Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare

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Othello is considered one of the most tremendous tragedies out of Shakespeare's excellent, well-known work. Shakespeare's playwright was initially believed to have performed around 1604 for the relatively the first time. It is a story based on Othello, an African general within the Vietnam army, who is tricked by an envious and spiteful man into suspecting that his wife had committed adultery with his soldier. A few common known themes of this play includes prejudice against races, manipulation, and a great deal of covetousness. Particularly, the prejudicial race factor was directed towards Othello. Being regarded as a beast and Moor, it's a clear sign that Othello is African American. However, the character, Micheal Cassio, played a huge role in the development of the outstanding playwright and was also known as the trustworthy soldier of Othello’s and one of the main targets of the antagonist. In Shakespeare's Othello, Cassio’s naiveté and the point that he lacks the experience that other military personnel would have created the circumstances in which Iago could fall through with his ghastly plan.

Therefore, Cassio's objective in the playwright is solely to move the plot further along by being used as one of Iago’s many pawns.Cassio occurs as a susceptible victim in which Iago used to his leisure to convince Othello of the adultery that Desdemona has falsely been accused of. Hind Abdullah Alkoli and Shi Ji claim in ”An Analysis of Power Desire of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello From Psychological Perspectives” that “Cassio is the man who got a position that Iago wanted for himself and Othello is the man who put him there” (420). Iago is envious of Cassio, an extensively less experienced officer with a good impression on Othello, and finds his promotion an “insult given that Cassio has so little experience” (Alkoli 419; Ji 419). This influenced Iago’s decision to ruin Cassio and he started putting actions behind his plan. The night that Cassio and Iago both were waiting for guard duty for the celebration of Othello’s and Desdemona's wedding along, Iago planned to make Cassio disregard his resolution considering it would be an easy task because of Cassio’s lack of experience.

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As stated by Ram Prasad Rai in ”Jealousy and Destruction in William Shakespeare's Othello”, ”Cassio refuses to drink” but nevertheless, eventually ends up drinking along with the others that night and gets into a drunken mood and brawl (Rai 55). The next day, to Iago’s pleasure, Othello demoted Cassio from his lieutenant’s position. Iago pretends to be worried about the unfortunate situation that Cassio found himself in and uses this to scheme another false situation in order for him to harm ”a master who kept him down, and by envy for a man he despises who promoted over him.” (Alkoli 419, Ji 419). With Cassio being upset and vulnerable, Iago preys on him upset and advises him to seek advice from Desdemona. Therefore, creating a path for Iago to communicate false statements to Othello about them both.However, without Cassio, Iago’s plan wouldn't have prevailed as easily and would have been additionally difficult to effectively complete. The author indicates that Cassio is ”good looking” which identifies that he would be a wonderful lover for Desdemona (Alkoli 418, Ji 418). Iago also states that Cassio was ”hath a person and a smooth dispose / To be suspected, framed to make women false” (Shakespeare 1.3).

Cassio's behavior consists of gallantry and courtesy which could be easily misinterpreted as flirtation towards women. This made it simple for Iago to portray Cassio as “free and open nature,” and as Desdemona’s paramour (Shakespeare 1.3). This was not a good thing for Desdemona and Cassio because even though Othello is a tremendous leader, the combination of stress and the much tension upon his shoulders, the boiling covetousness that he has to face, and the loss of honor from upon him was basically a trigger which made Othello mad and violent. Therefore, he does not hesitate to murder his wife. Dr. Himadri Sekhar Roy and Md. Ziaul Haque stated in ”The Mad Othello: A Psychological Perspective” that ”Othello is not jealous by nature” (26). Being a senior general in the army and a highly regarded Moor, Othello is not known for being easily desirous. For example, it is shown that Iago can't even help but honor Othello because he ”Is of a constant, loving, noble nature” (Shakespeare 3.3) If it wasn't for the opportunity that Cassio unknowingly helped Iago create, it would've been extra difficult to turn Othello into an envious and violent man who would have the courage to suffocate his honest wife and seize his own life along with it.

Above all, making Cassio the perfect addition to Iago’s master scheme to ruin Othello.Aside from other characters in the playwright, Cassio ultimately learns and develops as a character. Alkoli and Sho Ji mention that Iago manages to trap people into a web of lies and manipulation by ”getting close to all personalities and playing on weaknesses while they refer to him as honest Iago” (420). Iago is simply known as ”-cynical and self seeking” and cleverly uses every little chance he can possibly get to his benefit. (Roy et al.). Rightfully so, it can be stated that the path of deception and manipulation that Iago leads people onto is quite cunning and strong that as a result, Othello suffocates his wife to her death and also kills himself eventually too. He never lets Othello think logically on his lonesome. As a result, not only does Othello reach devastation from the poisoning effects of jealousy as planned but by the end of the playwright, Cassio manages to get the rightful position that he deserves to have after the hardships that he had to face throughout Iago’s schemes. As it is believed by Iago that he was more inclined to get the Lieutenant position that previously belonged to Cassio, it shows not one indication throughout the playwright that Iago was superior.

Not only did Cassio prove that he's further skilled than Iago once, but it was additionally substantiated when Cassio replaced Othello as the Governor of Cyprus. Cassio discovering the truth about Iago’s betrayal among many other characters was increasingly important for him. This ended the blind trust he retained for people and the innocence that he withheld. For the most part, it made him increasingly responsible and cautiously apparent towards others.To conclude, Cassio is an important character within Shakespeare's Othello thanks to Iago using him as one of his main pawns throughout the well-known playwright. Cassio occurs as a susceptible victim in which Iago used to his leisure to convince Othello of the adultery that Desdemona has falsely been accused of. Because of the fact that Cassio had been given the position that Iago wanted, he planned to make Cassio disregard his resolution by getting him to drink among the others and become a part of a brawl. With Cassio being upset and vulnerable after getting his newly earned title stripped away, Iago preys on him and advises him to seek advice from Desdemona which created a path for Iago to communicate false statements to Othello about them both.

Alkoli indicated that Cassio is ”good looking” which identifies that he would be a marvelous lover for Desdemona (418). Iago also states that Cassio was ”hath a person and a smooth dispose / To be suspected, framed to make women false” (Shakespeare 1.3). Furthermore, thanks to Cassio's behavior that consisted of gallantry and courtesy which could be easily misinterpreted as flirtation towards women, Iago’s plan wouldn't have prevailed as easily and would've been additionally difficult to effectively complete. It also made thig simpler for Iago to portray Cassio as Desdemona’s paramour which was not a good thing for Desdemona and Cassio because it made things easier for Iago to continue his dangerous plan which would result in a not so favorable outcome for the two innocent bystanders. If it wasn't for the opportunity that Cassio unknowingly helped Iago create, it would've been increasingly difficult to turn Othello into an envious and violent man who would have the courage to suffocate his honest wife and seize his own life along with it. Even though Othello is a tremendous leader, the combination of stress and the much tension upon his shoulders, the boiling covetousness that he has to face, and the loss of honor from upon him was basically a trigger that made Othello mad and violent. Dr. Himadri Sekhar Roy and Md. Ziaul Haque stated in ”The Mad Othello: A Psychological Perspective” that ”Othello is not jealous by nature” (26).

Being a senior general in the army and a highly regarded Moor, Othello is not known for being easily desirous. Rightfully so, it can be stated that the path of deception and manipulation that Iago leads people onto is quite cunning and strong that as a result, not only affected Othello to the point of him reaching devastation from the poisoning effects of jealousy as planned but by also helped Cassio get the rightful position that he deserves to have after the hardships that he had to face throughout Iago’s schemes and even develops him into a responsible and increasingly cautious person towards others. Therefore, Cassio's objective in the playwright is solely to move the plot further along, helping the idea of Othello being considered as one of the most tremendous tragedies out of Shakespeare's well-known work.

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Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare. (2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/micheal-cassio-in-the-world-of-shakespeare/
“Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare.” Edubirdie, 09 Jun. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/micheal-cassio-in-the-world-of-shakespeare/
Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/micheal-cassio-in-the-world-of-shakespeare/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 09 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/micheal-cassio-in-the-world-of-shakespeare/

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