live. Polar bears, that take advantage of seals, will have contamination levels up to three times higher than their environment.

Plastic waste will inspire the growth of pathogens at intervals in the ocean. According to a recent study, scientists conclude that if corals that come in contact with plastic have an 89% probability of catching the unwellness this needs to change.

As of 2015 only 9% of plastic was recycled even when recycled plastic degrades, your old plastic bottle may become a shampoo bottle then a floor Matt in the best case it doesn’t recycle, it down cycles down and then it will become pollution.

We should not have to pollute the ocean every time we eat, drink or go shopping. Some companies are already leading the way by throw away free plastic aisles in supermarkets.

Another very vital analysis indicates that 1/2 ocean turtles worldwide have eaten plastic. Some stave when doing therefore, they need devoured enough as a result of their stomachs area unit packed with dirty pollution.

If we do not address these problem scientists predict that the weight of the ocean plastics will exceed the combined weight of all this fish in the sea by 2050. This is not acceptable.

We humans need to change because our wildlife is in great danger and some animals will become close to being extinct!!

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Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from
“Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 7 Jan. 2025].
Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

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