My Hobby Is Hiking Essay

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Every single person has their own unique racial identity. Racial identity is influenced not only by biological factors, but also the environment and culture which one has lived. The racial identity you think of and the racial identity you see can be different. Racial identity is important because it is essential to understanding how various races communicate and how they are viewed by society. A person who has established an incorrect racial identity may have wrong prejudices and this may lead to discrimination. We can analyze our racial identity through many different categories. Understanding how identity effects my own life is something that I have based on my own life experiences as well as the community I grew up in. I clearly define myself as a Korean. There are a number of factors that I can identify myself racially, and these have been very important parts of my life.

The mountain is the object of affection for Koreans and hiking has been one of the popular sports activities among Koreans. Since Korea is a mountainous country with 70 percent of its terrain consisting of hills and peaks, you can easily visit any mountain if you leave the house without any special plans. I have been hiking with my family every weekend since I was young. . The reason why Koreans visit the mountain frequently is connected with the spirit of loving and protecting nature. Our ancestors used to value the attitude of living with nature. Hiking makes me feel more Korean. Koreans who worked tirelessly through rapid economic development visited the mountain to find peace and stability in their minds. I can say hiking reminds me of my heritage. The mountains are closely connected to my identity in ethnic and emotional ways.

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Koreans are an especially music-loving people. Since ancient times, they have continued a rich tradition of musical culture. I grew up listening to traditional Korean music because my father collected vinyl records. The 1970-80s are called “the golden age” of music in Korea, and I can learn about the past of a culture by listening to the music from that time period. Music has a strong influence on my emotions. Korean music makes me feel the “PungRyu spirit” as a Korean. PungRyu spirit refers to the spirit of communicating with God through songs and dances, enjoying nature and honing Taoism.

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My Hobby Is Hiking Essay. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“My Hobby Is Hiking Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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My Hobby Is Hiking Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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