Multicultural Collaboration And Its Significance

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Multicultural collaboration is situation where people from diverse cultures get together and work as an organization. They share common motives. They have common purpose and goals. They crate harmony between each other to work as an organization for long period of time. There are many example in present world of multicultural collaboration like CPEC (Pak-China economic corridor) a business collaboration between Pakistan and China and NATO a military alliance between European countries and America.

There are some terms which are used inter relatedly (synonymously) but in deep they have different meanings i.e. collaboration, multicultural collaboration and coalition.

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Collaboration involves people or group of people work together for multiple goals to achieve. Their organization is for long period of time and a commitment is built with each other in form of making policies and roles. They have a high respect for each other and they trust and value each other. Sometimes they create high context communication regardless of their background.

Multi-Cultural Collaboration

When people from different culture joint together and create an organization in form of a culture which comprise of person from every culture. They share their own values, norms, religion social background, tradition, language, life-style, dressing codes, ethics and much more. They create a culture where everybody share his own values and common purpose. Such like collaboration occurs in business community.


Like collaboration, coalition is also a get together of people but their organization purpose is for specific issue or problem which they cannot tackle on their own. They come tighter with each other because they cannot solve that issue without help of others. This collaboration is short termed. When they solve their issue or problem, they go on their own ways. In peace missions of UN many countries create coalition with many other countries where they have no active relationship with each other.

Various Techniques to Build Multicultural Collaboration

There are some techniques which used to build successive multicultural collaboration. Some are given in below.

1. Motivate others

For the purpose of successive multicultural collaboration, people must be motivated to bring collaboration in context of culture. They must share their efforts to achieve common goals. Culture differences must be avoided. The motivation is necessary for bringing cooperation and connection with each other.

2. Be accommodative:

A person must be in fully accommodation in order to get successful multicultural collaboration. They must be in flexible nature to accept others social background, religion and others values.

3. Adapting attitude:

A person needs to adapt his attitude according to the requirements of other culture. He must display those behavior which is not only acceptable to him but also to other person as well. He must know how to become a part of a culture which is comprise of persons from diverse cultural background.

4. Be a philanthropic rather a misanthropic:

In multicultural collaboration, it is necessary to accept and like others. Their background must be acceptable in order to get a complete organization. Misanthropic attitude in every respect is dangerous to society and culture. Like people regardless of their background, accept them as valuable personals who can add in every aspect of life.

5. Avoid orthodox:

We must not be so conservative that we do not accept valuable changes in our lives. Yes it is natural that everybody loves his background but strictly attachment to the background that I am all in all will leads to destruction. In order to get success achievement of your goals, as person need to show room in his attitude to accept new things about people, their culture, their religion, their language, their tradition and life styles. Accept people having different background to learn new things in life. Enjoy everybody norms and traditions.

6. Ethnocentrism:

Consider yourself superior to others and having a mental condition that my culture background, religion, and other things related to me are far better than others humans is ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is great barrier in communication and a person with ethnocentric attitude never accept others. Ethnocentric person never get mingled with other person. Other people always try to avoid such person. He became an outcast due his attitude from his own culture sometimes.

7. No stereo typing, no generalization, no assumption:

Most of the time we create assumption about others and tries to expect such behavior and action from the people. Our generalization about other build perception in our mind. It is a barrier in multicultural collaboration. People who made perception about others face difficulties in collaboration. They drive their mind with self-made idea with the help of their past experiences. Their views, stereotyping, and generalization may be good or bad but it hinder the process of collaboration. Our stereotypes effect the judgment process of other people. A stereotype person never get absorb or mixed up with other people if he has some generalized views about them.

8. Freedom:

A culture comes into existence where people feel free to express themselves, act according to their motives and get together with each other without any boundaries. Freedom create equality in status, values, and in expression. Everybody is treated and considered equally. Everybody get equal opportunity to participate in a culture. In such context, he become a part with that culture cordially and accept its norms, ethics, codes, and utilities and present themselves as a peaceful and valued being. He accept every one like his brothers or close relatives and tries to create a bond of affection between them. They like each other and a just community comes into existence.

9. Empathize with others:

In order to get collaborated with others, we need to empathize with others. Empathizing is, when we meet a person we not only consider his status and dressing to understand him but also consider his/her emotion, feelings, and expressions to understand him completely. In collaboration, we need to understand other’s feelings, emotions and values. We must consider other actions and behavior in the light of their emotions and feelings. They adopt their emotions and feelings due to their past experiences and their background. They become sensitive towards those situation and speeches which are connected with them.

10. Observation and following of common goals and codes:

For successful collaboration, it is very necessary to observe those codes and follow those goals which are common to all person in organization. Everybody is equally responsible in following these goals. They must get equal opportunity to participate and work together as a team. Common goals will help in creating harmony between people. They will work together in effective manner because everyone is individually connected with the result.

11. Leadership opportunity:

Make everyone responsible for organization goals and achievements. Give them chance to lead the organization to get success. They will show a spirit to lead everyone and consider its values, ethics, religion their own. They will tries their best to drive them to success. Leadership responsibilities will enables them to connect and unite people with each other. They will think for the sack of the organization. Many countries in the world have ministers which are actually emigrants. Canada and Australia always gives opportunity to those foreign people which are inhibited in highly populated countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. They give them nationalities because the need more man power. Google CEO is Sundar Pichai who is Indian. Sadiq Khan, a Pakistani, is mayor of London. Eoin Morgan, current England cricket team captain, is from Ireland. Ricky Ponting former Australian cricket captain was Indian.

12. Teamwork:

A team cannot survive or win the game without proper team work. Individual performance never wins a match. A collaboration will be successful if everybody play their due role in working together. Everybody must be considered as important as a feet of a table, without a table never balance. Team work can carry their task in proper direction through adequate guidance from their leader. Each and every one cooperate with their fellow being to move towards their achievement.

13. Flexibility:

Flexibility is opposite to status quo which is attachment to your current position so rigidly that consider it a sin to get a positive change in yourself. Flexible person is accepted everywhere. Every society placed him among his individuals. A flexible person can easily adjust himself anywhere in any culture. He know every minute detail of a culture because he has intention and curiosity to know. His mind and heart is open to receive and give culture information. He is a true representative of his culture. He present himself so openly that people become compelled by his attitude to start liking his or her culture.

14. Be a good listener and observer:

Observation and listening are key process to learning new things. Observe and listen others. Practice what they do in their culture? What are their traits? What they like and what they hate? What are their motives and what they respect? All such kind of information can give you a comprehensive idea about others and as a result they become no more alien.

Why we need a Collaboration?

We are living in a world which is becoming a global village day by day through fast communication. People are communicating with each other for the purpose of trade, education, health issues and political goals. They are creating individual relation and cultural relation with each other. Now, no difference is considered between the people of France and Zimbabwe. People are openly coming forward to share their ideas and views. A country is becoming allied with a country situated miles away but they are actively engage in collaboration.

Change and innovation are the key movers in global environment. Everybody is in rush and trying to create/capture new opportunities around the world. In achieving the organizational and marketing success, everyone specials leaders and teams are facing problems of organizational collaboration across business and cultures. Either it is political or social, international interaction between organizations are growing needs to connect their local thought, ideas and voices to the global actions.

How we will facilitate the global collaboration today and future? is a question which answer may be that people are facing a world which is totally interconnected and independent. People provide opportunity to learn and benefit from wealth of diverse ideas and practices of other people. There are still so many gaps in bringing forward potential to our communities and organizations. Collaboration fails due to time, power, distance and mismanagement. Outcomes of collaboration are effected due to improper innovation, efficiency, performance and result. If we understand and observe we will see that there is need of collaboration for poor and wealthy communities. They are in dire need of connecting to the global network. They need solution to their problems by strategic social global education.

A good collaboration demands inclusion, transparency, and knowledge-sharing to make it a reality. Wherever an organization plan for something they must co-create opportunity for strategy making. Diverse knowledge and ideas that are rich in dialogue between different groups are necessary for engaging cross-cultural and cross-functional teams.

Some needs of effective collaboration are discussed below.

1. Leadership inclusion:

In effective collaboration environment, it is necessary to include leadership for inspiring new ideas and facilitate knowledge sharing diverse groups. Leaders tries to inspire collaboration community through their engaging power, behavior, guidance which gives empowerment, communication, inclusion of everybody and direction. They promote and direct facilitation of group action, dialogue and sharing of knowledge in complex multicultural environment.

2. Participation in strategy making:

We possess an art of listening local and social voices which requires openness and responsiveness for competing with diverse multi-cultural prospective. A person need to be dynamic enough to interchange his thoughts globally and locally. He need to be cooperative rather than pushing their ideas and fixed strategies on others. He must start strategy making from local perspective and shape it to global vision. He must consider his team members valuable enough to accelerate collaboration by recognition, responsiveness and engagement.

3. Engagement of Innovative Culture

In process of collaboration we will be able to engage a culture representative of innovative ideas, thoughts, and actions. Creativity comes with initiative taking, transparency, and open communication. It is necessary to engage a culture where people present their innovative and creative ideas to bring forward their organization. There must freedom of opportunities to every one regardless of his race or religion to cooperate with his organizational fellows.

4. Knowledge sharing culture:

We constantly struggle to move beyond complex organizational structure in order to collaborate effectively and creating solution to the problem. Organization builds knowledge platform and networks to simplify worldwide communication. They try to optimize technologies and nurture conversation to develop a knowledge source.

5. Interaction:

Now a days, we have many doors of communicating across borders through media and online technologies. Interpersonal commination and team building are ultimately effective in creating relation among diverse culture and groups. Social networking, knowledge sharing and cross-cultural sources are key to create a helpful collaboration.

Opportunities of inspiration and innovation is provided by teams, organizations and leaders. People are facilitated through multicultural collaboration to insight and discover open-mindset, inclusiveness, dialogue and a continuous quest for sharing solution of problems in the world. Local knowledge provide essential information to understand international customers and market. Great attention is required for crating meaningful change through leadership and effective organization in order to celebrate optimize culture diversity.


Multicultural collaboration organizations face different kind of challenges while they are collaboration. Most of the challenges originate from different style of communication. Main challenges which they face are direct vs indirect communication, accent and fluency, and inappropriate attitude.

  1. Direct vs indirect communication: Direct vs indirect communication can cause serious damages to relationship between team members when they encounter some problem. Usually, communication is straight forward and explicit in most of organizations. The meanings are apparent and listeners do not require any context of its interpretation.
  2. Accent and fluency: Fluency and accent cause problems in international language community. English is international business language misunderstanding and frustration may occur. Nonnative speakers’ accent also have impacts on perception and competence.
  3. In appropriate Attitude: Multicultural collaboration is considered flat by their managers. They ignore the reality that in specific culture their attitude determined how they treat their teams. Inappropriate attitude from higher status member of organization may damage team member stature and credibility.
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