Memoir Essay Examples

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Journey Where I Found My Purpose in Life

1 Page 654 Words
“The cities, the roads, the countryside, the people I meet - they all begin to blur. I tell myself I am searching for something. But more and more, it feels like I am wandering, waiting for something to happen to me, something that will change everything, something that my whole life has been leading up to”. I couldn’t relate myself...

Reflections on Experience of Owning a Dog

2 Pages 904 Words
While watching my father dig a hole slowly at the bottom of our garden, I was unaware at the time this was in fact where one of my childhood best friends was going: the dog I grew up with. I was unaware of how ill he was, unaware of how far cancer had spread all over him. As a young...

Essay on Personal Experience of an Educational Tour

5 Pages 2252 Words
On 28th June 2019, Friday, I participated on a short trip with my classmates from the course MPU3412 Social Responsibility to the local heritage-preserving museum called the Muzium Negara, which provides an overview of the rich Malaysian history and culture over the past sixty years. As a matter of fact, Muzium Negara or the National Museum building was established and...

My Worst Childhood Memory

2 Pages 831 Words
For most people, their worst childhood memories are of playground scuffles or getting in trouble. Not for me though, my earliest memories are of me finding out about my dad’s affair and his smoking addiction. Growing up, I knew there was something broken about my family. My home was always one full of incessant fighting, friction and worry. I didn’t...

My Sweetest Childhood Memories

2 Pages 688 Words
Childhood memories are strange because sometimes I can't be sure if I remember anything. Someone said that spending your whole childhood wishing would grow up, and then spending the entire adult life hoping to become a child, that's right! On the hustle and bustle of life, accidentally bumped into small corners that in my childhood years, it was the whole...

Essay on My Summer Vacation Trip to England

2 Pages 894 Words
As a child, my favorite time of year was the summer time, because it meant I could go and visit my family. Most of my family are from and still live in a small seaside town called Lowestoft, which is located in the south-east of England. Every visit back home is important to me in its own way, but my...

My Bitter-Sweet Memory

1 Page 557 Words
Eating brownies with my mom was the best bonding experience, until an unforeseen occurrence took place after my tenth birthday: I was left despising the very thing I loved the most. With me having no fondness towards cake, cookies were always a go to for my birthday parties. I felt as though I had tried every cookie in the galaxy...

Essay on Favourite Childhood Memories

1 Page 576 Words
When recalling my childhood memories, there are many stories. Some of them makes me happy, but some of them are not good ones. Well, I grew up in Rewasa village, one of the most beautiful and scenic places in Ra, and one of my favorite childhood memories was going on a hunting trip with my dad. I grew in up...

My First Trip to San Juan: An Essay

1 Page 505 Words
Every year, my family takes a trip to Puerto Rico to visit family and friends. In 2017, Hurricane Maria came to the Island and devastated Puerto Rico, ‘La Isla del Encanto’. The next time we visited our home in Las Marias was in the summer of 2018. We were able to see our family and bring some things that were...

An Essay About a Trip to Paris

2 Pages 721 Words
My first trip to Paris was a remarkable experience, which I will never forget. My parents drove from Vitoria to Paris at the cold Christmas weather. We stayed until the New Year in a hotel located in a suburb of Paris and visited the city every day. It was a great feeling to arrive in Paris and see the city...

My Unforgettable Trip: An Essay

1 Page 620 Words
It was just one of the ordinary days I was sitting on the gentle sofa drinking my cup of freshly brewed americano while preparing for the last exam. It seemed that nothing could disrupt me at this moment as I was too concentrated but suddenly rang out a call with a title: ‘Darling is calling’. I was sure that he...

Essay About My Experience of Moving to Another Country

2 Pages 825 Words
Imagine moving to Japan when you are seven years old. Growing up in the military I have seen a good portion of the world. Japan though is to date the most memorable. See when you are a kid everything is new and exciting to you, more so when you think you are going to go see things that you only...

An Essay About a Trip to a Museum

2 Pages 706 Words
Last week I had an opportunity to visit a famous art museum in Iowa. It was the Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport. I’m not a fan of art but visiting a museum has always been an enjoyable experience for me. I wasn’t surprised to see all kinds of people speaking different language from different backgrounds and some from foreign...

Essay on My Fishing Trip in Miami and How It Changed My Views

1 Page 482 Words
At the age of seven, me and my brothers went to Miami for summer vacation. We had decided amongst us to go on a fishing trip. I was very excited to go on this fishing trip as my brothers had done once before and told me that it’s a unique kind of experience. As we were in Miami, one of...

Essay About a Holiday Trip to Remember

2 Pages 760 Words
My holiday trip to remember I ever had was 9 years ago, with my husband for our honeymoon. We went to a small island called Langkawi, off the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It was the furthest away I had ever travelled, and I remember feeling so excited to be going on an adventure for 14 days of pure paradise....
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