Poverty in the Philippines

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Ever since money was introduced to us a thousand years ago, it had controlled our lives ceaselessly. Due to this many people were blessed to have enormous amounts of riches to sustain and to provide for their families and selves, but if there are people who are at the top there are also people at the bottom. Poverty is not having enough material possessions or income for a person's needs. Some families, mainly in the Philippines are greatly affected by poverty. In fact, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the poverty incidence among Filipino individuals in the first semester of 2018 was estimated at 21.0 percent. Because of this, the Philippines had always struggled to keep its nation to prosper because of a great number of families experiencing extreme poverty. There are many contributing factors to poverty preventing the successful economy of the Philippines.

One such factor contributing to the rise of extreme poverty is the occurrence of natural disasters. Natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis and many more tend to destroy the houses and properties that serve as a source of income to the families of the Philippines, because of this Filipino families struggle to make a living and provide for their families.

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Unemployment also tends to be a contributing factor to poverty. Because of the lack of income due to inexperience Filipino parents fail to support the needs of their families. Because of this not only does the Filipino families suffer but also the country itself due to the lack of manpower and people who have jobs.

Crime and theft are among the biggest, if not the biggest, contributors to poverty. It can happen anywhere from small villages to big cities. Because of this, people who don’t have much tend to fail in life. They struggle to bring back what has been taken from them and tend to have a hard time finding a way to prosper and escape from extreme poverty.

Lastly, disease is the main cause of poverty in some parts of the Philippines. People who don’t have enough money to afford to have poor hygiene and due to their foul and dirty environments Filipino families fall prey to many diseases. They also can’t afford a great amount of money to get a doctor or to cure their illnesses.

Poverty truly prevents the Philippines to be a more powerful and successful country. If we don’t take action and stop the causes of poverty it might spread to even more families in the Philippines making it harder to stop it. When people take action and make a change and stop poverty once and for all only then can we stay true to the country’s tagline, ‘It’s more fun in the Philippines’.

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Poverty in the Philippines. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/poverty-in-the-philippines/
“Poverty in the Philippines.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/poverty-in-the-philippines/
Poverty in the Philippines. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/poverty-in-the-philippines/> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
Poverty in the Philippines [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jan 31 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/poverty-in-the-philippines/

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